posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 11:14 PM
I think people attack the Masons because they are a more public group than those two groups you mention in your title. (I notice you left off the
Bilderberg group; they, and the Trilateral Commission and CFR, are sometimes referred to as the 'Big Three' of conspiracy theory)
It's relatively easy to find out what Masons believe and do, but the Trilateral and CFR keep very, very quiet about what they do, and even who
belongs to them. It's easier to attack a group, whether justly or not, when you actually know something about that group.
Personally, I don't think Masons as a whole are a problem. There are many of the evil elites who are Masons, but masonry in general is harmless, in
the same way that Joe Shmo, White House assistant janitor, is no danger to society, but someone like Dick Cheney or GWB arguably are. (not sure if
they are masons; it's meant to be an analogy)