posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 11:39 AM
Ive followed this subject of Apollo 20 since day 1 and always found that there was never any hurry for the information to come out, William Rutledge
from day one stated all he wanted was for Both US and USSR Governments to admit the truth, even giving them a time line of September 2007 if my mind
serves me right?
Anyhow the contents of the mona lisa footage has been known since almost day 1, i even remember reading somewhere that she looked like she was the
victim of a severe fire, which def fits in with the footage,
I also remember a radio interview with him William Rutledge and i cant for the life of me remember where? can anyone help with this? the radio
interview? it could have been a project camelot recording im not sure.
Anyway in the recording i heard he told of the footage he had, the way he got it, and everything the footage contained, i even think there was an
android in there somewhere,
Im not 100% if i believe the whole truth or not, but i do know he sounds genuine, had answers for all the questions, apparently there is supposed to
be footage from inside the city which is mind boggling, the stuff we have seen so far is from the outskirts after they left the city.
So im not 100% sure, i also dont think anyone could convince me it was fake either, simply because of the comment that she was burnt and in a
suspended animation chamber, perhaps she was so important in her culture this was the only way they could keep her alive maybe a queen or princess?
Anyone else notice the headress looks very sumarian in appearance?
all i can say is if she is real then she is gorgeous, in a sense of being the biggest clue to the heritage of the human race ever.