posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 06:17 PM
Originally posted by jpm1602
My apologies elevatedone. Decorum is mandatory. No matter how difficult that is sometimes when dealing with others who like to spread passive
aggressive insults to cyber mates.
That's a pretty passive-aggressive post in itself. Sorry to be off-topic.
To bring it back on topic, it just passed midnight and nothing appeared in the sky, despite the fact that I really wanted it to. Of course, neither of
the criteria that the OP stated were fulfilled: although I hoped to see UFOs, I really didn't expect to; and I'm pretty sure it was only me doing
it, although Son of PC might have joined in too. Did you?
I would still like an answer to my original question though, which is why, if the important factor is people expecting a manifestation of an event to
happen, is the date of the 22nd so important? It must surely be arbitrarily chosen (and if it was not, surely an arbitrary date may be chosen, as long
as one can convince enough people to that is the "true" expected time of the UFOs arrival).
Also, telling people "this event will only happen if you expect it to" immediately plants seeds of doubt in people, making them expect it not to
happen. The only way this thread could really have worked is through deception - convincing people in such a manner, with such evidence (even if
falsified), that they truly do expect the UFOs to come. Since expectation is the key (according to my understanding of OP) then the event would be
manifested (ironically "proving" the falsified evidence at the same time).