posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 07:09 PM
Do you believe that Music can affect your Moods? I think Music and other outside influences can affect the way we feel...
You know when you're having a great day: (You got paid, you're car is washed, You're friends are getting along, You aced that last exam etc...) and
so you hop in your car, and the song on the radio is a great mood lifting song. (Panama - Van Halen, Beautiful Day - U2, Disintigration - The Cure
etc...) Life is perfect! You're on top of the world!
You're having an awful day: (and if you hit one more red light on the way home, or have to talk to that annoying person from work for 5 more seconds,
or damn...that's a sweet parking ticket on your car....). And all you want, is to listen to some angry music. Something Loud. Vulgar. Rude.
Something that makes it feel like, someone is having a worse day than you. So you listen to something like Black Sabbath, or Korn or some other form
of loud and angry music.)....
You know when you broke up with your Boyfriend/Girlfriend? And listened to the entire album of the New Lifehouse CD....on repeat? Or Goo Goo dolls,
or some other band, that is littered with Love songs, that makes you want to cry? And you cry like a baby.
I'm certain Music can affect your moods. I know, when I'm in a certain mood, and the right type of music isn't on, I need to hear it. I need to
listen to it. If I don't, I feel like nothing is right in my world. I need to hear Hendrix bend those guitar strings, or I need to hear some blues,
or sometimes I need a sad song...I need to hear that heart-wrenching version of "Statisfaction" by Cat Power...
So...I want to know...what you need to listen to, that you know affect your moods....and can either encourage a bad mood, or can enhance
your good moods...