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The Coming War With Iran

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posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by jasonhb

so why don't you enlist? This is not a sporting event to watch and root for your team. if all the chickenshiite warmongers and suits in washington had to fight, maybe there would be less rah rah going on. war is a racket.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 01:23 AM
If i wasn't raising my 8 year old daughter by myself i would go in a second. Just stating the facts. Why were here and with your reply, why dont you move to Iran?

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by jasonhb
Iran is fighting Israel and the US by their proxies. Come on now. Now they are using rockets everywhere. Lebanon (hezbollah), Gaza (hamas), Green zone (Sadr)...........I hope they get attacked soon by the US, Israel, France, Germany and Brittain.

Go yourself. Put on your boots and volunteer for the army, but leave us, Europeans, out of this.

That we agree on sanctions doesn't mean we are willing to go at war with Iran. The US has always been and always will be the puppet of Israel to do the dirty work. If you ask Israel kindly, they might even militarily support a US-lead pre-emptive strike against Iran.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 02:53 AM
So true Jason. Iran IS at war with the Brits US and Israel right now using its proxies. Iran needs re educating just like we did with the Germans . Germany today is nothing like that of sixty years ago. We remade the Germans into a respectable peace loving nation. We can do the same with the Iranians. Like Germany the only answer is to completely crush Iran and start fresh again. The leadership and military must be completely eliminated. Just like we did with the Nazis and their war machine. It worked before it can work again. It's long haul we still have forces in Germany. We may need to occupy the ME too for sixty years if we are to re educate the people. It's a job worth doing for sure.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 02:58 AM
So again I ask is this not even slightly relevant?'

Just my 2cents.


posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:18 AM
Go yourself. Put on your boots and volunteer for the army, but leave us, Europeans, out of this.

Oh dear Mdv you Europeans are so spineless it makes me regret ever saving you from previous threats to your existence. Why oh why did we bother sacrificing our resources to keep you a Dane? Without us Brits and the Yanks you'd be speaking German or Russian today. If you hadn't been cremated in Auschwitz or Siberia! It's time you continentals started getting real and stop looking to the English speaking world for your saviour. Again the thought comes to mind...why did we save you from evil in the past? Spineless lot you continentals.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
So true Jason. Iran IS at war with the Brits US and Israel right now using its proxies. Iran needs re educating just like we did with the Germans . Germany today is nothing like that of sixty years ago. We remade the Germans into a respectable peace loving nation. We can do the same with the Iranians. Like Germany the only answer is to completely crush Iran and start fresh again. The leadership and military must be completely eliminated. Just like we did with the Nazis and their war machine. It worked before it can work again. It's long haul we still have forces in Germany. We may need to occupy the ME too for sixty years if we are to re educate the people. It's a job worth doing for sure.

American ignorance runs rampant again.

So you think the US won World War II? Without the Soviet Union, world war II would have had a totally different outcome. But that's not what American history books are telling you aight?

So Iran needs some eduction or 'American democracy' right? Like Iraq... a big disaster and simultaneously a big joke. The US army cannot even deal with some simple riflemen.

Boy, you no nothing. Going into Iran would mean the end of American superiority. Iran is not one big dessert like Iraq, their people are proud and it has a powerful and big army.
Your economy is at the edge of a collapse and an uprising is in the make.

The US has a weak economy, the achilles heel of the world's superpower. Costs cannot be paid for anymore and soon the army will suffer the consequences. The end is near, only for some people it will take a couple of more years to understand that.

Two years ago I started a thread on the state of the US economy, people who then said Im crazy, now understood how bad the situation actually is.

But let me ask you this, true loving American patriot(s), if you want Iran to be taught a lesson, why dont you enlist in the army and go there yourself?

It's sickening, this ingorant talk about crushing Iran

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:28 AM
American arrogance? I'm a Brit mdv.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:33 AM
what's Denmark going to do when Iran starts threatening Europe mdv? Send a couple of fishing boats to the Gulf? You continentals are so spineless and short sighted it is simply fantastic. You couldn't see a Nazi 'til it was way to late. Blinded by reality again mdv? Spineless lot you continentals.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
Oh dear Mdv you Europeans are so spineless it makes me regret ever saving you from previous threats to your existence. Why oh why did we bother sacrificing our resources to keep you a Dane? Without us Brits and the Yanks you'd be speaking German or Russian today. If you hadn't been cremated in Auschwitz or Siberia! It's time you continentals started getting real and stop looking to the English speaking world for your saviour. Again the thought comes to mind...why did we save you from evil in the past? Spineless lot you continentals.

Sorry, but I had to laugh out loud. Some Brits are still under the impression that they are still of major importance these days. Trying to be the little brother of the US, in reality just another US controlled coalition member.

Some poor Brits have never been able to deal with the loss of their world domination. For the sake of clarity, I am not Danish, the country I am from used to be a world power, I am happy not to suffer this trauma.

Nowadays there is just one superpower: the US, others are developing rapidly to become (again): Russia, China, Brazil and India are among them.
No, I am sorry to disappoint, but the UK is not among them.

