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Texas School Suspends Student for Answering Call in Class From Dad in Iraq

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posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by jedimiller

Originally posted by FRIGHTENER
I don't think you'll influence people, or make friends, with your current
attitude about our troops!

Shouldn't you be denying ignorance?

It's not about making friends Frightener. it's about what you stand for. your ideologies about the war. I Don't support the war, the troops or their families. Actually, I had a thread back there somewhere where I said we should bring all the troops home and make them work in factories. Making cars, goods, building homes, painting schools. etc. I am for dissolving the military and stop spending money and supporting these people who want to go to war. Sorry, but that's how I feel. So if some kid gets a phone call from someone in Iraq should I be crying in my bed for this person? Sorry, I guess I have no feelings for this kid.

I'm right there with you Jedi!

Killing is wrong. Period.

If you volunteer for a job that involves killing other people, then I think you have something SERIOUSLY wrong with you.

I have no sympathy for soldiers.


posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

So the people that put them in that situation should not receive our support but those troops still should.

I agree with you to a degree, but trying to keep the posts on topic, why do you think such events are highlighted in the media over more important topics?

It's a difficult position I have chosen to take. I couldn't bring myself to say I don't care about their predicament to that young man or his father, but the fact of the matter is I disagree with the war and supporting the troops in this case is only a step away from supporting the war. Plucking people's heart strings and playing on basic human decency and emotion is really dirty, but then the media are masters at it.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:54 PM
We seem to be going in circles, which I feel is what stories like this are designed to make us do. Most of the posts I have read can fall into two camps. The first, which we should all roundly dismiss and shame on anyone for doing so, are those supporting the topic of whether the war is right or wrong, or are American soldiers evil or not. Not relevant. Go sit in the corner with the dunce cap on.

The second, which mildly stays on topic are the posts which agree with the OP at how bad and nasty those stinking jobsworths at that school are. I agree also. The school administration should show a bit more common sense, but I can see their point on not wanting the distraction of mobile phones in class, but hey, if it is just a rare occurence like this then let the poor kid off.

Apart from myself harping on here (my last post on the subject in this thread unless someone bites and wants to discuss the more important subject of propaganda and it's effects) no-one has addressed why Fox News should be highlighting stories like this.

I mean, man it's rich.

The same channel which trumpeted the need for the war that put the boy's father in harms way, denigrated anyone who spoke out at this madness, covered up the disgraceful lack of support and equipment the troops were recieving, didn't even give the returning dead the honor of national coverage claims to be on the side of the little guy by peddling tripe stories like this.

Oh shame on the school thy would say. Punishes the decent honest kid who only wanted to talk to his poor old Dad serving his country. Good old Fox will fight his corner. It pushes so many buttons it's disgusting.

If, God forbid, his Dad is seriously hurt or killed, will Fox News cover that?

Dogs and demons folks, dogs and demons.......

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 04:27 PM

Please keep the discussion on topic. Any comments, complaints or suggestions directed at the staff can be submitted with the complaints/Suggestions feature.

Mod Note: Complaints/Suggestions

[edit on 14-4-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by jedimiller

I am a soldier myself. Did you ever stop and think that maybe some people join the military because they have no where else to go?Alot of poor kids join mainly because they dont have the money to go to school and have a hard time finding a job to support themselves and their families. So that being said, alot of them dont have anywhere else to go. Put yourself in our shoes. You are deployed the literally "HELL" for 15 months because of our dumbass president, maybe get to make a phonecall home once a week during that time frame yet the phone callis limited to 5-10 minutes because there is only one phone and other soldiers are waiting on you? Its comments like those that really P*** me off. Its easy for a guy to ay that stuff when he sits behind the safety of his Puter all day.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by jedimiller

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
If you think people join for the benefits and pay, you are ignorant. The pay is so flippn low, that many have to get 2nd jobs to support their families. And easy money? Again, you are ignorant. Being in the military is NOT easy.

Sure, real soldiers fight for freedom. do you think soldiers went to WWII because of the benefits? because they got 100K a year a car and a house? No. they went there for a real cause, to fight a real threat.

Do you think the civil war paid for their soldiers? no. soldiers that actually fought for this country did it for peace, freedom and true patriotism. Those soldiers I have admiration for. not today's type soldiers. They don't even know what they are fighting for, they are just there because they had nothing to do after high school and the money and benefits sounded real good. I met this marine who told me in Texas he would be given a parade for his work. but he forgot he was living in california.

100K a year??? LOL!!You have got to be kidding me! Only a General makes that much and they arent actually fighting the wars. I am a SGT and only make about 30K a year. The highest enlisted make maybe 50-60K. Get you facts straight.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Vasilis Azoth
Originally posted by jedimiller
Originally posted by FRIGHTENER

I'm right there with you Jedi!

Killing is wrong. Period.

