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Thoughts On Exotic Propulsion Systems...

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posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 10:27 PM
I'm a bit confused as to what this monoatomic element is. If basic deduction does me justice, you're referring to an element which is a single atom, and that single atom is atomic? please clarify.

If my interpretation is correct, then i must state something about my previous vibration post.

It entails a culmination of a few details from a few sources which i'm sure you've all reviewed.

Jose Escamilla, in his UFO's : the greatest secret ever denied film, hints that mankind received technologies from regressive engineering from the downed UFO at Roswell New Mexico. he points to fiber optic cables in this instance. light, although is not a single atomic structure, is, aside from the length of it's waves, similar in all forms. If a vessel were to be enshrouded within concentrated light (note that many UFO sightings are craft that are enveloped in light), and that light, moving at light speed, was lightly vibrated, would it unravel space/time/dimensions?
I know that no mass can vibrate fast enough to break spatial dimension without destroying itself before or in the process, but the concept of containing the speed of light in a vortex of light didn't occur to me previously.

i feel safe enough to assume that the velocity of light speed with carefully tuned vibration can unfold the fabric of space/time/dimensions.

on another note, someone said something about guiding close to light speed mass in a direct path using carbon nanotubes. i didn't research this at all, but wouldn't the carbon nanotube weaken in strength or melt under the heat and pressure of containing something close to light speed in it?

[edit on 13-4-2008 by Crabmeat]

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 01:49 PM
Here is the info I have recently presented, displayed out in a disorderly, yet "easier" to understand format.

I hope you get a chance to read this; I have titled it and submitted it to Dr Greer amongst others for research purposes.


1. I have already designed such a system, and applied for patents.

I will give a few hints...

a) Monoatomic elements are used... learn about their weight at different temperatures. Be impressed. But why?

b)Particle Accelerators in space? Well sort of... Guess why?

c) What happens when a particle is lighter at it's point of origin than it's point of Impact? Do you See where I am going?

c)What happens when you superheat a Monoatomic element? What happens when it is at absolute zero? How do these different states affect the element?

Answer these questions and you'll learn something profound.

Then it all starts to become obvious and you'll soon realize why you didn't figure it out sooner.

2. Now imagine that such a monoatomic "chain" was superheated before it was propelled whilst cooling on the way. We already know the mass is altered whilst the element is at different temperatures.
What law of thermodynamics? It is starting to sound more like a theory every day....

3. A Pearl Necklace... much better analogy and simple too.

Such chains are to be aligned within nanotubes made out of whatever material found to be the least reactive to the element you are using as your drive mechanism. These nanotubes are to be converted to plasma...

This is just one way of manipulating the mass of the elements contained within... and even then only in a very specific type of complex drive system.

Monoatomic elements will react and unpredictably, and when you are dealing with them in an individual capacity they cannot be reliably used for any such system here On earth.

These structures (dealt with in this capacity) are far from "Noble", and can only be applied with efficacy in one environment.

4.Imagine this... You string 13 baseballs together and attempt to throw them all by heaving the first one with all your might... after all 13 balls is hard to throw, and they are strung together, so it is quite hard for you to manage them... in this environment..

Suppose however, when you threw that first baseball in the chain of balls, the rest got up and followed it BUT you only had to exert enough force to throw the ONE baseball...

Similar things can happen... with monoatomic elements BUT only under certain conditions.

This is an simplified analogy, but it is important for us Humans to know such information.

5. Plasma? Nanotubes?

This guy must be nuts... but just how do you think this "chain" of monoatomic elements would reconfigure themselves in a plasma environment?

Answer this and you'll know why Plasma is preferable to ANY kind of metal vapours, gases or otherwise.

Magnets do play a role, just not primarily for containment.

Think beside the box on this one guys...

6. The system I talked about HAS been built, IS being used and does NOT go faster than the speed of light.... Read my previous posts... the ones wherein I specifically put some info you haven't read in any book or website.

7. Ask me the right questions and I'll give the right answers. This will ensure that those who intend to pursue this topic will have what they need to do so and I can better communicate the requested data to you.

I don't enforce any of my non-medical patents, so feel free to use the info to expand your minds... which is what is why we are here.

