posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:59 AM
Here is how you convince someone of the truth, no matter what the subject may be.
First off, you have to be convinced yourself of what you consider the truth to be. In doing that you have to learn about what laws our government has
passed any why.
Is there such a thing as the “New World Order”?
Yes, obtain the quotes and sources of the presidents and other government and financial leaders that have stated the exact phrase, “New World
Order.” Start with President Bush Senior.
Define what a New World Order is
O.K., so a lot of people talk about a “New World Order”, what exactly are they talking about? Here is where it all begins and this is the most
crucial part of getting someone to understand the real truth (whatever it may be). To define something is to give it purpose. Without purpose, no one
can be convince of any truth. As the saying goes, “He didn’t commit the crime because he had no motive.” The answer to this question lies in
World War Two. It is easily verifiable that World War Two was the international race to be the first world power to obtain nuclear weapons. Start with
learning about why Germany invaded the Netherlands and about the heavy water factory there and the covert operations designed to destroy it. Watch the
movies that have since been made about it
People who do not believe in the New World Order are people who do not understand how truly devastating nuclear weapons really are. You need to learn
yourself about how deadly and powerful and long lasting the effects are of nuclear weapons.
Once the truth has been agreed upon about the origins of World War Two and the race for the Atomic Bomb and how dangerous nuclear weapons are then you
can proceed to a history lesson of events that have transpired after World War Two.
The Cold War, what was it really all about?
This question is all ready answered for most people when they lean about the dangers of nuclear weapons. But it must be clarified that world
domination is the real goal of most governments following the events of World War Two. To start here remind people what General Patton said about the
Russians after Germany was defeated. He remarked that we should immediately attack the Russians while we still had the chance. General Patton let the
cat out of the bag and was known for being someone who couldn’t control his mouth. General Patton fully understood what World War Two was really all
about (Atomic Weapons). He understood what would happen if we allowed Russia to become another Nazi Germany with possession of Atomic Weapons.
Why battle Germany during World War Two only to allow Russia to take their place for World War Three? In reflection of the Cold War, it seems that
General Patton understood things very well didn’t he?
Ever since World War Two dominant industrial countries have been trying to gain control and influence over each other. This is what the cold war was
all about. Communism however lacked the strength and flexibility of the capitalist financial system. Russia didn’t really stand a chance and that is
why they dissolved communism. You have to get the facts across about the cold war and why our government has been fighting wars ever since World War
Two. To do this, you need to watch the movie Red Dawn on the collectors edition DVD recently released. On that DVD is a psudo documentary about why
the movie was made and who politically backed its production.
Manipulation of the media and the masses.
Once you have established why governments have been trying to influence and gain control of smaller ones (nuclear weapons control) then you move on to
science and technology in relation to psychology. During the cold war many studies were done by government and the private sector in regard to
marketing and propaganda. The cold war was in essence the fight for influence over others. Our capitalistic system greatly enhanced our governmental
advantage in this field. Russia had no hopes of competing in this arena. Our marketing and propaganda machines are masterful in their methods of
manipulation and psudo control.
It was learned through the cold war and psychology that the public at large need not be convinced of these complicated truths about nuclear weapons
and the need to control their use and proliferation. All that is really necessary is to use current events to propose threats in a more basic and
fundamental way so that the public is simply concerned with immediate matters on a day to day basis. It was becoming to tiresome and complicated to
constantly say to the public, “The Russians are bad, they have enough nukes to kill the world 10 times over”.
Instead, it is much more engaging and productive to fight the greater war in the context of the immediacy of particular battles and struggle. Use the
first Iraqi war the cooperation of the military with the media for this point. Research why our military wanted inbeded reporters on the fields of
battle. Research why our government constantly touted the phrase, “Weapons of Mass destruction.” Don’t do this in the normal manner. Instead,
research the usage of catch phrases in politics. You need to explain why everyone, not just the president, used the specific term, “Weapons of Mass
Destruction.” You need to get the point across of the complete usage of brain washing techniques within government and the mass media.
Complete Control of World Governments is for the Peace and Security of All.
This is the final point, but not the end of it. People are trying to instill the New World Order for the same reason that government have always been
fighting to dominate the globe. Money, Power, and Influence are on everyone’s minds. But they are always sold to the general public as the best
means for securing what any particular group of people need or want. For instance, our government admits that our military goals for attacking Iraq
have been achieved, however, it is insisted upon that we must stay in the country to ensure “stability within the region.” In essence, we are told
that we cannot leave Iraq because if we do then someone else with gain control over the oil resources of Iraq and we can’t let that happen.
If you remember, our military leaders also said the same thing about Somalia when the Blackhawk Down incidents were going on in the 1990's. They
claimed that we “must” stay in Somalia for “Stability of the Region”.
Basically you have to get the idea across that even our own military leaders have always wanted to attack more countries and to stay there
indefinitely no matter who it is we are fighting. From General Patton in world war two wanting to attack the Russians to military leaders claiming
that Vietnam and Somalia were places that we simply “had to stay in” for “stability of the region.” You have to get the truth across that
“stability” is simply the modern socially acceptable word for “control.”
It’s not all a bad thing
The last truth to get across and agree upon is that the New World Order is not seen as a bad thing by everyone. Nuclear Weapons are bad and no one
wants to see millions of people killed because some rag head thinks that we are all possessed by the devil. General Patton was a war monger, yes, but
he was right about a great many things. The allies saved the entire world from global domination by the axis powers. Anyone who thinks that the New
World Order is a lie only needs to examine history. It is widely believed that the New World Order is the only real option that we have as a world if
any of us want to survive at all.
You have to remember that military planners have been faced with the real prospect that our world faces complete and utter annihilation. The human
species is absolutely under the threat of complete extinction in many peoples minds.
World War Two was the race to be the first country to gain Atomic Weapons. The New World Order is widely believed to be the race to prevent these
weapons from completely destroying the entire world.