posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 09:27 AM
Make sure your PC has no security leaks, trojans, etc.
Also, if you've ever used another PC to go online and get your email, then that could have been the PC that had the leak or provided your password to
someone else and not your personal machine.
Change your password on your Hotmail account again and use a Strong Password. Something with both Capital and Lowercase letters, Numbers and
Delete all the crap spam mail and all that from your email account and set it up to block as much of the new ones as possible.
Make sure your PC is up to date on all patches, and so forth also.
If that still doesn't do it. Kill the account and create a new one from scratch. You may want to alert anyone who may be in your contacts on that
account as well, as they might be hijacked as well or atleast may need your new email address.