8. Such chains are to be aligned within nanotubes made out of whatever material found to be the least reactive to the element you are using as your drive mechanism. These nanotubes are to be converted to plasma...

This is just one way of manipulating the mass of the elements contained within... and even then only in a very specific type of complex drive system.

Monoatomic elements will react and unpredictably, and when you are dealing with them in an individual capacity they cannot be reliably used for any such system here On earth.

These structures (dealt with in this capacity) are far from "Noble", and can only be applied with efficacy in one environment.

(rep.)9. Imagine this... You string 13 baseballs together and attempt to throw them all by heaving the first one with all your might... after all 13 balls is hard to throw, and they are strung together, so it is quite hard for you to manage them... in this environment..

Suppose however, when you threw that first baseball in the chain of balls, the rest got up and followed it BUT you only had to exert enough force to throw the ONE baseball...

Similar things can happen... with monoatomic elements BUT only under certain conditions.

This is an simplified analogy, but it is important for us Humans to know such information.

10. You have just touched on another of my designs called a Compulsion Drive or Compellor Drive. Hopefully more people will think of it.

By creating a "black hole EFFECT" in front of the craft and with proper containment you can influence velocity and direction (to an extent) of whatever object is in the immediate vicinity... many uses for such a device.

However, since no such anomaly can be sustained, it would have to be repeatedly reformed to continue acceleration .

Because of this unfortunate limitation, any such drive that we would currently make could only be considered "Impulse drive" (star trek?) at best...

Would you like to know more? Ask away.

11. Build such a device? I am not a country, I'm just a person.

No one person could ever construct such a device. I wouldn't bother entertain the idea of building any of my non-medical patents, these patents serve a purpose all their own.

You cannot currently create a black hole in space, you can however create something similar here on earth and bring up to space with you.

Then you can initiate a "controlled" release to get a "predictable" reaction.
I really must choose use those terms loosely... especially concerning predicting directionality.

The math can be done and is used heavily to represent the function of various parts within such drive systems as representations of the technology present on the area of a device.

12. If we could trick the Universe into thinking that we were heavier than we actually are, faster than light speeds become feasible.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 01:54 PM

13. I don't know how to "trick" the universe in any such way... I was just trying to help people understand that conventional science does not impose as many limits as we are led to believe.

You do not have to redesign the laws of physics to travel extremely ridiculously fast.

As for explaining an already oversimplified analogy, that I will not do.

There is info in this thread that you will find in nowhere else, that I can assure you of. So no, I will not give away any more of my money, as the math took years to do and the concepts alone are extremely valuable.

I will however answer any questions that you cannot figure out by looking at the given info.

Time is money and this stuff takes time. I could be working on kidney implants right now... making money, instead of trying to teach the internet a new trick.

These are new concepts, all that is asked of you is that you think about them, even if you will never be able to apply them in your life.

14. To those of you who have researched, even slightly some of the ideas that were discussed here, I commend you all.

Apparently a misunderstanding regarding the application of the various systems discussed has arisen.

This if for a good reason, and yes I was using a basic psyche technique in my presentation. At least you noticed the effort... thank you.

Now, why has this misunderstanding arisen? On purpose.

I purposely did not clarify many of my points, causing you to do some learning which you apparently have now done. Now you want to know the rest.

15. Concerning the use of monoatomic elements;

Such elements are the primary means of propulsion within a spacecraft.
Such technology CANNOT function on earth, even in a vacuum, although tests regarding yield and energy can be conducted here on Earth.

Ask yourself why you have never heard of a particle accelerator being put in space... maybe one already has.

How would you align such unstable elements and prepare them for propulsion? Nanotubes.

A specifically constructed nanotube can be selected to hold the elements in alignment, and then be converted to plasma as both a means of heating and further aligning the elements present within.

The materials used for such a housing mechanism must be carefully selected according to its willingness to react with monoatomic elements.

Stabilization of this "chain" is key in such device. Several other events can only happen if precipitated by this process. These events are listed in the thread, some in "question" form.

I will add more later, I'm just glad to see we are starting to get back on the same page.