Once again, do your history, the US and the Soviet Union won the second war with help of France and other countries such as the UK. Without the US, the UK would have been speaking German now. After all, a vast quantity of the resources required for building the UK military came from the US. If the US wouldnt be involved to protect the UK, Nazi-Germany would have been able to conquer you and your tea drinking friends.

Let me confront you once more, you didn't save us continentals, from Nazi-Germany. Your role was peanuts, compared to the role of the Americans and the Soviets. Deal with it.

Now, would you be so kind to answer my question why you don't enlist?

[edit on 13-4-2008 by Mdv2]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
what's Denmark going to do when Iran starts threatening Europe mdv? Send a couple of fishing boats to the Gulf? You continentals are so spineless and short sighted it is simply fantastic. You couldn't see a Nazi 'til it was way to late. Blinded by reality again mdv? Spineless lot you continentals.

You are funny, saying that as a Brit.

This propaganda poster should say enough, if not, google for Chamberlain + Sudenten and you'll find out.

[edit on 13-4-2008 by Mdv2]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:39 AM
For all the talk about Iranian assistance and arms to the Iraqi militias, General Petraeus has yet to show one shred of credible evidence to back up his claims.
Hi speeches are full of supposition and speculation yet are taken as gospel by those cheerleading conflict.

Iran may well be supporting Shiite militias and Hezbollah but why the hell shouldn't they? They are, after all, looking after their own interests in their own back yard, NOT seeking the conquest of far flung lands for economic and corporate greed.

The US may have the power to launch another of it's TV spectacular "shock and awe" attacks against Iran but what then? Do they think the Iranians will just sit back and do nothing? Do the US leadership think if they attack Iran the people will rise up and overthrow the leadership and welcome in the people that just bombed them? Perhaps they do, as they seemed to think that was going to happen in Iraq.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:52 AM
You can put down the Brits all you want mdv. Without us Europe would have ended up in Nazi or Soviet hands. The Yanks would never have got involved if Britain had been taken. The continentals were too spineless to save themselves previously. A leopard does not change its spots. Iran is causing much trouble for us the US and Israel at present. They are fighting us with their proxies today right now. I say eliminate this threat. Re educate the people just like we did with the central Europeans. That took half a century, it certainly worked, it will work again. What do you want to do with the Islamic nuclear threat? Keep talking to them and try to understand in that good old continental way? Spineless.......

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
You can put down the Brits all you want mdv. Without us Europe would have ended up in Nazi or Soviet hands. The Yanks would never have got involved if Britain had been taken. The continentals were too spineless to save themselves previously. A leopard does not change its spots. Iran is causing much trouble for us the US and Israel at present. They are fighting us with their proxies today right now. I say eliminate this threat. Re educate the people just like we did with the central Europeans. That took half a century, it certainly worked, it will work again. What do you want to do with the Islamic nuclear threat? Keep talking to them and try to understand in that good old continental way? Spineless.......

It's amuzing that you keep ignoring questions and facts. Even more Ironic is that a Brit keeps saying continentals were while it was their own prime-minister Chamberlain, who spinelessly obeyed Nazi-Germany's demands And now they are obeying spinelessly the demands of their 'English speaking' superior, the US.

Announcing the deal at Heston Aerodrome, Chamberlain said:

"...the settlement of the Czechoslovakian problem, which has now been achieved is, in my view, only the prelude to a larger settlement in which all Europe may find peace. This morning I had another talk with the German Chancellor, Herr Hitler, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it as well as mine (waves paper to the crowd - receiving loud cheers and "Hear Hears"). Some of you, perhaps, have already heard what it contains but I would just like to read it to you ...".

The European way, Britain included, was that of violence and blood shedding, Two world wars and too many pointless deaths on European soil, were necessary to understand that violence is not the key to peace. The issues with Iran are not gonna be settled by starting some kind of killing campaign. It's time for all those ''computer warmongers'' to understand that.

Now let me ask you for the third time why you don't enlist when you feel Iran needs to be crushed so badly? Let me answer that question, you are to afraid to get killed but brave enough to talk such crap from behind your computer.

[edit on 13-4-2008 by Mdv2]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 04:27 AM
What we most need to remember is no good will come from these actions concerning Iran....If the United States is truly a superpower then it would deftly find a way to remove itself with some modicum of grace, let Iran come to the table and try and solve this conflict with their little brothers in Iraq. Bush does NOT speak for me. If anything he is the one person who is making us look like complete idiots. A real leader takes care of home, we have debts beyond belief and all he can say is, "They hate us for our freedom"...utter nonsense !

