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We are OFFICIALLY insane

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posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Well apparently it is circulating on myspace now, and the point of a "good hoax" is to influence people's minds and the last thing I need is my daughter trying to hook me up with the "cult awareness network" and giving me meds!!!

You won't need any meds case your drinking fluoridated water and that is government sanctioned, it'll do more than taking meds.

As for being a good hoax, well, maybe it didn't get the response desired response or maybe it did... Wwon't really find out the real reasons but if there are people reading this, well the attempt to turn some people away from sites like ATS may as well be true. Most people won't do any research and will follow it blindly while others will be drawn to sites like ATS to see what exactly is going on.

The battle continues between light and dark; good and bad and sometime the ugly too.

[edit on 8-4-2008 by Creo Coactum]

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Equinox99
We are all insane for not believing in our corrupt government!! Let us just sit back and let them do whatever they want on us.

I believe in my "corrupt" government, I very much believe in it.

No Quarter for the NWO

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 09:52 PM
This is interesting...I absolutely think this is the kind of satire style comedy that has a serious meaning (like mentioned in the Colbert thread).

I think this sums up the serious underlining very point well:

"about how such thoughts are a symptom of mental illness. "

dervishmadwhirler, whether you realized this was a hoax or not is not the point. The writer of this article may have serious thoughts about this and may feel that people that are critical thinkers are the enemy if it goes against the government. Like a purposeful-thought out Fredian slip, just disguised in comedy.

This is ironic because I for one was under the impression that this was one of the gifts of the U.S. Constitution and being an American...To be able to think and say what you want. There I go like a crazy mentioning the Constitution! God forbid...

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Comsence2075

This is ironic because I for one was under the impression that this was one of the gifts of the U.S. Constitution and being an American...To be able to think and say what you want. There I go like a crazy mentioning the Constitution! God forbid...

And we have talked about some of the homeland security ideas that say just that!

Defenders of the Constitution have been named as enemies of the United States in more than one official documents I have seen circulating, and they weren't jokes. A little bit of googling makes this obvious.

It is funny how things like that article make it around and the comments people have about it. Thank goodness in 2005 it is still a joke but it does tie in with another recent remark by bush that "We won't tolerate those conspiracy theorist"

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways

Originally posted by Comsence2075

This is ironic because I for one was under the impression that this was one of the gifts of the U.S. Constitution and being an American...To be able to think and say what you want. There I go like a crazy mentioning the Constitution! God forbid...

Defenders of the Constitution have been named as enemies of the United States in more than one official documents I have seen circulating, and they weren't jokes. A little bit of googling makes this obvious.

Sure. Look at Ron Paul. Labeled as a wierdo by the mainstream because he is a constitutionalist.

[edit on 9-4-2008 by Comsence2075]

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 07:59 PM
I don't pay much attention to them left wing commies that teach in colleges an such ..

I think the USA is the best place to live on this here planet!! And if folks don't like it ..well they can get hit on the head by the police and tear gassed !!

We need to back up our troops all the way!! The axis of evil is out there and want to take the USA down to the dumps!!

I say all americans stand up and fight these left wing people that want to destroy our country!!


posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
I don't pay much attention to them left wing commies that teach in colleges an such ..

If you really want to know what is going on I think it helps to pay attention to all kinds of people, so that you can form your own opinion even if you disagree with what you understand to be thier motive.

I think the USA is the best place to live on this here planet!! And if folks don't like it ..well they can get hit on the head by the police and tear gassed !!

And tazered, and beat to death, and killed in the street without a fair trial?

I first read that and assumed you were being sarcastic, since finishing your post I no longer believe that. See how information changes when you keep reading?

We need to back up our troops all the way!! The axis of evil is out there and want to take the USA down to the dumps!!

Just who and or what, is an axis of evil???

I say all americans stand up and fight these left wing people that want to destroy our country!!

Poor little birds with only one wing............


Go where???

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
I don't pay much attention to them left wing commies that teach in colleges an such ..

I think the USA is the best place to live on this here planet!! And if folks don't like it ..well they can get hit on the head by the police and tear gassed !!

We need to back up our troops all the way!! The axis of evil is out there and want to take the USA down to the dumps!!

I say all americans stand up and fight these left wing people that want to destroy our country!!


I actually agree with your points, although I wouldn't have said it like that because it comes off a little radical. I am a republican, and I support McCain....BUT what you said really has nothing to do with this thread.

What I really want to ask you though is are you saying people do not have a right to be critical and question the govt.?

I don't put views of those that have questions down, or ask them why, it is part of being American.

[edit on 9-4-2008 by Comsence2075]

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 08:26 PM
No, the have it all WRONG, distrust of the government was why the USA was founded. All one has to do is look at key peices of our Constitution and Declaration of Independance.

One final observation, feel free to look at my signature, Thomas Jefferson, it should say enough.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by ADVISOR

I did read your very appropriate signature........

Being a native of Hannibal, MO, (I know how dorky!) I have a soft spot for Mark Twain.

Thanks for weighing in, indeed it is when we stop questioning and breaking down the information that we are confronted with, be it joke, hoax, or disinformation it is up to us to sift through and seperate the wheat from the chaff (OMG, i quoted the bible!) and decide for ourselves what is true and what is not true.

That is the right the founding fathers believe that they fought for, that is what all True Americans continue to fight for.

We must watch that this basic, inherent need to fight for the basics of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness are not swept under the rug amongst the fear mongering and forced info that tells us the enemy is without yet pushing in,.

The enemy is and always will be the conflict the individual feels to make good choices for themselves and their family and loved ones.

This is what is at stake and the axis of evil exists not without but within.

Know your Enemy!!!

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 03:31 AM
I am suprised this didn't come straight out of the Department of Homeland Revisionism...I mean security...

The article doesn't look like it intended to be a parody or tongue in cheek, but that's my observation, perhaps it was a well thought out cover to call it a parody to avoid scrutiny like seen on this site? but perhaps that is a stretch.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 03:56 AM
we can keep on trying to find that this article, and it's publication..
is a hoax

or we can take it for what its worth.

people like me that are suffering day and night with things crawling through them.. "morgellons syndrome" .. is treatd the same way.

we are told we are either drug addicts or mentally delusional.

and there exists also, articles published in the same publication.. about our mis-labeled diagnosis.

it's a crime of humanity.

and so is this.

even though i'm not very radical... nor extremely patriotic.

I see the need for human change.. REAL change... on a massive scale..
the unfortunate thing is.. the change that's happening.. is almost as if it's been prepared for lower than the most low common denominator of the citizenry... myself included :/

so while we sufferers are humiliated and deemed insane for "talking" about what may be a horrible industrial accident.. or a high level military experiment/weapon..

patriots and radicals will most likely suffer the same fate.


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