16. Remember when I said that if you could trick the universe into thinking you were heavier than you are, you could exceed light speed...

Well you would be surprised to know that you don't have "alter the vibrational state" of a vessel, as you only have to trick the universe into think that your Primary Drive mechanism is heavier than it is.

The gov. must be very happy that civilians now know this stuff

17. Imagine you were One atom heavier than you actually are...

...You can now travel the "speed of light+1atom@assumedrate"

that is to say, the universes is now imposing limits that greater your "potential" for speed.

That is to say, being lighter than the Universe Assumes you are, you can now exceed the limitations imposed on you in your prior unaltered condidtion.

But remember,it is this "potential' is what has been artificially created, using processes previously discussed. You are not actually gaining mass.

18. Think of a space journey as a constantly evolving equation;

Think of the Primary Drive impactions as a variating variable. That's right... variations within a variable (OMG my mind) that are constantly changing in relation to position of the vessel within space, the conditions of space within the vessel, and the elements occupying that particular small space which can be influenced by Humans.

So immediately after leaving you point origin, the equation begins, in fact it is practically solved by the time you are traveling in the right direction at a predicted rate of speed.

But just as your journey is not yet complete, the nature of any equation is that is must be continually balanced.

Balance, as it were, would be said to be maintained within the functions of such a variable(represented by multiple related equations... presenting a whole new set of problems), and so it is this particular part of the equation that continues to evolve until the final destination has been reached... or the equation has been "solved"...somewhat

But as you are only ever working with Probabilities, your equation will never be truly solved... as you cannot come to the same conclusions twice. However, your answers will be quite similar in each case.

This is Quantum theory at this point.

I have decided to release this proprietary information in the hopes of bettering all of our lives.

I can only hope that it reaches the people who can understand and apply it.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 12:07 AM
Okay, I'm going to take one last crack at this, one condition:

1) I am not looking for you to repost what you've already posted

I'm not an idiot. I read what you wrote the first time. It was lacking in detail. Re-posting it does not clarify your argument.

The site that EMM mentioned, while interesting, also contained this link at the top of the page, leading to a disclaimer about the works on the site being fictional:

So I'm not really sure what to believe from this site, especially since all of it's links are internal.

I decided to do some internet research on 'Monoatomic Elements', and this is what I uncovered:\

In fact, I got pages and pages of 'Buy this drink it will make you healthy'
'Ingest gold dust for long life'.

Finally, I found a sane article, here:

I stopped searching when I found this thread in the google search (bottom of page):

What I learned primarily is that Noble metals return to their normal form when heated. I also learned that Noble Metals will bring you a pretty penny, but they can't be derived from 'soft gold'.

So, letting the chips fall where they may, I've got two questions for you Doctor Macauley, are you this guy?:
"As an example, one expert, who shall go nameless, has invented a method for extracting precious metals by "radio frequency induction" and claims to have a Ph.D. from the Lincoln Laboratory of MIT. An inquiry addressed to the registrar of MIT disclosed that there is no record of any such degree."
From this article:

And my other question, still unanswered, do you have a proposed method for how any of this could propel a spacecraft? Tell me like I'm six years old how it works. (no offense to any 6 year olds that happen to read this thread

Just curious...


p.s. I also found this guy, who turned himself blue eating silver:

So sorry if I seem a bit suspicious...

[edit on 15-4-2008 by WitnessFromAfar]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 03:32 AM
I am done with this thread.

I have told it all that I am willing, and if you didn't understand it now, maybe the TV will explain it to you in the future as the technology becomes more mainstream.

Any future leaks will be directed towards the Disclosure community, where I will henceforth submit any of my original documents, drawings and calculations in accordance to what I feel is a sound disclosure policy.

Steven Greer has a lot of things coming his way this year.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by WitnessFromAfar

I decided to do some internet research on 'Monoatomic Elements', and this is what I uncovered:

In fact, I got pages and pages of 'Buy this drink it will make you healthy'
'Ingest gold dust for long life'.

Actually WFA,

I was going to mention Collodial Gold much earlier in the thread but I thought I may be mistaken... and didn't want to look stupid. Apparently not!

