posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 05:20 AM
Here's a topic ive been thining about recently, and thikn it might b beneficial to all of us...
ON and in our markets, what priducts shoud we use and stay away from? Example, GE, a known NWO supporter, makes everything from water filters, to
stoves, washers and dryers, to light bulbs, and parts for airplanes. It seems to me, when a product goes corporate, the become part of the NWO. I try
to stay away from those, as those are the products that make thigns we use, out of harmfull chemicals, or things that can slowly contaminate us.
Ive been using GE water filters, for a while now, bathroom sink attachment. As an example, how do i know, it removes chlorine, sediment and all
the other nasty stuff it states?> OR, because its part of this NWO, was it designed to really work, and do its job correct?
This is one example, of all the corporate, NWO companies on the market. What's everyone eles's feedback? How about other cmompanes to stay
away from? MY goal/ideal is to stop paying for these items, and lok for better more natural alternatives.