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Free Energy Breakthrough Claimed By My Friend!!

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posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 12:45 AM
Here’s an email I received from my friend who is now a Technical Consultant (Radar & Wireless Comm.), at Dallas, USA. The bottom line is he has experimented with a plasma device as big as a DVD player that will be able to generate almost 100 KVA of electricity for approx $2000!! Hopefully it may be sold for as little as $500 one commercialized! Now 100 KVA is a lot of power, enough to power a small sized township!!

The email…

"A completely new energy source!

Here is some good news! I have developed a new type of power source using plasma! I was working on it privately for the past two years and I recently concluded trials in Bangalore. Basically, you are aware that lightning causes heating of the air around it and turns it into plasma. This plasma means that the air breaks up into ions. If we can find a way to polarize the plasma into positive and negative ions, we can "harvest the ion wind"!

This concept is not new and has been around for sometime! Tesla was the first guy to use this for driving his electric car in 1932. But he took the secret with him to his grave!! Since then a lot of guys have tried it with indifferent results!

My effort is different from the others in that I create a spark (a "mini lightning") in a small container and then use what is called a plasma converter (my name and the core of my design!). This converter harvests the ion wind! These trials were very successful and I am building on that success! A small unit the size of a VCR can deliver 100 KVA!! A 100 KVA generator today is as big as a big room!!

I am presently testing a small unit the size of a small DVD player delivering 10 KVA for domestic use! I need to complete final trials on it next month in India and then start my company in Dallas with the main unit in India. I expect the cost to the consumer to be around $2000 per one 10 KVA unit initially. This is more than enough for a normal sized home!"

Now this is a paradigm shift from the known methodologies for producing energy! Its extremely cost effective, efficient and environment friendly. If that contraption can be successfully commercialized, would it mean the beginning of a new era in cheap and efficient energy production? Indian brains to the fore again!!

Or would the powers-that-be nip it in the bud? Let’s wait and watch!


[edit on 12-4-2008 by mikesingh]

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 12:53 AM
How would they create the "mini lightning" in the first place? Sounds like a terrible free energy scam.

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 02:10 AM
That's what I thought! So I've shot off an email to him asking the type and quantum of energy inputs required to fire up this contraption.

So let's wait and see what he says before scrubbing this as a scam!!

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh

First, he say

If we can find a way to polarize the plasma into positive and negative ions, we can "harvest the ion wind!

then he say

This converter harvests the ion wind!

Then there is VCR, and then there is DVD.. When did this become an international standard of messurements?

And what scientist makes an announcement with KvA rather than KWh.

Stinks with fairytails ..

[edit on 12-4-2008 by tep200377]

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by tep200377

Then there is VCR, and then there is DVD.. When did this become an international standard of messurements?

Semantics! Whether a VCD/VCR or a DVD player, the size is about the same. Less than a cubic foot! He's just indicating the approx size here for the layman.

And what scientist makes an announcement with KvA rather than KWh.

Not quite correct. Gen sets in India are generally rated in kilovolt amperes or KvA for short and not kilowatt hours.



posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 06:28 PM
I'm not doubting your sincerity mike or that of your friend but it really does sound too good to be true.
IF it is true then I hope your friend makes plenty of copies of the schematics along with coherent instructions and mails copies to as many trustworthy friends as possible.
I'd like to see a video presentation on the device and an explanation as to how we arrive at "free" energy.If the device can produce what is claimed,I know excess power can be sold back to the city (here at least).
How to go mainstream??THAT would be the hard part.Oil and electric companies would crawl all over each other to buy that technology, if it hasn't yet been perfected,and have it collect dust on a shelf.
A GOOD quality video,demonstration, and analysis plastered all over the internet would be a good start.
I could go on but I'd be stating the obvious.
Like many people,I have to see it with my own eyes to believe it.Word of mouth would sell the product all by itself.
I look forward to more.

BTW-Congrats on becoming a CM!!I can be a bit slow on the news sometimes.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by mikesingh

I hope he is well insured!
The conventional energy dudes 'aint gonna like this one iota!

But quudos to himif he has managed to tame the genie in the bottle!

Nice post btw !

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 07:04 PM
Mike, I noticed in the e-mail he didn't claim it was a free energy device, but you have it in the title. Does he claim it is a free energy device? Does it put out more power than it takes to run it? Just want to be clear on that.

You know we've heard this claim a million times before, and I have yet to see one that works. I will keep an open mind, but what ever you do, don't send him any money.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 07:21 PM
Nice job once again Mike.

One of my first thoughts on the matter was when it comes to energy producing it becomes something of a National Security issue, and doesn't the NSA, NASA, and The US Military have the right to just take it?

I was studying the story of Stan Meyer and his dune buggy that ran on water. The next thing you know an Air Force Major showed up for a look see, and then Stan dies of poisoning, and the stuff he invented is taken away.

I'm sure you've heard about it, but for those who are interested in what happens to great people like Mike's friend check out what he is up against.

Stan Meyer Link

I wish nothing but good things for your friend, and I hope that he prevails.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:04 AM
Ok guys, I wrote to him regarding your queries and this is what I got so far:

"I put in 1 KW of power at high voltage to produce the spark. This creates the ion field for harvesting. The energy source is a 12 volt battery. This is only for starting. After that the system is self sustaining and the battery can be disconnected.

I cannot comment on the paradigm shift. This cannot be used for large scale power generation like Hydel dams. Only for local power generation, like lighting a village etc.

This is rather involved! We use switched mode power technology to get those high voltages.

The energy is sufficient for starting the unit."

