posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 10:05 PM
good interview
he stopped short of a home run when they asked him about the economy
he should have mentioned the federal reserve and the growing dependance on debt demand for growth, and how the fed= wall street and they are designed
to fleece the lower classes, Jessie is a smart guy and will figure out he needs to follow the money, perhaps he knows not to speak out about them.
corporations and intelligence agency's and bankers rule the world in reverse of that order
politicians are their puppets, obama seems to have a shred of decency and innocence and perhaps when he wakes up to the degree of corruption he will
try to get to the root of the problem but the change will not be lasting (he will be killed for this) unless the american public is woken up to this
fact and demand a damn solution.
free america from international bankers
[edit on 3-4-2008 by cpdaman]