posted on May, 12 2008 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by dgtempe
In response to your misery.
I am sure that reading these responses has made you even MORE miserable. I can't believe some of the things I hear.
My suggestions are how I deal in my own life.
I really believe in that old fashioned b.s. about being the change you want to see. So...if people are being cruel you have to be nice back. It
actually works and is so much more satisfying than revenge. Example: Some crazy people who own a hotel down the street stopped me and smashed my
bike because they thought I was someone else. After much deliberation we sent them some potted plants and eventually they felt so bad they gave us
their only bicycle. Sure it was a piece of crap...but they learned something and felt remorse. Job well done.
The wrong thing to do would have been to continue this hatered.
Another thing: forget racism.
Forget about superiority in general.
I promise it will make you feel better to give up something that you are doing which is causing a problem. Whether it be never watching television
again...becoming a vegetarian, giving up your car, boycotting corporate america....pick something. It will make you feel better.
We must vote with our dollars for money is the blood of the beast. Our money is what they want.
Joining a group is a good idea. I practice Judo. They are my group.
And my annoying as they can be.
Finally: Be skeptical. I think all of this crap about God makes us depressed. That's another long story... but let's all just PRETEND that no
one is going to hell or heaven and earth is all we have. WOW...wouldn't that be something.
Ok...feel better,