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Light Beam from Stephenville UFO

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posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 03:27 AM
As usual, the UFO Hunters Show on the History Channel, for the most part, is a steaming pile of string you along crapola.

Ive watched every episode so far and have been very disappointed, which seems to be the consensus here on ATS. The better part of the show relies on conducting investigations that replicate singular incidences with scientific experiments. That's all fine and noble, but, Never reaches any conclusion other than more questions than semblances of answers. Every up and let down.

Having said that, the recent Stephenvile, TX episode has one Amazing clip of a beam of light shining from above downwards, but, not touching the ground that was so eerie and compelling.

In the grainy camcorder clip, a woman records her property due to the missing livestock and the viewer sees deer being suddenly startled and darting off for cover. Then, a narrow cone of light shines down for a period of 4 minutes, gradually moving away then dissolving.

This beam of light in this grainy black and white tape is not seen by her, but, by her camcorder's night vision feature. Another TX witness confirms a beam from a UFO in the vicinity.

That clip is scary and seems undeniable.

Why is Stephenville, Texas and vicinity since the Aurora, TX incident decades ago such a hot spot for UFO activity? What point(s) of interest is there to map/surveill?

What do you think?

[edit on 10-4-2008 by EclipseReloaded]

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 03:55 AM
I reckon the video is genuine, not a reanactement?
It would be interesting to see it, maybe if someone post in youtube or something.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 04:24 AM
When I saw the beam of light I was expecting it to tie in to the video on earthfiles a few weeks back.IIRC there was hidden video of a farm yard where a deer poofs from existence.Does anyone know if this is the same person/video?

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 04:26 AM
This video clip will be on YouTube is truly awesome.

The lightbeam not touching the ground, especially from its narrowing point of origin is perplexing.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 08:25 AM
Dear OP:

Good discussion.

In the hope of working together on this topic there is another thread on the Hunters show including the light here:

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 08:59 AM
That may be possible, but I wonder if any evidence of a beam on
top can be found.
A negative beam should be on top so perhaps a positive ion beam
is present at the bottom.

The beam on top perhaps is only seen with IR optics.
Positive ions are perhaps more evident.

Powerful static forces are one theory of propulsion.

I always thought the tractor beam was negative so you beam something
negative and it rises to the positive ship.

ED: OK, so what are we seeing a top or bottom beam?

[edit on 4/10/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by EclipseReloaded

im surprised you didnt mention the part when the ufo hunters went to the library and found an article about a flying object in the area, 6 years before the first plane was ever flown. my jaw dropped..

im happy with ufo hunters. im sure its not going to have the compelling evidence that we all have been eagarly awaiting but its fun to watch, and at least they have plenty of interest in the subject themselves.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 03:19 PM
Has anyone found the footage? I have found it on UFO hunters website with their flashplayer....can anyone convert that and repost it here?

[edit on 10-4-2008 by kdial1]

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 04:15 PM
I think UFO Hunters started off a little slow, but has been getting better with each episode. I have thought that the Vortex, Alien Contact and Stephensville episodes were all great. They were both informative and entertaining. People complain, but I certainly don't think I could've done better in "uncovering evidence."

Now to comment on specifics. . .

The light beam footage was pretty crazy. I definitely thought it was very interesting and compelling stuff. No doubt. There's been a bit of talk on the UFO Hunters IMDB message board as well. I think the UFO Hunters team did a good job in locating and including this footage.

I was also taken aback by the reports of a flying object from the 1800s. I would like to do some more research and get more details on the specifics of that particular incident.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 06:15 PM
Well I did some research and here is what I came up with.

Thanks to Linda Moulton Howe and this information.

Brownwood, Texas, deer feeder site, January 30, 2008. Two Swann infrared cameras in foreground. Photoshop white line indicates approximate position of light beam in November 21, 2007, videotape that faded in, persisted for five minutes, and then faded out.

Infrared camera on left is Swann 16mm 1/3 IR CS 1:1:6. Camera on right is
Swann 16mm CCTV F1.2. The two camera lenses are 28 inches apart. The cameras are about five feet above ground and mounted on wooden posts that set on a base of rocks.