Collodial Gold has an interesting history. Many of the Pharaohs ingested it regularly in a "bread form" and it was also thought to be the same "Mana From Heaven" that sustained the Israelites when they were in the Sinai Desert.

To go back even earlier (1000's of years), it was refered to as "Star Fire". It was believed that the Collodial Gold (Mana) was a substitute for the original substance, (menstrual blood) or 'Blood From The Womb". This was taken from the Alpha Female of the tribe and ingested orally by particluar males in an effort to live for eternity, travel the cosmos etc etc.

I read about it years and years ago in Nexus Magazine. Perhaps they still have some info laying around on their website?

Very interesting stuff!

IRM Out!

[edit on 15/4/08 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by doctormcauley
I am done with this thread.

Any future leaks will be directed towards the Disclosure community, where I will henceforth submit any of my original documents, drawings and calculations in accordance to what I feel is a sound disclosure policy.

Steven Greer has a lot of things coming his way this year.

Ooops! We have a dummy spit!

Kinda makes me wonder why he didn't give us his documents, drawings etc to begin with. Hmmmm makes me wonder! I remember seeing similar behavior from the Rabbit Hole Op

Post the rest of your material doctormcauley if it's "the clencher" - as your suggesting.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 06:38 AM
That blue man image is from colloidal silver that that particular gent improperly made in his kitchen. Its a very RARE affliction from the silver ingestion, it is called "Argyria". He did lots wrong in the making of it, such as using water with impurities in it, not using correct voltage, longer than normal soak time etc. This all leads to large colloidal silver particulate instead of what is recommended.

In addition he ingested large quantities of it, WAY over the dosage recommended. Colloidal silver is safe, as long as certain simple guidelines are met, as with anything, herbal meds, prescription meds etc.

Anyway, has nothing to do really with monoatomic elements, entirely different.

[edit on 15-4-2008 by battlestargalactica]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 06:40 AM
Some of the people on this thread have ruined it for those of you who could appreciate the value of the information.

There is no "clencher' just a new set of concepts and ideas.

If you don't understand them, that is fine. If you assume that it is part of a larger forthcoming revelation, you are mistaken.

This is all ATS will be getting from me concerning such information.

I do not intend to further compromise any more patents, especially those still pending approval...

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by doctormcauley
Some of the people on this thread have ruined it for those of you who could appreciate the value of the information.

There is no "clencher' just a new set of concepts and ideas.

If you don't understand them, that is fine. If you assume that it is part of a larger forthcoming revelation, you are mistaken.

This is all ATS will be getting from me concerning such information.

I do not intend to further compromise any more patents, especially those still pending approval...

Yep, that's about the response I expected.
It's unfortunate, I was actually willing to discuss your theories, but whatever.

I must clear up the nonsense in your last sentence though, for the uninformed. There is no way anyone can compromise your patents. That's just ridiculous. Patents in and of themselves are actually quite useless, unless you have a working prototype that demonstrates proof of concept.

To be perfectly honest, you haven't even illustrated a concept, let alone provided proof of concept. So Patent or not, you're not going to see any money from any type of invention until/unless you can sell that idea to a company willing to distribute and manufacture your product.

Any company looking to invest significant financial resources into your venture is going to be just as curious as I am. Heck, for all you know I represent such a company, and was curious about your design.

While I'm at it, I might as well take issue with your first sentence's inherent ridiculousness also.

"...ruined it for those of you who could appreciate the value of the information."

Ruined it? By what, doing a google search on ORME? If that's all it took to 'Ruin' the 'value' of your 'information', I wonder how many ATS folks did the google search before I did, and didn't bother coming back to reply to you?

Frankly, as the person who started this thread, I'm actually interested in Systems and Mechanisms for potential space travel, specifically travel between stars in a timeframe that works with a human lifespan.

Now, if you've got something to add to this thread, which is about that, please do. I've been waiting for pages, and I have yet to see you propose such a mechanism.


p.s. If anyone else would like to explain the ORME thing as it pertains to space travel, I'm all ears

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 01:10 PM
I did not have time to read all the threads but a simple way to hit the speed of light or beyond would be figuring out how to protect a gravity well in front of a space craft.

