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Ron Paul backers 'hijack' delegates

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posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 10:28 PM
BLAINE, Minn. – Ron Paul supporters shook things up in at least three of Minnesota's congressional district conventions yesterday when they captured nearly all of the national delegates and alternates for the Republican National Convention this fall.

There was controversy at Minnesota's 6th Congressional District Convention. The district covers part of the Twin Cities metro area and extends to the west and into nearby St. Cloud, Minn. Paul supporters were accused of dirty tricks.

"They hijacked the convention," said Jeff Johnson who serves as Minnesota's Senate District 15 co-chairman.

Two out of three national delegates elected were Ron Paul supporters and all three of the alternates supported Paul. After the election results were announced at the convention, they were immediately disputed when it was discovered that the candidates had agreed to support John McCain in pre-screening questions.

"I had people coming up to me saying that they wanted to ensure that Ron Paul has a chance to speak at the convention," said Andy Aplikowsky, the vice chairman of the 6th District in Anoka County, "These people hid what their intentions were and that's deceptive."


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[edit on 6-4-2008 by Jbird]

[edit on 6-4-2008 by pulsar41]

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 10:30 PM
[edit on 6-4-2008 by pulsar41]

[edit on 6-4-2008 by pulsar41]

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:44 AM
I don't see the importance of this. Ron Paul made it obvious where the power was, and that is in the delegates. I was a precinct leader and his intentions have been clear since day one. ::Get your supporters in precinct positions. Make the public aware since the media won't. CALL CALL CALL people about being district, county, state and national delegates.::

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 09:22 PM
I wish, as a Republican, I could vote for Ron Paul in the primary. But its too late for that.

I will vote for Barack Obama.

I believe the vast majority of Paul supporters will vote for Obama, too.

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by EastCoastKid

You're spot on. I was a Ron Paul supporter but i can't bring myself to vote for McCain. I would like to see our soldiers come back to the states, and i'd like to see those tax dollars spent on things here inside our country rather than securing interests outside. Where's the inside interest these days?

I'm not Barack's number one fan by any means but at least he wants to get our troops out of Iraq. I believe he'll delegate other responsibilities appropriately, and while he would like to see more government oversight regarding our personal lives, i think it's a better play than this whole fear game we keep playing time and time again.

We may have heard the last of Ron Paul (more or less), but i think his supporters will make a strong showing at the convention. I personally can't wait to see the entire room try and get behind the ever-charismatic McCain.

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 01:54 AM
The sad truth is, the government is saying, "You will learn to lay down and take whatever we throw at you" and sadly, anyone who says, "I'm going to vote for Obama, McCain, or Clinton" is doing just that.

This is NOT their country. This is OUR country. WE the people. Not the people of the GOVERNMENT.

When will this attitude of taking it end? WE NEED TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by EagleTalonZ
The sad truth is, the government is saying, "You will learn to lay down and take whatever we throw at you" and sadly, anyone who says, "I'm going to vote for Obama, McCain, or Clinton" is doing just that.

This is NOT their country. This is OUR country. WE the people. Not the people of the GOVERNMENT.

When will this attitude of taking it end? WE NEED TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!

Damn right!!!! I'm ready for a new man in office, one who will give the finger to the banks and lobbyists, and a 'don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.' People need to face the facts, Hillary and Obama are no better with the constitution than Bush, I'd even go as far as to say its just a piece of paper to them as well and they don't really give a # what you or I think. Ron Paul is the only one who actually cares for the well being of this country and a return to sound foreign and monetary policy. But if he did get elected I belive he'd end up like JFK or Garfield, murdered because they wanted no part of a central bank run by profiteers.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I wish, as a Republican, I could vote for Ron Paul in the primary. But its too late for that.

I will vote for Barack Obama.

I believe the vast majority of Paul supporters will vote for Obama, too.

My god I hope not. I'd rather stab out my eyes, or sell out and vote for that filthy animal some call Hillary.

Obama is drastically different than Paul, so much so that I can't really say what the hell you could even make that logical leap for.

Trying to be responsible in the efforts of wasting my money isn't that much better than callously doing the same thing, so I've no clue why you would vote for Paul if you can stomach Obama.

He is simply the most dangerous man running. Maybe we can inject him with cancer.

wishful thinking I guess.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 06:19 AM
I'll repeat this, because I heard it was scientifically proven that if something is repeated enough, it starts to sink in...

WE NEED TO TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK AND STOP SETTLING!! My god... do we not see that we basically got pushed into a maze of who we're SUPPOSE to vote for, and not who is obviously the very best choice? Ron Paul was completely ignored by the media. He was shut down, but now that they think it's done, he is suddenly getting a ton of media time.

I can't change America on my own. I can't raise awareness on my own. I can't lift my voice loud enough to get the name of Ron Paul on the minds of everyone. But if we all stood together and said, "We will not back down! This is our country, and despite the power of the media, WE ARE AMERICA! And we will vote for the best damned candidate that has run in a VERY long time!!!!"

