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A New God Every Aeon?

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posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 03:33 AM
Ok, this is some wild theosophical speculation - but that seems to be what I do best.

Countless traditions maintain that this world, our human existence, operates in cycles, or 'aeons'. A few examples:

- The Mayans knew our current age - which for them consists of approx. 5125 years - as the fifth. It began in 3114 BC and will end, as we all know, in 2012.
- Hindus and Buddhists consider our current age the fourth stage in a grand cycle. We are in the Kali Yuga and it began in 3102 BCE.
- The Hopi Indians believe in ages and forthcoming destruction and rebirth.

etc... etc... there are plenty more I'm sure most of you are aware of.

I'm a bit ropey on Biblical scripture, but I believe the 'universe' is thought to have been created by God around 4000 BC. I know this is nearly a millenia older than other traditions claim our current age to have begun, but I I still think that they likely indicate the same 'beginning'. We all know the universe wasn't actually created 6000 years ago, so what does Genesis signify in reality? Perhaps that a God was tasked with recreating or resurrecting civilisation after a cataclysm ended one cycle and a new one begun. So if we were to accept the Christian God in the literal sense, we could say that He built, or helped to build our current Age.

Furthermore, some Gnostic sects held the belief that the Old Testament and New Testament Gods are two different entities. Their basis for this is the stark change in His attitude between Old and New Testament. The Old Testament God is one of fire, brimstone and wrath - an angry God who wishes for the death of unbelievers. The New Testament God is one of 'turn-the-other-cheek', forgiveness and tolerance. Quite contrasting really. The Semites probably have their origins in a pre 3100/4000 BC world, therefore explaining their worship of a God who ruled previous to this time.

What if they are, in fact different Gods? In fact, what if a new God takes the post with each Age or Aeon of man? What if he is tasked with rebuilding civilisation - something we have simply misconstrued as Original Creation?

Wouldn't this explain the wholly different forms of worship throughout the ages - from ancient Serpent Worship to the Old Testament God, through to the New Testament God? We, of course, are unable to acknowledge that a new God has been ushered in - evidence of which is only seen objectively through our methods of worship.

Again, I know how wild this, but I thought it might provide some interesting discussion.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 06:13 PM
In Hellenistic astrology they talk of astrological ages or aeons if you like. The way they calculate this is to divide the Northern Hemisphere into twelve equally big sectors of 30 degrees and a constellation each. The idea is that every 2000 something (the numbers differ from school to school) years the sun will rise in a new constellation at vernal equinox, the 21st of March when day and night has equal length. According to this tradition we are currently in the Age of Pisces (the two fish) moving into the Age of Aquarius. This has to do with the Earth axis and it's movement. For instance Stella Polaris or the Northern- or Pole Star is now at the aphex of heaven due North. In 3000 BC the star Thuban was the Pole Star. The bible tells us that from time to time the earth moves like a drunkard:

Is 24:20 "The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind..."

This may indicate a poleshift or some other interference with the earth's magnetic field. Poleshifts occurs from time to time when the North and South poles change place and the Earth axis is subject to change. It has probably brought about floods and ice ages, maybe it was what made the dino's extinct. The magnetic North Pole is today somewhere in Canada, moving away from the geographical pole at contineous slow speed. It is probably linked to the North Pole of the sun (however, the sun doesn't seam to have a south pole), which shifts due to a relatively fixed cyclus.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 03:22 PM
Big thanks for your input Neo Christian Mystic. I was convinced this thread would die without so much as a glance from anyone.

Your point about the astrological ages is an excellent one which I should have included in my original post. We are just about finishing the period of time where the sun rises from the direction of Pisces (represented by the fish in Christianity) therefore we are about to head into the age of Aquarius. This transition coincides with the end of the current Mayan age so it would be safe to assume that the God in charge of the next aeon would be represented by water. This is a great addition to a whacky theory so I thank you for that.

One point about the Bible describing the earth as a drunkard. It is most likely that this image of a wobbly earth represents the phenomenon of precession (the earth's axis slowly wobbles independently of its quicker spin).

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 03:45 PM
Actually Aquarius is connected to the element air, not water.

There is a probably a parallell in the Gospel about the age of Aquarius, in John 4. Please excuse me for not quoting it, it's bretty long. Jesus is talking about living water by a well to a Samaritan woman.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 02:54 AM
Really? I thought Aquarius was identified as the 'Water Bearer'. I've always been taught that it is synomynous with water.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:03 AM
Aquarius is the water bearer. But yes we are leaving the age of pisces, the age of christ, Who knows what we will worship next

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by Cythraul
Really? I thought Aquarius was identified as the 'Water Bearer'. I've always been taught that it is synomynous with water.