You would need to project the gravity well out in front on a continuing basis at least the speed at which you want to travel or you would catch it.

The well would only need to be powerful enough to create a pull in front of the craft continuously ahead of the craft. Once you begin projecting the gravity the craft would follow it like a horse following a carrot.

you could even use this well to stop the craft by projecting it behind the craft when you want to slow down and stop. A slight pull would perpetually get faster and faster as the craft accelerated toward the gravity well.

So figure out how to create artificial gravity (even a tiny bit) and the universe is ours.

[edit on 15-4-2008 by Xeven]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by battlestargalactica

Hello BSG
Thanks for the clarification. I'm wondering, beyond the potential application as a particle to accelerate as thrust, do you have any idea what the Doctor was talking about?

I really did try to find something relating online yesterday, looked for a long time, tried to give as much benefit of the doubt as possible.

The only thing I found were sites trying to sell me these elements to ingest for health reasons.

I'm just not making the connection, and I'm willing to admit that perhaps I'm overlooking it, or that the manner of the good Doctor has blinded my perception.

You seem to have a good head on your shoulders, and you seem to have at least heard of this ORME thing before. Do you understand how it could be used in a potential mechanism for FTL travel?


(just to be clear, I'm not being 'attacky' here, I respect your opinion, and if I'm missing something I'd like to learn about it.)

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Xeven

I think this is an interesting idea, especially since the Z Machine at Sandia is reportedly able to create small artificial black holes. This to me looks like an application that can be tested within the next 10 years, and I find that exciting.

I'm not entirely clear on the physics of 'pulling', as it appears to be in fact an illusion, where a pushing force is actually involved, similar to Centrifugal vs. Centripedal force.

But in practicality the effects are the same, regardless of the description of the involved mechanism. It still would 'feel' like the craft was being pulled.

This one has my interest as well, among other potential mechanisms described in this thread

Are there any ideas out there that we may have missed so far?
I had a few crazy ideas a few years ago, and I'll try to post them later today if I get the chance...


posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:03 PM
My old eyes are too tired to go through all the pages of this thread, so I'll ask if anyone has said anything about Miguel Alcubierre. He's posted a theoretical "warp bubble" based on the theory that a portion of spacetime could be warped to "increase" the speed of light, allowing a ship to travel without suffering relativistic effects. I phrased that horribly, I'm sure. Google the man's name and read it for yourselves.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Truthseeker_013

LOL, I'm sorry the thread has grown to be a bit long

I don't recall any mention of Warp bubbles that extended further than suggesting it. I'll certainly google his name and read about it. Thanks for sharing. Warp is one of those theories that I'd like to explore more.


posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:52 PM
Okay, as promised, one of my 'crazy' ideas I had in my early twenties...

I called it NMP, for Neutrino Manipulated Propulsion.

BIG DISCLAIMER: Neutrinos are tiny, and bombard us from all directions at all times, so small that they pass right through us without notice, through the space between the atoms that make up our bodies.
To date, I've not read anywhere where anyone has found a way to 'block' a neutrino. END DISCLAIMER

That being said, my idea was to build an electro-magnetic screen, using electromagnets alligned in a circle facing in, exhibiting controllable magnetic fields into the center of the circle. Then crank each one up until virtually nothing can pass through the field. Now of course, charged particles would be blocked by this field inherently, but a neutrino doesn't hold a charge. Here's a good site to read up about them:

So at any rate, I'm not sure this would work at all, it was just the best mechanism I could come up with for the possible manipulation of neutrinos as a fuel source.

If it worked, it would have worked like this, You'd have one of these rings on each side (6 sides, 3-d cube) of your spaceship. When you wanted to move up, you would activate the screen to block neutrinos coming at your ship from below. The neutrinos would collide with the screen with force, and this force would provide thrust.

The advantage to the theoretical craft was that you have a never ending supply of neutrinos out there, racing about in every direction at amazing speeds. Basically all of the fuel you'd ever need, and just using a condensed electric field to tap that fuel.