Now I think he's being a little secretive about the whole thing - understandibly so. But the crux here is, a 12 volt battery to fire it up and then it is self sustaining. The next point is that it's a viable power source for a township not a big city. One may have to have a number of these contraptions to do so!

I don't think he would like to put it on YouTube etc just yet! And yeah, he better watch out for the 'terminators'!!


posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:34 AM
Sounds very vague of course .. and since you don't have any evidence what so ever you should be ready to take some critique

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:55 AM
I am not to flash on physics and chemistry etc and would like to ask,just out of interest, is there anywhere here on earth, or in the limited area of space that we observe, that we can see free energy being produced. As we see all our energy produced by using fuels, harvesting and transfering energy from nature( all of which cost us in either recovering these fuels or creating a system that captures energy etc). I also notice that these systems are either produce inadequte power or require a reaction that results in the destruction of the source to create the power. I only ask this because if it "free power" where possible, shouldn't we observe it occuring in the nature of our universe.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
Ok guys, I wrote to him regarding your queries and this is what I got so far:

"I put in 1 KW of power at high voltage to produce the spark. This creates the ion field for harvesting. The energy source is a 12 volt battery. This is only for starting. After that the system is self sustaining and the battery can be disconnected.

I cannot comment on the paradigm shift. This cannot be used for large scale power generation like Hydel dams. Only for local power generation, like lighting a village etc.

This is rather involved! We use switched mode power technology to get those high voltages.

The energy is sufficient for starting the unit."


As i said in a previous post.....i am a little ....umm way out of my depth here, but here is my question. If you start this thing of with a spark, ions go wizz and you harvest energy......what happens to the energy you don't you regulate the activity of the ions etc.....i hope you guys don't mind my queries as i am really trying to understand these concepts. Thx Mike. Great Post BTW.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by atlasastro
If it "free power" where possible, shouldn't we observe it occuring in the nature of our universe.

Here's something you may find interesting, "Tapping Limitless Quantities of Energy Directly from the Fabric of Space.."

This article highlights an invention which utilizes the abrupt rotation of electric fields to cause an hypothesized pair production of virtual charges from the vacuum energy across a macroscopic system. The invention reportedly outputs excessive power while free running. The invention reportedly outputs excessive power while free running, and its full disclosure may constitute an experiment which could be repeated by the scientific community.

This article also discusses how observed anomalies associated with the ion-acoustic oscillations in plasmas could be a manifestation of a coherent ZPE interaction.

Does the fabric of empty space really contain a plenum of energy? More here...


posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Hi Mike, great thread and info about this breakthrough plasma energy device. Go to your U2U I have sent you a message that you will find very interesting. Rik Riley

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by atlasastro

you cannot create energy or destroy energy, you can only change it from one type into another, ie in a steam engine, heat energy is converted into kinetic energy. when free energy is discussed, people uasually mean energy that is very cheap to produce.

in the idea outlined in this thread, the writer of the e-mail has reported that he has discovered a way to convert one of the the by-products of a spark, ions, into a useable energy source in a way that is efficiant enough for the energy to be called free.

the spark changes the gas it is traveling through into plasma, which causes the gas to ionise.

ions are charged particles, in other words, it is atom or molicule with more or less electrons than protons. these molicules seek equilibrium. negative ions attract positive ions and repel other negitive ions. an ion wind is the movement of charged ions away from a fixed point with the same polarity.

the writer of the e-mail then is claiming that he ha discovered a way to harvest the kinetic energy in the ion wind and convert it into electrical energy that exceeds the ammount of electrical energy required to convert the gas to plasma via an electrical spark.

it is free in the same way that hydro electric energy is free, it uses a force of nature to create kinetic energy and then converts it into electrical energy.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 09:18 AM
This YouTube video on ZPE may be old news, but I thought I would post it to this thread anyway.

It runs just under 7 minutes and really gives a good overview of free energy production and its suppression by the ptb. It even mentions programs being developed in India.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Icarus Rising

That was an excellent documentary IR!
Just goes to show the stranglehold these oil cartels have. If they don't nip these inventions in the bud, they stand to lose trillions. And our great politicians can't do a fig about it, as they are more or less just puppets on a string!

Looks like we're doomed to be suckers till the cows come home!

[edit on 15-4-2008 by mikesingh]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 10:31 AM
I had done work for a lawyer several years ago who had a friend who had asked him advice over an invention he had which was basically a laser weapon. The government supposedly took his technology away from him as a threat to national security because this technology could get into the wrong hands.

Any free energy technology that can harness energies with these unlimited potentials could spawn various other mad science type scenerios.

A device such as this could produce high energy lasers that take out just about anything they point it at. Technologies that convert water into fuel and tossed into a water source could also be potentially disasterous by causing some chain reaction.

Still, I wouldn't put it past the government to use these various technologies for the military and in an emergency or in secret to supplement other power sources and still maintain the need by us to purchase it at the same prices.

I think we all need to evaluate the potential for abuse in many ways. This is what really makes some of these technologies a major threat to national and world security.

No doubt the cat is already out of the bag and has to be stopped and controlled to minimize these senerios.

I would think they also have the technology to take out these various threats with even greater advances.

I do look forward to the day we have these Star Trek technologies all around us so we can finally evolve into a more respectable speices.

It may actually take some third world country that implements and integrates these technologies into their own society. The fact that Iran hasn't done this suggests their desire to use nuclear technology for war instead. Maybe they actually have this free energy technology afterall?

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Thx for your reply and the links. Great stuff inded. Cheers.

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