Yes, Aquarius is the Water Bearer, but it's element is air.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 05:25 AM
Ok, I see what you're saying. But I think that what the sign represents (ie water) will have a stronger bearing on what its nature will be than its element will. For example, Pisces manifested symbolically as a fish (what it represents) more so than it did as water (which is its element). Water seems to have played a less prominent role than fish in the Christian age (with the numerous Biblical/Jesus references to fish and the fact that the fish has been a recognised symbol of Christianity).

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 05:55 AM
I had this theory once that we are all gods/universes in training. Once we have learned ALL, thoughout numerous amounts of lifetimes, we will eventually become the universe/god.

What would humans do if they knew how to make their own universe? Duh! They'd totally try it.

This could've tied in with your theory. Maybe, if there IS a seer over all of this, then it's much like the CEO of a company. Every so often, the house is cleaned, and the CEO position changes guard, usually from old geezer to a young go getter with fresh ideas...

It fits with astrological cycles, where one side of the cycle is the young man with short hair, developing into a strong man with long flowing hair, and eventually into old man, until the changing of the guard comes on the winter solstice....

I dunno really. At the very top, there is only one. Whatever the pagan or monotheistic gods are, they don't seem non-dualistic. They don't seem balanced enough to be able to hold existence together as well as it seems to have held up these past few 15 or so billion years. They seem like higher dimensional entities that are "playing" god, maybe for amusement, maybe for some sick extradimensional takeover, I dunno... but I have yet to read about a God that I think could properly be omnipotent and such. Maybe Barack Obama will change that. He is running for God of the Universe and Everything, right?

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 05:57 AM

Via the above link you can read about the major aspects of the Aquarius sign and how it connects with the astrological Age of Aquarius.

The main features of Aquarius is knowledge, technology and science. Esoteria and mystics revealed and so on. World peace is also a factor according to some.

The planet ruling Aquarius has traditionally been Saturn, and the key of Saturn is the Star of David or the hexagram/hexagon, the six pointed star.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 02:20 PM
Astrology has more to do with religion then is being let go here so here are a few more points to discuss Many Gods throughout history have astrological connections and many gods started from sun worship.

The 12 constellations of the zodiac and their relation to sun were studied by the people of the time. Each constellation was personified and each carried its own myths, they weren't just followed they were treated as god like in relation to their position and the time of year.

The sun was seen as the unseen creator or god because of its life giving and life taking capabilities. God's sun "the light of the world," "the savior," sound familiar?

On the morning of everyday the sun rises in a different spot on the horizon in relation to the constellations behind it. So the constellations were seen as places of travel for god's sun. Each constellation was given a name and those names usually represent elements of nature. Aquarius was view as the "water bearer" who brought the rain of spring.

Horus was the Egyptian sun god personified as the sun. His birth and life and many similarities with Christ's life. for instance:

-Born on Dec. 25th of the virgin Isis
-His birth was accompanied by a "Star in the East" (Sirius) and was followed by "Three Kings" (The three stars of Orion's Belt)
-At 12 he was a teacher
-At 30 he was baptized and began his ministry
-He had 12 disciples (the 12 constellations of the zodiac) that followed him and performed miracles.
-He was known my many names such as "The lamb of God" "The light of the world" "The savior" and many others.
-Horus was betrayed by Typhon, was crucified, buried for 3 days and then resurrected.

This was 3500B.C. 1500yrs before Christ.

Many gods have these same attributes:
Attis of Greece
Krishna of India
Dionysus of Greece
Mithra of Persia
and many many more.

All these gods of different times before the supposed birth of Christ had the same characteristic that Christ was reported to have and carried many of the same names.

The Birth of these gods revolves around a astrological event. On Dec. 24 the "star in the east" (Sirius) aligns with the three stars in Orion's belt known in ancient times as the "Three Kings." This alignment of stars points to a spot on the horizon where the sun rises on Dec. 25th representing the birth of "God's Son" on the winter solstice.

As you can see astrology has much more significance in religion then many think. I do not possibly have the time to type all this out so here is a half-hour 3 part series that is on youtube that can explain it all in much more depth.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

My 2 cents.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Sway33
Astrology has more to do with religion then is being let go here so here are a few more points to discuss Many Gods throughout history have astrological connections and many gods started from sun worship.

The 12 constellations of the zodiac and their relation to sun were studied by the people of the time. Each constellation was personified and each carried its own myths, they weren't just followed they were treated as god like in relation to their position and the time of year.