The disadvantage of this theoretical craft is that there is actually no known way of blocking a neutrino (to my knowledge) and unless something like a magnetic field could do it, you couldn't turn the field on and off when needed.

Anyway, I told you it was a bit on the crazy side

But it served as a good thought experiment, and got me thinking at a young age about movement in a 0g environment. I thought I would share the mechanism with you all, perhaps it will inspire something that will work in reality


posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by WitnessFromAfar
reply to post by battlestargalactica

Hello BSG
Thanks for the clarification. I'm wondering, beyond the potential application as a particle to accelerate as thrust, do you have any idea what the Doctor was talking about?

Not sure about the doctors plans on how to use monoatomics to propel a s/c, and not sure why he's reluctant to disclose simple details. If he has patents, even pending, these should protect his ideas from any of us 'sharks' on ATS

Any case, I assume that his propulsion involved using these elements in a standard sort of way, that is every action has an equal and opposite reaction, Newtons III law. Spitting these particles out at one velocity, having them either maintain their velocity or increase their velocity (thru changing mass) along their path down these little nanotubes. If you have LOTS of these nanotubes along with a large length, then this propulsive force can be maximized. The cooling and/or heating and other effects can also be utilized along the length of these nanotubes, taking advantage of the use of such.

Taking off on these rantings of mine, the tubes might not just be used as a conduit, or like a railroad track to guide these particles but as the main initial propulsive source. It could be used like a particle accelerator or in other methods, like a magnetic propulsion system, like with maglev trains, successive magnet push-pull propels the train forward with ever increasing velocity.

Here are some propulsion methods most have never heard of:

[color=gold]Arcjet Propulsion

Originally experiments in the 60's, this is the use of a monoatomic gas and ionized and heated with an electric arc as the gas passes thru the throat of the engine. The ionized core of the engine is 100,000°C or more, in turn heating the monoatomic gas as it flows past.

These have low thrust but HIGH max I(sp), mainly arcjets used (for now) in stationkeeping and orbital moves, however can be used on long term missions such as to the moon or mars, utilizing little fuel, lots electricity.

[color=gold]Ion Propulsion

An electric form of propulsion thru the use of accelerating ions. These engines have a low thrust and HIGH I(sp) and expel beams of ions at high velocity, using Newtons III law to advantage. Again, small amounts of fuel are required but high amounts of electrical input for this type of system.

[color=gold]Colloid Thruster

A colloid thruster is a type of thruster which uses electrostatic acceleration of charged liquid droplets for propulsion. It is closely related to electrospray ionization and other hydrodynamic spraying processes. In a colloid thruster charged liquid droplets are produced by an electrospray process and then accelerated by a static electric field. The liquid used for this application tends to be a low volatility ionic liquid. Like other ion thrusters its benefits include high efficiency, thrust density, and specific impulse; however it has very low total thrust, on the order of ?N. Its primary utility is in very efficient fine control or efficient primary acceleration of small spacecraft over long periods of time.

Electric Propulsion using C60 Molecules

Description of the Prior Art Ion propulsion and arcjet systems have been proposed and tested for many years to provide propulsion and control in the near vacuum environment of space by use of the simple action-reaction result of thrusting material out in one direction to cause motion in the other direction. Although various propulsion systems have achieved success for various types of missions, there is a gap in propulsion capability...,M1

As far as you only finding health articles in regards to ORME, perhaps you've been looking in the wrong places, here's some info that may help in understanding these weird forms of matter:
Patent of D. Hudson, ORME, UK, 1989


More Patents from Brazil, Australia, NZ, Spain, S. Africa, Japan, Italy, France, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Austria:

Hudsons Figures for Patent process:

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 09:01 PM
According to the current search done about how UFOs might travel to earth, see also UFO hunters latest episode and Bruce Cornet work (for photos) and an extension of this idea to what I call "planet hopping" in simple pictures, here is how it should be working.

