posted on May, 5 2008 @ 08:06 AM
When I worked at a pizza delivery place, a national chain, I used to bring 2 pizzas home every night, I had 2 roomies, we ate pizza for about 5 days
straight, got sick of it. I used to think that would be my choice, but for me, it would be Hamburger gravy over mashed taters, doesn't get better
than that.
Chicken would be a choice also (it is my favorite food), it can be made so many ways, and my fried chicken is the best, I just don't fry chicken very
often any more, don't fry much of anything any more except for chicken wings, they rock as a side for pizza. I make my wings kind of sticky, so they
aren't as messy.
OK so I have to choose, Chicken would be it then.