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Conspiracy of Eggs!

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posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by pavlovsdog

good to hear from you again, Pavlovsdog. You are right about the products from Angel Foods and have recently considered using Angel Foods.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 10:33 AM
Hi folks. Our moderators decided it was not a new thread topic, so I'll repost what I have here.

The Codex Alimentarius is a threat to the freedom of people to choose natural healing and alternative medicine and nutrition. Ratified by the World Health Organization, and going into Law in the United States in 2009, the threat to health freedom has never been greater.

This is the first part of a series of talks by Dr. Rima Laibow MD, available on DVD from the Natural Solutions Foundation, an non-profit organization dedicated to educating people about how to stop Codex Alimentarius from taking away our right to freely choose nutritional health.

Fellow citizens, we have a short time to take action. What I surmise from this video is that our government plans to detract vitamins, minerals and every kind of necessary nutrient from our diets. Forget about being able to buy supplements. That will not be legal either. Be very afraid. Afraid enough to take affirmative action. Now.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by pavlovsdog

I haven't had the chance to view your link yet. But in response to the subject matter; I was talking with a friend about this issue not so long ago. She's up on these things. She says that she read that there is an ulterior motive of our gov, that does not want the average joe to own a vehicle. Only the prosperous will be able to afford to own and drive privately owned vehicles.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 11:44 AM
I cant go along with 'only the prosperous' owning vehicles here in the USA. Here are my reasons off the top of my head.

1. Unlike most of the UK, our infrastructure demands the use of a POV(personally owned vehicle) - people have to be able to get to work
here is the USA most outside of a few major cities cant public transport to work
2. The injury to the auto/vehicle manufactures would be ruinous
3. The revenue afforded the auto insurers

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by jameswillard

I believe I picked up the idea of feeding the shells back to the hens from an article in Mother Earth News magazine, many years ago......That and feeding crushed oyster shells will keep the eggshells stronger.

My Grandmother used to feed hard boiled yolks to the little chicks before the advent of 'starter grower crumbles' that we find at the feed store now.

Chickens tend to be a bit cannibalistic naturally and will usually eat any eggs that get accidentally broken in the nest.....some will learn to break their own eggs and eat them once they've 'gotten a taste' for them......A bad habit that usually ends with the guilty hen going into a batch of dumplings!
So I don't offer them the raw eggs.

Our hens usually get all table scraps that the dog or cat won't eat, and since they both have tired of eating eggs, the chickens benefit from the 'trickle down' effect~!

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 06:42 PM
Here's one for ya'

In many parts of rural agricultural areas of the country people could have 12 or so hens and a rooster or two and grow their own eggs. I know this for a fact, that in one particular region, the F&G started introducing Foxes into the areas, and within a year or two at the end of the 80's guess what? Everyone's chickens were all eaten up and this forced numerous families to have to go into the the store and buy their eggs....also a tremendous boost to sales at the commercial hatcheries. There were rumours that the egg industry payed off the govmen' to intruduce the foxes back into the farming areas, and that nobody remembers there ever being so many fox there in the first place.

BTW eggs at under $2 a dozen? Consider yourself lucky, I just paid $2.79 a dozen at my local egg dealer. At this rate we will soon have to get our eggs the same way we do our pot.

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 04:41 PM
Hello everybody,
Been busy trying to put together some of the great ideas, you folks have shared with me.
My friend and I are starting indoor gardens.
How many of you watched that video I gave you on Codex Alimentarius?
The reason I asked is, I was reasearching some tips on indoor gardening, and I found something interesting that I wanted to share with you folks.


To satisfy our year-round demand, commercial suppliers plant tomato varieties suitable to production and shipping needs. Often, these tomatoes lack the taste, color or texture that most people prefer. To better withstand shipping, they usually are picked at the "mature green" stage. To complete ripening at their destination, they are gassed with ethylene, a natural plant hormone that is part of the ripening process.

A United States Department of Agriculture study found that ethylene gas has no effect on the tomato's nutritional quality. Surprisingly, such tomatoes provide only slightly less beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A, and vitamin C than the tastier vine-ripened fruits. One 5-ounce tomato -- whether home-or-greenhouse grown -- provides a third of our daily needs for these vitamins, along with some iron, fiber and B vitamins.

There are also great tips on same page for growing tomatoes indoors, if you are interested. Have a wonderful day. jameswillard.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by jameswillard

Hey there, James, thanks for the Rima Laibow video. It was nice to have it all laid out like that.

I won't say much, I'll let the smarter people than me do that. Here's some links to some food related stuff.

There's a movie, I thought it had the same name, but I don't see it. Maybe it's under a different name or it's been taken off.

I'm on the mailing list for the last one, lots of good stuff from there. Enough to drive a person insane at times. Also, since I couldn't find the movie I was looking for, here's another good one. Can't have this discussion without a few lovely words about Monsanto.