Ground slopes up behind the metal feeder. Block of feed on far right marks the spot where the infrared camera owners think the light beam persisted in the November 21, 2007, videotape, and where one of the three deer disappeared on December 7, 2007.

1) November 21, 2007 at 1:41 AM: At the upper ground, a faint beam of light fades in on the left side of an infrared frame and widens near the ground (but perhaps does not touch the ground?) Near the beam is a block of deer food on the upper ground. The beam intensifies, becoming brighter and brighter, and lasts for five minutes.

2) December 7, 2007 at 5:05 PM: Three deer are eating from the upper ground deer food and the lower ground deer food. For several minutes, the deer move around eating while their eyes glow brightly white in the greys and black infrared video. At one point, the three animals appear to be spooked by something unseen and run off. Then the deer return to the feeders. One is grazing at the upper ground deer food. Its right leg moves forward into a spot that would have been where the beam was two and a half weeks earlier. Instantly, the deer disappears. I played the infrared tape back and forth at normal speed and frame-by-frame many times looking for a brief flash of light or any anomaly at the moment the deer disappears. But the infrared tape and its time code move forward normally.

3) January 4, 2008 at 6:28 PM: What appears to be a very bright, white plasma orb appears at the camera lenses. The orb seems to be “examining” the cameras in its pulsing movement around the lenses, disappearing out of frame downward, which is where the wooden stands hold each camera up about 5 feet 2 inches and 28 inches apart. The orb is present throughout nearly six hours of infrared videotape. About mid-way through the tape, the orb seems to “enter” one of the camera lenses. White, translucent particles flow like water droplets toward the center of the frame, which then goes nearly pure white for an extended period of time. In that whiteness, more translucent particles are flowing like water. Eventually, the process reverses itself. The whiteness begins to thin out to translucent particles flowing like water droplets back out of the camera until the deer feeder scene clears again to the normal grey and black shades of infrared videotape.

4) January 31, 2008 at 12:30 AM until sunrise: An egg-shaped white plasma appears before the cameras rapidly and briefly three times by sunrise. Around the egg-shaped white glow is a “collar” around the egg's middle. In one sequence, the plasma egg enters and leaves one camera frame and enters and leaves the second camera frame.

Here is the original source

This makes me wonder now, what camera it came from. If it is infared...well could it be light or something else?

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 06:32 PM
any one have a link to the light beam vids?

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 07:42 PM
So far, the family does not want to release the infrared tapes as of the latest I have read. They are probably trying to make some money off of it. Here is a link to some info....Brownwood, TX scroll down quite a bit to find the article. It goes alot more in depth than UFO hunters did.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by EclipseReloaded

Why is Stephenville, Texas and vicinity since the Aurora, TX incident decades ago such a hot spot for UFO activity? What point(s) of interest is there to map/surveill?

What do you think?

[edit on 10-4-2008 by EclipseReloaded]

Well its a big state, needed to hide a big UFO.

Check this out:
Space UFO footage March 2008 Many Unidentified Space Objects

Bright UFOs are thought to have bright static emissions so similar engines might be on the brighter object. The faint images might be a bigger football field sized UFO parked in orbit. I mean hiding them in a Swiss lake went out of style. Texas had reports of a large craft at the tree tops.

Hiding in Texas, Switzerland or parked in orbit... the big UFOs.

ED: The only video shows a big bright object from not to far
a distance.

[edit on 4/10/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 01:37 PM
Ok, the the Light Beam video is now on YouTube...

Here's the link:

YouTube Light Beam Video from UFO Hunters

[edit on 11-4-2008 by EclipseReloaded]

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 02:05 PM
Hmm...I don't know what it could be. I'm not sold that it is a UFO or belonging to an ET, but to be honest, I don't know what else it could be. I'm thinking something to do with the camera itself, but IDK.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 02:30 PM
I think that the video of the light beam is very much genuine, and there is no reason for the wonam who has the footage to fake it. Also, it seems like it would be very hard to replicate the events before the beam appears.

In the video, it shows deer foraging for food at night, and all of a sudden they perk up their heads and look in the direction of the camera before they all run away. Shortly thereafter, the beam appears and travels forward before stopping. I cant remember exactly, but i thought that the woman said that the beam stayed in the same spot for like 10 minutes.