I took the general idea "subspace" as it appeared in Star Trek series and I applied it here with slight modifications. In this theory ecology and subspace go hand by hand. You live well then you can travel well. (in fact to let others travel well, since we don't travel yet, at least at that way)

Note: the target planet must have life to be able to support different levels of gates and exits to "subspace", if it is harboring intelligent life then more corridors would be identified through lay lines groupings and formations on the terrain surface, here the lay line "strengths" and plain geometry that connects them to geometric formations can apply to identify them. The more complicated the life forms currently present on the planet "levels of consciousness" the more complicated the corridor system, the more worlds can be reached through this ecosystem/planet/habitat of consciousness.

Maybe only "conscious" worlds are linked between them.

Presentation is too brief because I don't have enough time! Sorry for that! I will come back with more.

Here it is with pictures for what is worth.

Click on them they are self explaining.

between the stars



EXITING "subspace", reaching a planet



Choosing corridors, following the ley lines, locating "subspace" ENTRANCES



In no means I have a theory of how this could work, it is just an idea on why we see too many UFOs visiting our world since universe might be full of life and more interesting destinations should exist for alien travelers than the habitat of the human race.

[edit on 15-4-2008 by spacebot]

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 02:25 AM
i thought up of a kooky propulsion system which is highly theoretical and involves insane mathematics to prove if can be at all.

i called it "Light Harmonic Propulsion"

imagine a vessel made of a low weight material which is both slightly flexible and very resilient. this vessel would have two layered walls with a gap separating them. This hollow area will be surrounded with spaghetti-like strings of a material that has few imperfections and very light in weight. The spaghetti-like material is basically a fiber optic cable, just made with a lighter, more flexible and resilient optic cable. the main engine of this vessel would project light into the cables, essentially shrouding the vessel in it's own bubble of light speed. A secondary engine should be a seismic engine, which creates very fine tuned, and stabilized vibrations throughout the whole vessel extremely precisely.
because the vessel is shrouded in light speed and then vibrating, the position of the light in space time would be warped.
how does this work? if you take a guitar string and pluck it, it vibrates. if you tighten the guitar string and pluck it, it vibrates again but within a smaller amount of space. if you tighten it again and pluck it, it vibrates again but within and even smaller amount of space. if you tighten it even more and then pluck the string, it would be too stressed and break. in my proposed vessel the lite fiber optic cables are the same as the guitar string only the cables aren't getting stressed from tugging, they're getting stressed from the movement of light through the cables. by vibrating the light within the cable very precisely, the light would have no space to vibrate as it's contained within the cable. Theoretically, unlike the guitar string that broke because of the stresses, the vibrating light which can't be broken, would break the space around them.
So lets zoom out a bit. Right now we're in this vessel that's encapsulated in light, and is breaking the fabric of space time. where does it go? to answer this question you have to look into string theory that demonstrates that there's 9 spatial dimensions in our galaxy, 1 supergravity dimension, 1 dimension accounting for time, and a 12th dimension containing light. because the vessel is enshrouded in light, and it's light that broke the fabric of the 9 spatial dimensions, theoretically the vessel, and it's occupants would be within the dimension of light.
You should understand that to move within the dimension of light means one is moving faster than the speed of light. this means that traveling for one second at 3mph would be like traveling at the speed of light to the third power.

any feed back or questions?

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by battlestargalactica
Admirable attempts by all at envisioning advanced alien propulsion, but I don't really think we can come up with possible systems. Why? An Alien race may be 10000 or 100000 years in advance from us, and their technology may not even be in our realm of imagination yet.

Think of it this way, picture our ancient ancestors, ancient man, would he be able to imagine what the future would be like in the year 2008, did he even know what time was? Even thinking about things he did know, say fire, could he imagine future forms of firestarting devices that we have today (Bic lighter, Magnesium etc..), things that are simple to us?

People are thinking way too conventionally about a possible alien propulsion system, things like "the time it takes to speed up and slow down" is based on our technology and our understanding of physics. You have to think REAL BIG, as in "nothing is impossible" kind of big. Then maybe we'd be on the right track in this thread.

Something to think about.

[edit on 11-4-2008 by battlestargalactica]

That is our biggest problem... we have to think outside the box, which may be almost impossible. Something I've thrown around is not moving the craft but moving space and "time". I put time in quotes because I feel time might be one of our limiting factors. Since time is directly relative to our physical existance on earth. This may fall under dimesional travel...but who's to know?

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