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by mrmonsoon

THat is just it. Nobody has any proof whatsoever, all of this talk is pure speculation and that is it. It is all he said she said I heard from a guy rumor. The people that hold the puppet strings are the only ones who know for sure and they most definately will not let the MSM tell us the truth. And last time I looked the MSM whores the info out for ratings they have no grasp of truth or anything even closely resembling it. I sure wish I knew what was going on over there, but since I will not until it happens (and probably no even then) I will just have to listen to these so called "experts" and persistently bang my head against the wall while doing so.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 07:42 AM

So true Jason. Iran IS at war with the Brits US and Israel right now using its proxies. Iran needs re educating just like we did with the Germans . Germany today is nothing like that of sixty years ago. We remade the Germans into a respectable peace loving nation. We can do the same with the Iranians. Like Germany the only answer is to completely crush Iran and start fresh again. The leadership and military must be completely eliminated. Just like we did with the Nazis and their war machine. It worked before it can work again. It's long haul we still have forces in Germany. We may need to occupy the ME too for sixty years if we are to re educate the people. It's a job worth doing for sure.

Ignorance is bliss - As a fellow Brit, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the complete ignorance of your post. Secondly you don't speak for the British people, so please don't delude yourself by thinking that you do.
But keep peddling your violence, hatred and ignorance and I'm positively sure that someday you will go the same way as the Dodo - extinct....
And it will be all your own doing!!!!! Some people seriously need to wake up.

P.S Funny how you make no mention of the illegal war in Iraq and the lies & propaganda that took us into that war and then you post utter nonsense about how and why we should attack Iran. Britain is not at war with Iran and Iran is not our enemy. Get your facts straight.

If i wasn't raising my 8 year old daughter by myself i would go in a second. Just stating the facts. Why were here and with your reply, why dont you move to Iran?

What an absolute lame excuse. There are plenty of British soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan who have children, some even younger than yours and it hasn't stop them from serving their country. What's your next excuse? C'mon gives us a laugh.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 09:13 AM

I LOVE hearing a European saying "Hey, leave us out of it, the #e is hitting the fan!" I have to laugh.

Here's something for yah: Iran and Britain have a major issue, they are hostile to each other. Britain was involved in active covert support of dissidents in eastern Iran and also the "terror" attacks there from their Basra bases. Iran held the British sailors, remember that incident? It was over such suspicions..

Gee, I wonder who planted these bombs .. considering the target was a Revolutionary Guard Corpse bus full of soldiers?

The last major bombing occurred in southeastern Iran in February 2007, when a car bomb blew up near a bus carrying members of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Corps, leaving 12 dead and injuring dozens more.

(from, 4/13/08)

You know, Tony Blair may have been at the helm when some of the Britain versus Iran provocations began, but Iran isn't just going to be like, oh, now you have a complete chicken #e as prime minister now with the last name of DOO DOO, that is human poop. I guess he amounts to as such in his obligations to his people.

But .. i mean .. if you're living in Germany or Netherlands, or even Norway or Denmark or Sweden, I could understand the "leave us out of it" mentality, well .. Scandinavia is going to get terror bombed anyways in my humble opinion due to those comic pictures and that movie. But regarding IRAN, these nations are not so much involved.. but Britain, or even France? Lol, you are right beside America walking the march of death now as well. And just as we lack the ability to fix our government and stop these wars, so to will you fail to stop your governments from being involved in some form. And this involvement will always incriminate your nations and put them in our camp.

Face it .. brothers have pitched tents side by side, because their leaders claim to know the "stakes" ..

[edit on 4/13/2008 by runetang]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Mdv2

You are clueless as to the real power the United States can bring to bear on any country. In Iraq we took the country in weeks, Now we are trying to build a nation. How long did it take to rebuild Germany and Japan with out terrorist shooting at our troops in the streets?
If we hit Iran it will only be a punishing air operation, We are not going to invade them and we do not want their oil. We want them to stop using terrorism and not to build a nuclear weapon otherwise we have no problems.
If the United States wanted to invade Iran we would call up the draft and smash them six feet under. Look how our Navy is being so careful as to not sink any of their stupid little gun boats and cause a war. That should show all you European spineless countries that we do not want a war with them, If we did Haliburton would be building an McDonald's in Tehran right now. We are giving peace a chance and they keep using terrorist actions in Iraq and Lebanon, As well as keep working on their nuclear weapons and missile program. We are the ones who have done nothing to them and if they keep up their terrorist activities yes we will deal with them harshly and know one will do a darn thing to stop us.

The United States Army is not for peace keeping or nation building. The lunatic Arabs over there do not want peace, All they know how to do is fight with each other as thats all they have done over the years unless they are ruled with an iron fist. The U.S. should pull out of Iraq's cities and just secure the oil fields then bomb the hell out of Iran and take their oil fields till the people take back their county from the Islamics. When that happens we can leave knowing that they have no military left to threaten anyone. Screw with us and we will wipe out your army, Take your oil till you straighten out your country. That should be the policy of NATO as well. All of us depend on that oil flowing good to all of us, Don't you think?

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 10:01 AM
In regards to Iran, you have absolutely no evidence to back up any of your claims and you also expect the rest of us to take the world of people like Bush, Blair and Brown etc who make a living out of lying and deceiving people.

Skywatcher - You attack Iran and your in for one hell of a shock - it's called reality.

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