You may have come across some of these sites in your search. I do hope I contributed a little bit of knowledge here somewhere. It's quite depressing info, but knowledge nonetheless.

Good luck to ya!

EDIT: It's been a few days since I read through this thread, that video may have already been posted. I was just watching it and it seems like I just watched it a couple of days ago so I'm unsure. If so then I apologize.

[edit on 4/13/2008 by TheLoony]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by jameswillard
Hello everybody,

My friend and I are starting indoor gardens.

For someone who is financially challenged, an indoor garden to provide food is foolhardy

Lighting solutions to provide an approximation of sunlight to your indoor plants make this too expensive to grow foods for consumption in an apartment or other limited space area. Dont forget, should you actually buy the needed lighting, you will then have to contend with the higher electric bill

Lets say you want to grow 6 tomato plants. Your lighting could easily cost 100.00 and the electricity demands of these lights will impact your electric bill by about 20.00/month.

Yes, you can buy inexpensive 'grow bulbs' at your local walmart, but you will have very limited success if any with these. They are designed as a supplement for plants that are considered 'houseplants', these plants are generally considered to be 'low light' type plants.

You are considering growing plants that need enough light to flower and bear fruit. These plants take a considerable amount of light. They use the light as energy to convert and bear this fruit.

Here are some lighting solutions for what you are proposing

grow lights

Indoor agriculture is for the hobbies t (the orchid fans) or the marijuana grower. Other applications do not make financial sense.

I'm sorry, I wish it was viable..

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 07:06 AM
I can't believe nobody added to my previous know when the fish and game dpt. introduces Fox into a region and it results in them killing thousands upon thousands of chickens so that the rural dwellers have to go to Kroger and Safeway to buy eggs rather than gather their own, and the local egg hatchery makes out like a bandit, then you have a conspiracy. If that isn't a conspiracy, I don't know what the hell is.

I am not going to tell you where exactly this happened...but I will say I have heard other stories that suggest it is not only at this particular local...

Also, this is "conspiracy of eggs"....I don't know about indoor grown tomatoes, but I do know if you have fox and chicken living together, the fox will eat up the chicken, and then you have no eggs.


posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by skyshow
I can't believe nobody added to my previous know when the fish and game dpt. introduces Fox into a region and it results in them killing thousands upon thousands of chickens

Well, since you want a reply sooo badly......

Here are the problems with your wives tale

1. It would take an enormous amount of foxes to kill 1000's of chickens due to ranging habitats

2. If your rural area has 'thousands upon thousands' of free range chickens that the foxes have easy access to, i'd be surprised

3. Today with the few exceptions of a family keeping a few chickens in their yard, most chickens are raised in chicken houses, I doubt the foxes are getting into those chicken houses to kill and eat 1000's of chickens, therefore these thousands and thousands of chicken deaths must be attributed to yard birds.

4. The investment needed to procure the foxes necessary to force families who have 'yard birds' to buy eggs at the store would never justify any profits made by the sale of the few dozen eggs that each family would be forced to purchase on a monthly basic to make up for their loss of their yard birds.

is that debunked enough or shall I go further?

[edit on 13-4-2008 by pavlovsdog]

[edit on 13-4-2008 by pavlovsdog]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by skyshow

I will reply to you first.
I certainly did not overlook your post. It left me speechless. I did not know what to say. I find it believable. But not above our lovely government officials.
methinks this little face
fits me at the moment.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by pavlovsdog

hello there pavlos,
I think I might have mislead you on the scale of the indoor gardening. It will not be that large. Our apartments already have flourescent lighting in the kitchen area. We have windowsills that get great amounts of sunlight during the day.

When we move up to the bigger type pots for the summer, we have very large front and back patio areas.

We feel that anything that we can grow ourselves, will be nutritious and less costly. I am not growing any of the same vegetables that my friend is. Any abundance that we have, that is not immediately consummable, will be put up in freezer bags or shared with the less fortunate.

All that we can do is try. We also heard of a method of growing certain vegetables, such as tomatoes, upside down. I like this idea.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by jameswillard

Where are you finding eggs for only $1.79 a dozen?

I have not seen eggs under $2.50 a dozen in 2 years. Today I found the cheapest eggs... (caged hens, fed their own feces for all we know) for $2.79 a dozen. Free Range starts at 3.79 and up to organic fed hens eggs at 4.99 a dozen. I remember years back when eggs were the cheapest form of protein at only .89 a dozen. Ahhh, the good ol' days. I think that is why my parents raise their own chickens.

But I do agree that something is up with the sizes. I have always bought medium eggs, which are no longer available, so I had to buy large and sure enough, they were actually medium sized eggs.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by counterterrorist
At the dollar store, where I used to shop until I got the food that supposed to go to the food bank on Sundays, because it's closed on Sundays, about 2-3 months ago a carton of 12 small-medium eggs cost $1.00. Now, they split the carton into two small ones of 6-eggs each, and sell each one for $1.