If you volunteer for a job that involves killing other people, then I think you have something SERIOUSLY wrong with you.

I have no sympathy for soldiers.


Well then why don't we just get rid of our soldiers. Disband the US military altogether. I'm sure that would work out wonderfully.

You say killing is wrong period. That means even if you're defending yourself or your family. I don't know about you but I would kill to defend my loved ones.

If this world were perfect and there was no evil, killing would not be necessary but the reality is that bad people live in this world and want to do bad things to innocent people and the military helps prevent that from happening. A little perspective is needed here to pull yourself out of your black and white world.

[edit on 13-4-2008 by jfj123]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 04:53 PM

So, your father left when you were six and you do not talk with your sister or mom. They were/are the smart ones.

You hate the miltary and everything they stand for? Why are you still in this country. Renounce you citzenship and leave.

I have not been on this board long but I have noticed you are an astronomer who cannot seem to find rather obvious things in the solar system and you also stated you were something else important. Don't know, don't really care at this point.

Just sit back and relax in your Starwars pajamas and eat your fruity pebbles because the military serves and dies so you can.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 04:54 PM
I think a degree of flexibility would not go astray in regard to students who have a parent deployed in a war zone calling them on a mobile (cell) phone during school hours. As far as "rules are rules" goes...some rules are meant to be broken in some circumstances.

If that was my son/daughter, I'd tell the school where to shove it.

I detest this bogus war as much as then next one and as for some of the posters saying they have no respect for the military...

well when the proverbial hits the fan who do think is going to save your sorry arses ??

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by brill
I'm with Jedimiller on this. The school has rules and like it or not those rules need to be adhered to. I don't buy the argument that just because its a soldier calling his son from the battlefield that those rules should be relaxed.

You make it sound as if the kid was breaking a terrorism instigated law or something heinous. He wasn't going to kill people or plan an attack, by answering his phone.

The school made up a rule that he felt strongly enough to ignore - as I would have too, if my Da were in a war zone.

It's not an issue of national interest - he answered his phone.

God almighty.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by jedimiller

I used to question whether I should support the troops. Often times I felt that I should not because alot of them were over there doing things that amount to nothing short of crimes against humanity, but then my brother got sent over. Now I had a stake in this war. So the question became far more complicated you see. I didn't understand exactly how to reconcile what I know to be true, and my brother who I love. How do you make that decision? Turns out the best thing I could do to support my brother is make sure he comes home and tells of his involvements on the news media. Makes sure the world knows what really happened over there. Open the doors to prosecuting the Administration for War Crimes, Treason, Conspiracy to commit terrorist attacks on American soil, Committing terrorist attacks on American soil, using presidential power to undermine the laws of this country, using the powers of the president to profit. Politicizing the court system, politicizing the law enforcement system, murder, conspiracy to murder(outing CIA agent for instance). I could go on. But this is what needs to happen soon.

Victory Not Vengeance is what is needed here. We need to uphold what we believe WHILE preserving our way of live. And being the compassionate country we strive to be.

[edit on 13-4-2008 by projectvxn]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by jedimiller

hey pal, just wanted to say that I am in the military, I've been to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Philippines. While I don't agree with your views on supporting or not supporting the troops I want to say that your original post about the timing of the call is something I concur with. Every time I was "overseas" I knew precisely what time it was back home and I had no problem timing my calls to coincide with events such as children being out of school or friends and family being off of work. The only time I ever called at an odd hour was after...let's say "traumatic events"

So everyone else, don't vilify someone on here because they don't agree with your views, he may be right.

I don't think the school or the child was wrong in this instance, but it could have been handled better.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 06:02 PM
Hey Jedi, guess what?

Nobody with an ounce of logic or half a heart cares if you support the troops. I can understand why you're so strongly in support of the rules: they're clear guidelines that don't take much critical thought to follow, which makes it easy on you. Oh, I'm guessing wherever you work has a rule about spending 3 hours of their company time nuking a hot dog, but whatever right?

It's one thing not to support the war. I can even see where you're coming from in not supporting the troops (it's a sick place, but I can see it.) But for you to sit there on your uninformed, spoiled butt claiming that an INNOCENT CHILD WHO HAS NEVER MADE THE CHOICE TO BE A SOLDIER is bad because he took what could have been his last opportunity for weeks, months, or possibly even the rest of his LIFE to hear his father's voice... ugh. Sick!!!!

Frankly, I think it's sick that anyone could sit there and say that 60 seconds of class time is more important than a phone call like that. I suppose if the call had been from his mother saying "Army called, dad's dead!" it still would have been wrong to take also? Don't answer that rhetorical question please, because to me the worth of your opinion just dropped to somewhere between "amoeba poop" and "empty air."

No more benefit of a doubt for you. I'm convinced now your constant stream of.... *doing my best to state my thoughts without getting warned*.... on ATS isn't the result of poor comprehension, it's quite clearly just....

