posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 11:51 PM
Most of the folks in and around the building just knew something "hit" it. Some of my co-workers immediately thought of the helipad and figured a
helicopter hit the building while trying to land when they felt the impact and all hell broke loose.
You have to consider the amount of panic and scramble of thousands of people trying to get out of a building that is difficult to get out of,
difficult to navigate. There is a daycare in the Pentagon, and there were infants and toddlers to evacuate. There are mentally disabled workers
employed there, as well. People were fleeing and trying to help out those who could not help themselves on top of that. The focus was not on what
happened but on survival.
I can tell you a plane hit the building because I saw it descending- logic follows, but even my memory is very shady. I know I cant remember
everything in detail because my focus was on getting to a safe place and then trying to catch a ride out of the area (a 4-5 hour traffic jam) and then
getting to Andrews AFB ,which shut down for a time, to get to my child in daycare there. Yes, I worked at Bolling and had my kid at Andrews for about
6 months. It is hard to find daycare in DC.That was a B-word trying to get into BOTH bases every morning with the security threatcon in Charlie/Bravo
for a while.
Anyway, I dont think there is a conspiracy based on my experience that day. I know nothing about kinetic energy or plane parts. I cant tell you what
kind of hole the airplane would make, and I did not see any bodies or proof it was flight 77.
And yes, some bigwig commander took my cake plate, probably. Officers are such cheapscates- yeah I said it! Im not military anymore.