In the U.S. the Fed under the influence of the bank of England -- who together own most of the oil in the western world ... well, they don't really own it, they BROKER it -- have raised gasoline prices so much that food prices are rocketing; grains are getting scarer in the americans because they're being used for gasahol

...and besides, if you eat eggs with antibiotics and growth hormones it produces cancer which is why you have to buy eggs that are certified antibiotic-free and no growth hormones.

is there anything that dose not cause cancer? what has the true tendency to modify our genes in or cells to behave like cancer is radiation, and only radiation. everything can 'trigger' (i'm not sure it ha to thou) it whether it's smoking or pure air. Hiroshima, Chernobyl,.. and those nuclear test are the cause of cancer. there was no cancer before that, at least there was none in this part of Romania, i know my elders.

sometimes i used to eat about 6 eggs a day, i had nothing, it is one of the most complete manfood on earth, a bit hard to digest but gives you a ton of energy (you have ti burn it, otherwise it can be harmful). it is the onshore version of fish.

[edit on 14-4-2008 by encoder]

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 10:19 AM
I don't do eggs, personally (I love them, but I never make it through them all before they go bad, and I hate throwing anything out). I have noticed though, that other prices are skyrocketting. Totino's Party Pizzas are generally about $1 each (usually 5/$5 or 10/$10) but my GF went to the store a couple days ago and they have gone up to 4/$6! That's $1.50 each... I know it's not that much, but EVERYTHING has gone up like that. Smaller rolls for the same price, smaller portions all around.

This makes me feel about like I do with Minimum Wage... it's amazing! When I first started driving and working, minimum wage just got bumped up to $5.15 an hour, and gas was $0.89 a gallon. You could go buy a chef's delux burger for $1.99 at a resturaunt. Now, we get $5.85 minimum wage after about 15 years or something, but our gas prices have gone to above $3 a gallon, and that kickass burger now costs $5.99, and they took away the pickle spear and half the fries!!! WTF?!?

I just want my party pizzas back down to a dollar, and my burger to be cheap again... I'm sick of McDonald's if I want a burger (btw, think about it... you can't even by a single uncooked patty at the store for the price of a double cheeseburger at McD's... we're becoming poor, fat, and unhealthy probably because of oil barons)

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by skyshow

Just a short rebuttal to your conspiracy. As an old farm boy, we've always had varmints, of one flavor or another. You learn to build the chicken house tight enough to keep out weasels. You put in glass eggs to kill the chicken snakes, which swallow eggs whole and then crush them in their stomach. And you build really tight for foxes, and then bait the area if you have to.

Farmers have always dealt with predators. Right now I have wire over the top of part of my chicken pen because hawks and eagles like chicken as much as I do. (Neither predator ground hunts, but strikes from the air, and chickens naturally know to run for cover when a hawk or eagle shadow glides by.)

It's not a conspiracy. Nature has hunters and prey. It's good to keep the two in balance. And I lose a chicken here and there anyway. But without balance, there would be an infestation of mice due to a lack of birds of prey, and the cost likely would be much higher and more bothersome.

Just some perspective from someone involved in the RL side of the issue.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by pavlovsdog

...and yet it most assuradly happened. Back in the day nearly every farm / homestead had hens and roosters. Now virtually nobody does.

Problem: egg sales down; prices in the local down; bad for commercial egg business

Solution: introduce fox into ecosystem.

Outcome: fox eats up all of the chickens.

Result: egg sales up; prices rise, good for commercial egg business.

Seems rather transparent to me and those who used to have chickens running around their place...oh and now they have to buy more pesticide to control the bugs and spiders that the chickens used to eat...but that's another story ...same pattern however.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by NGC2736

I agree...the best way to do it is have a chicken coop secured to protect from predators...

I'm talking about the kind that freely roam the farm (bannies) pecking here and there, and eating up bugs like centipedes and spiders. The kind that like to get right by your open bedroom window on the night after you got in late from hoe down and crow at 4:30 am...

Also, in the same spirit of the egg conspiracy, is that one used to see literally hundreds of pheasants...there used to be a thriving hunt for these birds during the season...and as with the chickens, now there are few of these around also.

I remember right after the fish and game or maybe it was blm? brought in all the foxes, and our chickens started going down in number litterally over night, me and a friend camped out at night with our 22's waiting for the theaf to come out...I don't know if it was the beer (thankfully we didn't have a dick cheney outcome) or just that the wee hours of the night set in, but we fell asleep and didn't catch em'

Anyway, all those chickens, and of course the delicious fresh eggs are just fond memories now.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by NGC2736

So you're an old farm boy too? Never would have guessed it.
Really liked that idea about the glass egg for the chicken snake.
Can you imagine the look on that snake's face when he tries to digest that thing? I was in the floor on that one. Ha ha.

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