reply to post by DuneKnight
In reply to your post about risk and in the context of the behaviors of which the OP is speaking.
First let me link this post from page 2 of this thread. Read this and continue on in the context of the OP. This link also links in it a post to a
fellow named Madnessinmysoul on the board about Homosexuality what is wrong with it. You might want to read that link in the one linked here.
Heres the link. from page 2 of this thread
The way risk that we carry on certain conduct in order to socially gain some kind of advantage.....usually with a mind to reducing our
risk in some manner.
What is not generally taught to men is that for many women status is very important. To all women no ..but to many yes. Social status is
quite marketable and profitable.
You can tell this by just walking through any department a mall for example. The ratio of goods male to female is about 7 to
one..female...not male.
This implys that status in acquirring these goods or access to these goods implys a pecking order..among women. Many of these goods are sold with
sex and sexuality in mind. The male may not catch it or understand by a glance .but the women by and large can take all this in with a passing
glance. They see very keenly what most men will miss...particularly in reference to sexuality and status.
Purchasing power in a marketplace means less risk...understand? Access to a male to enhance purchasing power means less risk. The tool to get this
is beauty and sexuality. This is constantly promoted and pandered magazines, on television..everywhere.
It does not matter if a woman works or not...most women are not looking to marry or date down the economic ladder to someone making less moneys than
they ...they understand the status and risk thing much better than most men.
Sex and sexuality among many women ..especially the younger generation today is seen as an almost exclusive route to power and control over men
without much risk. "This is a 180 degree turnabout from the original position of the womens movement of the 1960s and 1970s where women were
protesting being viewed as sex objects. Today it is a mark of excellence to be a sex object. More so than the competition. This is the market trend
used to put women on a string. Men too.
This is why you see words like.. "She Tamed him" in articles or romance novels ..meaning sexually she mastered him or brought him around to her way
of thinking by sleeping with him.
if you look at magazine covers like Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Elle..and others of this is mostly about sex and sexuality. Even the cover
articles and by lines reek of this thinking. This is why I say..these television programs are a cheap version of "Girls Gone Wild". These magazines
and romance novels are too. It is the best they can do and there is a huge market for this stuff...with the key behind the scenes message being how to
reduce a womans risk...what strategy to use to reduce ones risk.
How do I know this ..I occassionally read them and look for trends. Mostly they are predicatable.
One common many of these magazines is the Quiz. Dont take responsibilty...or risk...take quizzes instead. Got it now??
The intresting thing about most men is that they are totally oblivious to this kind of thinking.
but i i see it differently; female masculinity is the trend here in terms of women taking the role of the guy and basically acting like one,
for instance talking about sex, no more virgins around, female fantasies, flirting, interest in porn, etc ---- this puts guys in an awkward position.
I dont have a problem with women doing problem at all. I know how to handle this type too...just subject them to risk. You will find them
backing off very quickly. They can ante up or get lost. Those who can take the risk without whinning I will watch them closely for potential.
Sex and beauty is not is not potential long term for me.
I dont think much of guys like this either. Ive had them on my job. I'll show them what risk is too. Off the job neither do I socialize with them.
Not intrested in male or female wildlife.
however still words like slut are used on women only almost excessively do words like these make women feel inferior? or is it taken as a
compliment nowadays, example would be calling girls(who are friends) whores all the time and they like it and dont mind.
Words like slut and whore are used just as much if not more by women now days as a control mechanism. It implys that this woman or that woman is a
whore or slut for giving it away cheaper and easier than I am willing to give it away...thus lowering my value in the marketplace. In otherwords
competition. That whore, slut , bitch is stealing my thunder.
It took me a long while to comprehend this concept of how actually competitive many women are.
Oh..and another facet...Bitch..many women gain power over men by being a combination of sex/sexual and being a bitch. To be a bitch today is a
hallmark of excellence. This usually means that if necessary to reach thier goals they cause confusion and chaos to get their way ...they will do this
as a management technique. This is very effective on men who are conditioned to carry out the play when she gives the hint on threat of chaos...they
will eagerly run for the touchdown for her at great risk. Understand this concept?? Being a bitch is a fingerprint or hallmark of excellence to many
young women today .even some older ones too.
Beware of this fingerprint. It usually means high maintenance and a drama queen. It also means great risk to a male.
If you want Peace in your life'd better learn to deal with a woman like this very early. If all you want is Piece...remain a dummy.
This, DuneKnight, is a very naive statement. You really need to think this through from the standard stereotype. Many men stereotype and also many
women too. You need to learn to navigate the mine field of stereotypes out here.
biologically speaking men are revered as powerful while women are looked down upon as a shame. so we guys take pride in ourselves as being
'powerful' while girls take pride in being shameful? does that make sense
Remember what I told you above about the 7 to1 ratio of goods in the stored marketed to women verses men. The standard mantra is that women dont earn
as much moneys as do men...they are victims and downtrodden and unpowerful. Therefore the system must make special accomodations for them becasue they
are so weak and downtrodden in a patriarical society run by men.
At 7 to 1 ratio of goods marketed to women...females...someone has to be paying for all these goods and stores in order for them to stay in
buisness...but women dont make as much moneys as men. So who is paying for it. It must be the men? See how simple it is!!??
Men are not powerful..they are paying for their own second hand status.
The truth of this system is that men only earn the moneys...women determine how most of it is spent..on, clothes, insurance etc etc.
Only men can be this naturally stupid that they dont understand the risks they take in life ...and be blindsided by sex and beauty to get them to come
off their goodies in lieu of real long term value.
Much of sports conditioning is training to run touchdowns for the women and family.
There is nothing wrong with running touchdowns for your family ..but dont get caught up in all this frivilous stuff of appearnces and status to do it.
Much of womanhood and motherhood has been hijacked by this frivolity while lowering risks to the controller. In otherwords get the guy to do it while
lowering her risk and directing from the background.
DuneKnight very careful as to what you think is power out here. I know several women who can turn the tables on a man with just a couple of words
and get them eagerly seeking their approval and at great risk. Power is not always what it appears on the surface. Subtilty too is very powerful. Most
women know this instinctively...Most men do not. be fair here...
In this country we are currently breeding a generation of young men who are in fact very femminine. They dress sharply and snappily like men and are a
nice commodity to haul around to match a womans handbag...but they know so few manly skills outside of social skills. In short they are high
maintenance. They know how to play video games blue ray television..but cannot solve many complex problems dealing with electrical or
mechanical stuff as was the case with their fathers. Many women buy into this type at first ..until they realize the maintenance costs of this type
of male.
They dont want the competition for goods and dont want the risk. What I hear alot of these women to the effect that "I
cannot count on him." Translate that ..he is high maintenance.
They are correct.
These type of guys are raised primarily by women..have womens values and womens thinking. Including they dont want risk.
This is becoming more and more common today.
This may be the root behind Whitewaves statement that many women are competiting in this manner for the remaining Alpha Males. I had not thought of
this angle until she mentioned it. I am glad she did.
A highly merchandized man is no better than a highly merchandized woman. They too will attempt to lower thier risks. And I see more and more guys
today doing this. They are kept men until the women have had enough.
You have asked a very good question in wanting to know about risk. Hope this helps.