posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 02:18 PM
I can remember when "Loose Change" was the first I knew of the 9/11 Conspiracy too. At first I just could not believe it. My mind could not
comprehend that any American, much less the POTUS could be involved. But then I started looking into the NORAD Standown, and it was all just too
obvious. I think this is where Jesse is right now. The more he investigates, the more he will realize that something went horribly wrong, or worse
yet...horribly right that day.
If Jesse could manage to watch the entire movie,
Who Killed John O'Neill, it will spell it all out for
him. But it is a difficult movie to watch and follow.... but well worth it to see the whole big picture of what may have occurred that day.
There are time I wish I had never watched "Loose Change". It changed my view the world, and made me a Conspiracy Theorist.
But I would rather
know what I do now, than still believe that OBL was responsible for all this madness. The American people have been sold such a pile of lies... if
only more people would just wake up and realize for themselves that the true terrorists of 9/ll... live or work in the White House. And all our
wonderful Investigative Reporters have assumed the position of NEOCON survival...
[edit on 11-4-2008 by yankeerose]