posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 07:11 PM
I really thought this was a helicopter, but I don't know. The sighting took place late summer last year.
I saw a somewhat low-flying object moving in the sky. It was an orange light (about the size of Sirius), but it was moving in a straight path, like a
helicopter. The strange thing is that I don't remember it having any flashing lights. Wouldn't a helicopter have flashing lights by law? Also, there
were quite a few things in the sky over that span of about 30 minutes. (I know I heard a helicopter at some point.)
Also, I thought I saw a similar light "landing" up on a hill. The orange light seemed to dim over a few seconds until it went out. It seemed to be
in the direction the thing in the sky was headed, so maybe it was just the trees blocking my view as the object flew away.
A few minutes later, I saw the orange light in the air again. I heard the sound of a helicopter, but I didn't see anything else. If this thing was a
helicopter, as I suspect, then why did it have an orange light and nothing flashing?
It could have been a sky lantern. There was a HS football game that night and the stadium wasn't too far away. I'm not sure though.... a sky lantern
would move somewhat irregularly. This thing moved in a straight path, plus I was convinced it was a helicopter. None of the glo-lantern/sky lantern
pictures I'm finding online look like what I saw. So if this was a helicopter, then why no flashing lights?