Don't go vote for Obama, McCain, or Clinton because they are "the only people with a chance to win" or "Dr. Paul has given up" He hasn't. He says he is still in it. In fact, in a few days there is going to be a rally in Washington. April 15th, actually.

If you're voting for the other 3 because you agree with their views on foreign policy, or other things... vote for them. What I'm saying is do NOT vote for them because you don't think Ron Paul has a chance. That's what they were trying to accomplish by squashing him from the tv sets.

Even if his name doesn't show up on the ballot, I will be writing it in. And the Republican National Convention is going to be HUGE!

C'mon people... let's show the government and the media that pushing us around is not going to be accepted anymore!

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by pulsar41

" "These people hid what their intentions were and that's deceptive." "

What the media OMITTED was, had these folks mentioned RON PAUL, they wouldn't have allowed them in as delegates.

Apparently, only APPROVED DIRTY TRICKS by the invisible enemy is allowed on their own terms.

I'm still voting for RON PAUL and JESSE VENTURA, despite their omission from the ballot and the newZ.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I wish, as a Republican, I could vote for Ron Paul in the primary. But its too late for that.I will vote for Barack Obama.I believe the vast majority of Paul supporters will vote for Obama, too.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Vote for what you don't want, and get it. And how has that been working for us?

I don't believe most Ron Paul supporters will vote for Obama. I'd rather not vote, than vote for what I don't want.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:37 PM
i was actually gunning for ron paul too. i had to start facing the fact that he can't beat the "top 3". and if one of them is going to get it, then i certainly don't want hillary or mccain to get it. obama seems to at least pretend to give some semblance of a sh**. so as much as i would love to vote ron paul, i can't deny the near-certainty that he won't get elected. unless something magical happens by then, i'll be one of those supporters that have hopped on the obama wagon i guess.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:44 PM
its unreal that he is still in the race and they don't even mention him.
It is sad indeed that he is not being taken seriously.
I guess they think he will fizzle out eventually and go home.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:45 PM
Mr.Paul had huge support from the public at large.He raised more money than anyone at the time.We as a people do have a chance here.We voters could push Ron Paul to the Whitehouse.All we need do is write in his name.Get out there and speak to people make them see what this government is really doing to us.The powers that be want us to think that there is nothing to be done to change the process.They are wrong! Enough people doing the right thing will have the desired effect.

The greatest fear of TPB is a voting block that is aware of thier treachery.
They want us to think that a vote for someone other than those appointed by them to run,is a wasted vote.I contend that the only wasted vote is one cast against your true desire. It has been said by many that there is no real choice among those running in the main stream.That we will be voting for the same ideals regardless of for whom we cast our vote.

WRITE IN RON PAUL. At this point we have absolutly nothing to lose,and everything to gain.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I wish, as a Republican, I could vote for Ron Paul in the primary. But its too late for that.

I will vote for Barack Obama.

I believe the vast majority of Paul supporters will vote for Obama, too.

If Paul supporters are true Libertarian like Paul is, why the hell would we vote for Obama? I would rather throw my vote away.

All the Paul supporters I personally know will vote for Paul when he runs on an independent ticket, else, we will vote for the Constitionalist party.

(you do know that just because paul did not win one of the two parties, that there are still only two parties left right? Obama represents NOTHING Paul stands for..)

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by an0maly33
i was actually gunning for ron paul too.

Then don't let the scum of the earth dictate to you who to vote for, if they're not on the ballots, make sure you ask loud enough to be heard, why are your candidates being ignored and demand a paper ballot so you can vote for who YOU want, not who THEY want you to choose from!

If you give in, you are just deceiving yourself and selling out to the enemy.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
its unreal that he is still in the race and they don't even mention him.
It is sad indeed that he is not being taken seriously.
I guess they think he will fizzle out eventually and go home.

It's sad, many people I talk to look at me like I have ten heads and tell me he dropped out a long time ago. I have to direct them to his site or other source to show he is still in the race.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:54 PM
I don't trust any of the 3.

McCain - in bed with the war profiteers.

Clinton - ambitious and will do anything to get power no matter who it hurts.

Obama - saying a lot of words which sound nice but really mean nothing.

All three of them have been bought and paid for by the powers that be. There is NOTHING on the news anymore but who edges out in front of whom in the race. I DON'T CARE


I don't want to hear "Go back to sleep darling. Daddy's going to make everything all right. Just trust me."


posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
its unreal that he is still in the race and they don't even mention him.
It is sad indeed that he is not being taken seriously.
I guess they think he will fizzle out eventually and go home.

The very fact that the establishment is against Ron Paul, and has done everything in its power to shut him out, should make people think: Hey... maybe the PTB don't like him because he wants to shake the foundations of their power... and if I believe things have been screwed up by the establishment, then why vote for another establishment candidate?

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by kattraxx
I don't believe most Ron Paul supporters will vote for Obama. I'd rather not vote, than vote for what I don't want.

You and me both. I think I'll just write in "None of the above". A no confidence vote of sorts...

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