posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 04:59 AM
Not sure if this has been discussed here but for my money this was/is the most irrefutable evidence of UFO and non-military ones at that. When it was
sighted by millions, photographed and videoed by hundreds, including several TV companies. How or why wasn’t this hailed as a turning point that
engaged the world? It was possibly what really convinced my of a non-earth based being visiting us here.
Do people remember this and what are there comments specifically about this incredible sighting that no one could dismiss because of the multiple
Even the timing had intelligence associated with it by the ET’s to visitors to show themselves at such an important time. I do think that there is a
general view (even amongst UFO believers) that unless events happen in the US then they are somehow not as important or indeed relevant and only US
sightings actually constitute actual irrefutable proof?
Oh, and yes I'd read accounts of people trying to Debunk all these sightings as people (including me) having seen Venus but to my mind Venus doesn't
move and certainly doesn't have a metalic look and the size was of a large craft that at one point in the video actually 'light jumps'!
Short footage of Mexico sightings
[edit on 5-4-2008 by mlmijyd]