posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 04:43 PM
I can't get in from work, my company's policy won't allow Google Sky
I'll try to check it out tonight from the source...
In the meantime, do I have this correctly, that we're looking up in this image at the sky from the surface of the Earth?
if so, I'm confused, is the white thing the moon? what could the long green thing possibly be?
Also, instead of a galaxy (I'm assuming we're talking about the white object here) could it have been a GRB? I know that the odds of catching
something like that are small, but would a GRB (gamma ray burst) look like this? Is there a timestamp on when the image was taken?
Sorry if all of this info is available at the Google Sky site, just hoping you could help describe it since I can't access it yet...