This video helps disprove the horrible coverup by the airforce as well. The military's explanation is just about as laffable as the explanation given for Roswell. They said that 10 F-16's had been scrambled for a practice flight or something around the same time. This covers about 1/1000th of the accounts provided by residents of Stephenville that night, since everyone said that there was no sound associated with the craft, whereas the noise from an F-16 would be unmistakeable.

What gives more creedance to this story is the fact that the same woman claims that she has had animals go missing, or turn up mutilated on her property. This goes along the same lines as other situations where UFO's have been seen, and livestock turning up mutilated.

I thought that the "aliens" were fixed on abducting cows for their blood but it appears that deer blood provides the same things as cow blood.

Although this story is very fantastic, I dont see why it or the video would be fake. Given the fact that UFO sightings over that general area of Texas have been going on for over a hundred years, I wouldnt suspect that they will go away. They will only increase until the point that cover-ups are no longer as effective at pulling the wool over the sheeps eyes.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 03:22 PM
After watching this episode I remembered the Cash-Landrum Incident which happened near Houston in 1980. While not related to this flap other than taking place in TX, one interesting thing which I'd never read before is that it took place 1 day after the Rendlesham Forest encounter.

Another thing which I found astounding in looking up locations on Google was the size of Ft Hood. This military reservation is South-East of Stephenville and land-wise it looks roughly the same acreage as Houston!

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 03:33 PM
Very interesting video, thanks for posting it!
If genuine, it leaves lots of room for speculation. Reaction of the animals also indicates that the light may have it's own source, not coming from the camera.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by kdial1

2) December 7, 2007 at 5:05 PM: Three deer are eating from the upper ground deer food and the lower ground deer food. For several minutes, the deer move around eating while their eyes glow brightly white in the greys and black infrared video. At one point, the three animals appear to be spooked by something unseen and run off. Then the deer return to the feeders. One is grazing at the upper ground deer food. Its right leg moves forward into a spot that would have been where the beam was two and a half weeks earlier. Instantly, the deer disappears. I played the infrared tape back and forth at normal speed and frame-by-frame many times looking for a brief flash of light or any anomaly at the moment the deer disappears. But the infrared tape and its time code move forward normally.


Where is this part of the video and why has no one else commented on it? It seems like parts 2) and 3) are MUCH more interesting than the original beam video, as interesting as that was on it's own.

Maybe it's being held on to for more money or something but I find it strange that UFO Hunters wouldn't have forked up the cash to include it if it's as compelling as this account makes it out to be? I noticed in the episode there was a part where they showed a deer quickly fading out of the shot but I assumed that was some sort of post-production added for dramatic effect?

Why wouldn't they mention this part at least

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Don Wahn

In the video, it shows deer foraging for food at night, and all of a sudden they perk up their heads and look in the direction of the camera before they all run away. Shortly thereafter, the beam appears and travels forward before stopping. I cant remember exactly, but i thought that the woman said that the beam stayed in the same spot for like 10 minutes.

Yes, very interesting footage. A few things I would like to know is how much time passed when the deer scattered until the beam was shown? The footage seemed to jump around a bit. I wouldn't mind knowing the frame rate the footage was shot in as well.

Let not assume that the deer were scared of by the origin of the "beam", it could just be coincidence that something else spooked them. Deer spook at the drop of a hat, especially when they are feeding. Could have been a branch falling from a tree, a raccoon...anything.

I'm not saying this is fake at all, as I have no reason to at this time. But if someone did want to fake it (and Linda Howe even being involved or interested should set alarm bells off in all your heads) it wouldn't be hard to. While reviewing tape from the deer feeder they catch a scene where the deer spook off for whatever reason and pow, there's the perfect part of the video to fake something in there scaring them off. The deer would give added realism to the hoax, and the fact that this was "caught" on some remote wildlife camera would pull people in as well.

I am sure something unusual is going on down there, and we need to remember that during times and hot spots like this there are bound to be people "cashing in" so to speak.

I would expect there to be much more video evidence coming forward from such a widely reported phenomenon. I mean, its been going on for months, to the point it can damn near be anticipated. You would think if there was more substance to this some of these serious investigators would have something more concrete by now?

So far, nothing compelling other than eyewitness observations have come through my skeptic filtration system....yet. But I'm watching....

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