Indeed, but...

The sun was seen as the unseen creator or god because of its life giving and life taking capabilities. God's sun "the light of the world," "the savior," sound familiar?

This isn't a correct observation, for there are more constellations than the twelve. The most prominent one would be the one in the North, which was God himself, the constellation I call the Father, which has been perverted these days by the constellation Draco, the Dragon.

On the morning of everyday the sun rises in a different spot on the horizon in relation to the constellations behind it. So the constellations were seen as places of travel for god's sun. Each constellation was given a name and those names usually represent elements of nature. Aquarius was view as the "water bearer" who brought the rain of spring.

You use the words "god's sun" as if it's supposed to mean God's Son. You're not backed by etymology or the semantics of language back to Indo-European

Horus was the Egyptian sun god personified as the sun. His birth and life and many similarities with Christ's life. for instance:

The sun god of Egypt is Ra or modern Re.

-Born on Dec. 25th of the virgin Isis
-His birth was accompanied by a "Star in the East" (Sirius) and was followed by "Three Kings" (The three stars of Orion's Belt)
-At 12 he was a teacher
-At 30 he was baptized and began his ministry
-He had 12 disciples (the 12 constellations of the zodiac) that followed him and performed miracles.
-He was known my many names such as "The lamb of God" "The light of the world" "The savior" and many others.
-Horus was betrayed by Typhon, was crucified, buried for 3 days and then resurrected.

This was 3500B.C. 1500yrs before Christ.

Many gods have these same attributes:
Attis of Greece
Krishna of India
Dionysus of Greece
Mithra of Persia
and many many more.

All these gods of different times before the supposed birth of Christ had the same characteristic that Christ was reported to have and carried many of the same names.

The following is really funny:

The Birth of these gods revolves around a astrological event. On Dec. 24 the "star in the east" (Sirius) aligns with the three stars in Orion's belt known in ancient times as the "Three Kings." This alignment of stars points to a spot on the horizon where the sun rises on Dec. 25th representing the birth of "God's Son" on the winter solstice.

Have you heared of the turn of the equinoxes? The passing of astrological ages? Somehow Orion is fixed on the sky, while Aries has moved into pisches and nowadays, Aquarius. Get real!

As you can see astrology has much more significance in religion then many think. I do not possibly have the time to type all this out so here is a half-hour 3 part series that is on youtube that can explain it all in much more depth.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

My 2 cents.

Is your twocentoffer paid by the makers of Zeitgeist or are you just too well gullible to eat that story? We've heard this before. It started a couple of years ago. Then it was Osiris. If you check out everyone in Egyptian through Roman mythology you'll find everyone mostly have come to this life during the last couple of years. It is forgery.

[edit on 7/4/2008 by Neo Christian Mystic]

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
This isn't a correct observation, for there are more constellations than the twelve. The most prominent one would be the one in the North, which was God himself, the constellation I call the Father, which has been perverted these days by the constellation Draco, the Dragon.

Correct, there are more then 12 constellations. However I am specifically referring to the 12 constellations of the zodiac. Still you are comparing a constellation of stars that has religious meaning.

You use the words "god's sun" as if it's supposed to mean God's Son

Yes, I was trying to get across the point that the sun was personified as the son of god.

The sun god of Egypt is Ra or modern Re.

There are many Egyptian sun god's. Horus was one of them however he was more of the god of day where he would battle the god of night Set. This struggle was seen as a battle between good and evil. By the way in Egyptian myth Ra or Re and Horus are essentially the same person or god.

We've heard this before. It started a couple of years ago. Then it was Osiris. If you check out everyone in Egyptian through Roman mythology you'll find everyone mostly have come to this life. It is forgery.

The myth described Osiris as having been killed by his brother Set who wanted Osiris' throne. Isis briefly brought Osiris back to life by use of a spell that she learned from her father. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he again died. Isis later gave birth to Horus. As such, since Horus was born after Osiris' resurrection, Horus became thought of as representing new beginnings and killed Set. This combination, Osiris-Horus, was therefore a life-death-rebirth deity, and thus associated with the new harvest each year. Afterward, Osiris became known as the egyptian god of the dead, Isis became known as the egyptian goddess of the children, and Horus became known as the egyptian god of the sky.

What is the forgery here? These are facts. Sun worship it would seem was the catalyst for the birth of Christ and many other gods. Let me know where my logic and facts are wrong because I have looked into this for some time.

