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Underwater Video - Very Cool!

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posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 01:20 PM
I just wanted to share this with you all. One of my good friends sent this to me via email. I put the vid in here, as it concerns me what we are presently doing to the ecological systems around us. Wouldn't want to see beautiful creatures, such as these, be wiped out, destroyed or anything.

I can only imagine what other critters we have yet to discover?

It must have taken many hours to get these shots. Watch it all the way through. The last part is just as facinating as the first!

Here's the LINKY

From me to YOU! Enjoy!


posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 02:40 PM
Hey, great video! There's some amazing stuff in the deep blue I tell you! I heard we haven't even discovered most of the stuff they think is in there, especially right deep down with the bio-luminescent creatures.

That last thing with the octopus was amazing, never seen anything like it! Thanks for posting that!

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 03:02 PM
Without meaning to divert from the subject this video gave me some thoughts. Firstly it was absolutely excellent and sometimes i am in awe at nature. Secondly we are all aware of the Alien threads upon ATS. Now if i was an alien visiting earth i would be more interested in visiting species such as this than the fighting, killing, and materialistic humans. We think we are so special and important yet there is a world out there bigger than us and its fuill of nature as depicted in this video.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by thesaint
Now if i was an alien visiting earth i would be more interested in visiting species such as this than the fighting, killing, and materialistic humans. We think we are so special and important yet there is a world out there bigger than us and its fuill of nature as depicted in this video.

I totally agree, I think people might be paranoid of aliens being hostile or just coming to invade, which I guess is a possibility but I think they would certainly be more inclined to research and observe us, just as we would the creatures in the video!

And perhaps they show presentations just like that back on their home world and awe at how advanced our little inferior species managed to become!

It's a big universe, and we're a tiny species. We should always keep that in mind!

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 04:48 PM
Thankyou BOTH for your wonderful comments. I appreciate very much!

I think they are BEAUTIFUL pics of the underseas, and what has me worried most are what we are doing to this planet on a whole.

If I were an alien, and looking down on this planet, I'd be more concerned about what these humans were doing unto themselves and others.

The detrimental effects that we have bestowed unto each other - via war/polution/etc. are not withstanding. Let alone have 'spacefaring technologies' that might inhibit pure enviroments of 'other worlds'.

Charity begins at home.


posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:05 PM
I expect they would certainly be concerned about what we're doing, they would have probably seen it happen before elsewhere or in their own history, but I wonder what they would do?

If I notice an ants nest has depleted the food sources around it, I do nothing to reverse that in any way. Nor would I mind if they moved to a new area and did it all over again, it's a wide world and they don't take up much room.

What I mean is they may just let us wonder the galaxy and pollute/exploit planets etc. since if they are a truly galactic civilisation themselves they'll know it's a wide galaxy, and we don't take up much room!

Just a possibility, but relevant none-the-less!

[edit on 11-4-2008 by GrooveCat]

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:17 PM
Problem is probably about 90% of the human population wouldnt know an ants nest if they fell on it. We are too busy believeing we are the only thing that matters upon this planet to realise the beauty that surrounds us all. People on cruise ships drinking alcohol gambling away their materialistic monies seldom stop to think of the potential wonders literally right beneath them within the ocean. We are too full of ourselves to realise that something more advanced physically could inhabit the same planet as us. I believe there are definitely certain places wihtin the oceans of the world that we could never imagine.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by thesaint

Very true, I really look down on materialism, call me a hippy but I think we should definitely have a greater appreciation of the diversity and uniqueness of life on earth other than just ourselves.

As you said, most people hardly know anything about the biological world, which is a shame since in a way by understanding how animals live and work with nature symbiotically we can become more like that ourselves.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by GrooveCat

I expect they would certainly be concerned about what we're doing, they would have probably seen it happen before elsewhere or in their own history, but I wonder what they would do?

It is my belief, that we may not be as 'sentient' as our brothers from the stars, however, one thing that is sorta ingrained into our being, is the word: compassion. Without this, we are doomed.


posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:39 PM
You're quite right, from the things I've heard about aliens, speculative or not, it's that their are more socially and spiritually advanced than us. In a sense, they've taken their compassion to the next level, and no longer have to face petty squabbles like we do.

Which gives credence to the argument that maybe they would intervene to stop us destroying ourselves, maybe their compassion extends to all life in the universe.

Without this, we are doomed.

All true words, I think the compassion held by us as a race is lacking at the moment, with just enough to hold us together not not enough to stop us killing each other and the planet.

I think things will have to change in the near future if we are to become a successful race, and maybe the creatures from the stars, and indeed the creatures from the ocean floor, could show us the way forward!

[edit on 11-4-2008 by GrooveCat]

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by GrooveCat

I think things will have to change in the near future if we are to become a successful race, and maybe the creatures from the stars, and indeed the creatures from the ocean floor, could show us the way forward!

You're on to something there my friend.

Suppose we don't believe in any bible or any other religious textbooks or anything. Besides any other 'intelligent species' that we 'publically/knowingly'share this world with, it makes a whole lot of sense to do our best to take care of this god-forsaken world, to the best of our abilities...RIGHT HERE AND NOW.

Like my OP video said (paraphrasing, "We've only explored about 6% of the oceans to date."

94% left??!?! That's a helluvalot of territory to cover in the next while, and years to come.

Hopefully, we won't have destroyed ourselves and the rest of this planet in between time.


posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 06:48 PM
A toast to your sentiments.

In an old saying of the world 'We've only got one planet'.

Earth was kind enough to let us exist, now we should be kind enough to let it exist!

We have much to do on this world, as you say, and maybe if we can pull ourselves together we'll see humans join the galactic community (if there is one!) as a valuable asset to Earth, and the Universe!

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 07:14 PM
You don't need to dive in the deep or purchase a $10,000 specialized underwater camera to get these shots. Last summer while walking along the beach at night in Ocean City, Maryland I called my 7 and 9 year old over to were I had my foot above a dead jelly fish. When I stepped on it and it lit up just the like the animals in the video. Try it. We've done this since I've been a kid. It's freaky when there's been a load of jelly fish washed up. You can pick them up and arange them in any pattern you like.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by Tuebor

The problem with poking 'dead jellyfish', is that you can't expect to see the same results that were encaptured from my OP vid. I'm assuming that the critters that were portrayed in that film had nothing to do with the jellyfish that are indigenous to the shallow areas surrounding our beaches, as well as the fact that these creatures were living in very extreme depths when they were filmed.

I don't know of any species of jellyfish that wash up on shore, that can exhibit the skin colorings that I have shown in the vid. Let alone 'dead ones'.


posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by TheDuckster
reply to post by Tuebor

I don't know of any species of jellyfish that wash up on shore, that can exhibit the skin colorings that I have shown in the vid. Let alone 'dead ones'.


It's called bioluminescence and it's the same stuff that make fireflies glow. 50% of jellyfish have it.

I get the feeling from the tone of your reply that you don't believe me. Even freshly deceased jelly fish exhibit it. Like I said I've known about it since I was a kid and it's nothing new to me.

A wide spectrum of living organisms are capable of emitting light through biochemical mechanisms, including the firefly, jellyfish and certain bacteria. Some of these organisms emit light by absorbing specific wavelengths light, while others emit light by consuming energy stored within the body.


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