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 06:54 PM
The fact is the kid broke the "no cell phone" policy. I don't see why people are getting all caught up with supporting the troops are not. Why the did the kid pick up the phone in class? Why not go to the bathroom or ask a teacher? I mean if half the kids have a parent serving overseas, wouldn't the teacher understand?

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 07:19 PM

Why does the "no cell phone policy" trump the "golden rule?"

Like I said, those of you who agree with what the school did, I challenge you to not talk to the person you care most about for the next two years. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, now that's a rule! If you can't take that challenge up, then just sit down, fill your mouth with peanut butter, and be glad that people braver, better, and more honorable than you are willing to die to protect your right to hate their guts.

[edit on 13-4-2008 by mattifikation]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 07:53 PM

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 07:55 PM
WOW!!!! I don't even know where to begin. this thread has exploded beyond my belief. Very unexpected. I have yet to read all the posts. I had to reply after getting through page three. It was very disturbing to me what I have read so far. I am unsure if I even want to read the rest (although I am sure I will).
It is so disheartening to even fathom that someone would believe that because they do not support the war, they do not and cannot support the soldier. I think they need to get a basic understanding of military history before they take that as their permanent stance. But, to each his own I guess.
I would just like to pose to those that think this punishment was justified the following. Say the crap hits the fan here within the next few years as many people speculate will happen. We are dragged off to FEMA camps and separated from our families. Do you not think that emotionally and psychologically you will break down over time due to the fact that you have no idea where or how your loved ones are? It is a natural response to be in contact whether physically or just over the phone with those who we love. When they are taken away from us, it is like ripping your heart out. I have a baby boy. If I do not get to see him even for one day, it tears me up. So now according to some, this makes me weak? That is the most ignorant belief I think I have ever heard. People like that obviously have much hatred in their hearts.
Love is something that grows over time. The longer you are with someone, the stronger it grows, especially with your children. Those who do not have kids just do not understand. Maybe one day they will.
This kid was obviously having a difficult time with his dad being so far away. And with the possibility of him never coming back, that only adds to the stress. Remember, this is a kid here. He knows both mom and dad. When one of them is taken away for an extended period of time, they have a hard time dealing with it.
for those who say...."well then we have to allow every kid whose dad is in Iraq answer the phone".....THAT'S RIGHT, we should allow each and every one of them to answer a call whenever it may come in. Not only is it important for the child to know their parent is alright, but it is also a very big psychological and emotional lift to the soldier out in the field who has to deal with very gruesome things on an everyday basis. Heat, crappy food, killing, always looking over their shoulders, etc. That can become very taxing on one's emotional state after awhile.
In conclusion, I think this world needs a little bit more compassion in their hearts. Instead of trying to be the ruler of every child and imposing these ridiculous unjustified punishments, maybe our educators need to be a bit more realistic and warming to kids that are having difficulties with their parents fighting a war that they may not come back from. You never know when it will be your last day on this Earth. Whether you are a soldier or an ordinary citizen. We should be thankful that we are alive and we do have the means to stay in touch with those we love no matter where we might be.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 08:00 PM
I'm with Jedi on this one, although I do support the war and our troops, even though that means nothing.
Mind you we've only got what we know to go on. Put yourself in the role of the teacher. A kid with a cel phone in class? Come on, thats blatantly against any rules I ever knew in school. If it was an important call, his dad should have known he would be interrupting class and made arrangements to call through the Schools office. If he didnt have enough time, which is understandable, he could have called and asked to speak to the teacher first to excuse his son for the few minutes he had available. 2 answers off the top of my head that might have avoided this situation.
Was the kid a smartass? Dont know, so I cant comment on that. Did the teacher think the kid was lying, or didnt like being told "Well my DAD who is in IRAQ says STFU!" I dont know. But it seems that without these points its pretty hard to DENY IGNORANCE the way we do without the full story. And I'm not real big on believing Fox News to deliver the straight news, are you?

Its real easy to take the kids side, and it may turn out to be true. but calm down, reset, and see if you can see it from the point of the teacher.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 08:07 PM
I have to be honest here....and im sure this will draw some gasps

If I had a kid in better believe I will be sending that child to school with a cell phone. In this day and age w/ all the crap going on in schools, id rather be safe then sorry. Any teacher/principal can take up the issue with me - and they will get an earfull.

I wont support my child playing around on the phone - ie texting, talking, etc. But damn straight they will have access to it in case of emergency.

THANK GOD for today's technology.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 08:10 PM
No, I can't see it from the teacher's point of view. I try to imagine myself in the teacher's shoes. I see myself yelling at the kid for having their phone on, and when the kid says its their dad calling from Iraq I see myself asking them to take the call out in the hall.

Certainly not a frickin SUSPENSION, over a cell phone!!!

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