[edit on 7-4-2008 by Sway33]

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Sway33

The myth described Osiris as having been killed by his brother Set who wanted Osiris' throne. Isis briefly brought Osiris back to life by use of a spell that she learned from her father. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he again died. Isis later gave birth to Horus. As such, since Horus was born after Osiris' resurrection, Horus became thought of as representing new beginnings and killed Set. This combination, Osiris-Horus, was therefore a life-death-rebirth deity, and thus associated with the new harvest each year. Afterward, Osiris became known as the egyptian god of the dead, Isis became known as the egyptian goddess of the children, and Horus became known as the egyptian god of the sky.

What is the forgery here? These are facts. Sun worship it would seem was the catalyst for the birth of Christ and many other gods. Let me know where my logic and facts are wrong because I have looked into this for some time.

[edit on 7-4-2008 by Sway33]

Now you're starting to make sense. What you said just a minute ago was that Horus was the son of a virgin, eventhough his father was Osiris, and that he is the lord of the sky, not the sun. He is the falcon god. The eye of Horus is his crown, as it naturally would be if you were the sky. Huhu?

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:26 PM

Now you're starting to make sense. What you said just a minute ago was that Horus was the son of a virgin, eventhough his father was Osiris, and that he is the lord of the sky, not the sun. He is the falcon god. The eye of Horus is his crown, as it naturally would be if you were the sky. Huhu?

I seen your confusion, and I admit egyptian mythology is very confusing but think of it like this. Jesus was born a virgin birth, yet we are told God is his father. Horus born a virgin birth yet Osiris his father......this is one of the mysterious parts of egyptian mythology, Since Osiris was dead, a spell was cast to impregnate Isis.

Horus is the god of the sky. Hence everything in the sky, sun, and moon was his to rule also. This is why he is also considered a sun god.

He was not the falcon god. He was personified as a falcon guarding the sky, moon, and sun. This is why he is often depicted with the sun on his shoulders or head.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Sway33

okay a few points first the reason all these mythologies seems soooo similar to the story of Jesus is because demons knew he was coming so they constructed with their rise to godhood stories and acted them out for their alleged prophets to do just this throw people off from the truth
next Mary being a virgin means she had a child without having sex.....meaning God simply placed in her womb a baby as himself know i know this may be hard to understand today this can be done by cutting a women open and placing a fetus or artificial insemination but this by God trans-phasing baby Jesus into mary no intercourse or breaking of the hymen
lastly the difference between old and new testament God is Jesus when Jesus died came back and went to heaven he intercedes for the sins of mankind so God does not grow angry over the sins of man other wise there would be alot of Sodom and gamorah's
so remember the reasoning for all these goofy religions are demons decived people

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 05:28 PM
Jesus was like any other human being the result of sex. She was a virgin until: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you." Sounds like an allegory about sex to me...

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
Jesus was like any other human being the result of sex. She was a virgin until: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you." Sounds like an allegory about sex to me...

Are you saying Mary had sex with the Holy Spirit? Sorry, but as far as I know I was born from a man and a woman having sexual intercourse so how is Jesus like any other human being, if he existed as a human?

Originally posted by thestatue
okay a few points first the reason all these mythologies seems soooo similar to the story of Jesus is because demons knew he was coming so they constructed with their rise to godhood stories and acted them out for their alleged prophets to do just this throw people off from the truth

Demons are a manifestation of religion. And you are speaking it sounds like from your own beliefs, not facts of any nature. Anyway even if demons did magically construct these stories for us, that still means all religion came from the same set of stories, and it gives no credit to whoever you believe is God. Just a thought, no offense meant to anyones beliefs.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by Sway33
Are you saying Mary had sex with the Holy Spirit? Sorry, but as far as I know I was born from a man and a woman having sexual intercourse so how is Jesus like any other human being, if he existed as a human?

No, Joseph. While they had sex, the holy spirit came upon her, and the power of the Most High overshadowed her, and she would be with child soon after.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic

Originally posted by Sway33
Are you saying Mary had sex with the Holy Spirit? Sorry, but as far as I know I was born from a man and a woman having sexual intercourse so how is Jesus like any other human being, if he existed as a human?

No, Joseph. While they had sex, the holy spirit came upon her, and the power of the Most High overshadowed her, and she would be with child soon after.

Don't know what bible your reading.

The gospels of Matthew and Luke say that Mary was a virgin and that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. These gospels present Jesus' birth as a miracle involving no natural father, no sexual intercourse, and no male seed in any form. The Gospel of Matthew additionally presents the virgin birth of Jesus as fulfilling a prophecy from the Book of Isaiah.

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