Here are all my questions I got points for with thoughts attached:
2. The child has an average body temperature of below 97.6 F [36.4 C] degrees
I have low thyroid. Runs in the family. Body temp always been a low average.
4. The child began saying a number of words clearly by six months of age (at least one year before the average talking age of 18 months.) = 1
I developed early verbally and physically… but some people do, some don’t. Who cares?
5. The child began walking by one-half-year-old ( before the average walking age of one year old.) = 1
Yup that’s me. And lots of people.
6. When the child began speaking, s/he used phrases or whole sentences almost immediately, not just single words = 1
Yup, ask my mum lol
7. People notice that the child seems extremely mature for their age, almost like an adult in a child’s body. = 1
As a child yes. Now I feel a
bit delayed
8. In childhood the child sought out more advanced activities, being bored with and underchallenged by the games the other children his/her age wanted
to play. = 1
I’m pretty sure lots of kids are like this, and lots aren’t.
12. The child is very sensitive, and is put off by, or shrinks away from the destructive, mean, cruel, violent, or wasteful behavior of the other
kids, and cannot understand why they are that way. = 1
I think that’s a fairly natural state, some get calloused early in life, others don’t.
15. The child has more than once foretold something in the future that later actually happens, or has a “Dream” which later comes true
(precognition). = 1
Yeah, but so what....Sorry, but this is something I really think is somehow just a part of human existence that we think is supernatural or
spiritual because we haven’t dissected it and reproduced it in a lab.
19. The child is adept at cross-species communication, both knowing what an animal (e.g.., pet dog, a dolphin, etc.) is thinking, and communicating
telepathically with that animal, and the animal responds to the silent communication. = 1
I have a weird relationship with cats. My first word was ‘kitty’ and the most wretched anti-social cats will like me and come straight for me.
Lots of people like that, again…also have dreams talking to them that come true. Coincidence though maybe?
20. The child “just knows” something intuitively about a person, a place, or a situation, which then turns out correct, (i.e., the child is
“psychic”). = 1
Yeah….happened lots. Lots of people like this. Always have been. Are they all star seed? Gawd….
21. The child affects certain electrical appliances repeatedly by his/her mere presence, (such as a TV changing channels, a radio turning on, a
wristwatch not working any more, or a lamp turning on or off without touching it ) = 1
Every wrist or pocket watch I’ve ever owned has literally fallen to pieces for some freaky reason or another. I never ever wear one now, or keep
a pocket watch. Maybe it’s cuz I’m poor and always got crappy watches though.
23. The child reports seeing Visitors that the parents/others cannot see, or sees things out of the corner of the eye which disappear when stared
directly at; (inter-dimensional viewing). = 1
Who hasn’t seem some sort of weird stuff out of the corner of their eye?
24. The child can see auras around other people or animals
Yes I see ‘auras’ but I think this is completely something scientific that again we call magic cause we don’t know why some people see it and
some don’t. Or don't have explained yet. I really have trouble caring...
25. The child sees or feels color, patterns or “textures” in those auras, which provide information about the other’s health, emotional state,
psychic attunement, etc. = 1
So…I have something called ‘synesthesia’ and I think this is just a variation…very subjective too. How many aura ‘codes’ are there out
there….and rarely are they consistent.
[edit on 10-4-2009 by phoebeflakes]