posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 05:16 AM
I'll point out a few things.....
#1: There is speculation that the Loch leads the ocean somehow via underground tunnels. Unproven, but not disproven either.
#2: SEVERAL years ago, a very expensive expedition was started to either disprove or prove the stories. They didn't do either, but there was 2 big
masses on the radar that showed up in different positions in the lake when the lake was scanned by boats. I wish I could find some info so it
doesn't sound like I made it up, but I'm not sure where to start.
#3: There are MANY species that have been discovered in the depths of the ocean that were thought to have been exstinct or not known to have existed.
Some are rather large, case in point is the WhaleShark.
#4: Not hard to believe that IF there were tunnels, that the creatures and their offspring could find their way back to the loch. Many animals have
that ability. As a matter of fact birds off spring return to the same place their parents nested, and the Monarch butterfly goes several hundred
miles (if not over a thousand) to the exact same spots every year. There are loads of examples.
Like any myth, there is obviously lots of bulls**t to sift through before you can find any truth. People like to feel special, so they conjur up
things or over exaggerate. Unfortunately it ruins credibility for people with genuine accounts, and dilutes the truth.