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When is it absolutely essential to ACT?

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posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 02:58 PM
I noticed that all across the world people are bound by a system that enslaves them and I've personally noticed that a lot of people complain about wanting to change things and the system or their lives but fail to do so.

I've heard of people crying over how others are treated, I have seen countries go to war over and over against their people’s wishes.

Why do people not ACT? Or what stops them from ACTING to stop such things or change?

This thread is all about the abundance of Actions and the lack of actions.

When do you think is the right time to ACT and when is not the right time to ACT?

And while all this who's RIGHT in all of this and who's wrong in all of this.

I guess I'm trying to understand why Humans do what they do and when they choose to ACT vs. NOT ACT.

I would like to hear your opinions on this matter. Thanks.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 01:56 PM
Seems like this topic isn't controversial enough to spark interest on ATS.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 02:02 PM
Since it's all about conspiracies, well here's one simply based on observation which I think most will agree on.

You are being controlled in every aspect of your life should that not at least make some agree on that fact that they need to act in order to fix this.

Unless, everyone knows that and there is nothing that can be done about it. We should all just live with it. Hmmm, seems to be that way.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 02:43 PM
I think that we need to figure a way out to remove this fluoride from our drinking water once it arrives at our houses.

"You can put it in the water and I won't drink it or I'll find a way to take it out. I only need it in my toothpaste, Thanks." Creo Coactum

Conduct your own test of your drinking water.

1. Drink no water for 3-4 days (length of days may vary person to person) and notice the change in your behaviour (Mental and physical). It will be obvious that you may feel dehydrated but that’s normal in this case, drink lots of natural fruit juices.
2. Start drinking water with fluoride in it again and notice the changes. 8 glasses per day. For 3-4 days. (length of days may vary person to person)
3. Video tape yourself over these times and then sit back and watch your behaviour.

If you choose to do this, please do so at your risk.

For the purpose of the test please make sure that you're not a smoker or have any other addiction including caffeine.

Keep a diary and write down how you’re feeling and thinking etc.

This will help you look back at what you wrote.

Then make your assumptions based on your findings and do you own research on how it may or may not affect you in one way or another.

This won't tell much except that if you're behaviour changes or not...

It may be something that's tangible and you maybe able to do your own part and find out.

I guess this goes with taking action instead of being told what to do and not to do.... I wonder how many people have already tried this.

Once you got your results perhaps you might want to share them and we can see if there is a change in behaviour for a majority of people or not.

We might be looking for withdrawal symptoms.

If in doubt do something about it. IMO.

Any chemists on ATS know how to get fluoride out of the drinking water?

on a side note:

Fluoride's Neurological Effects: studies show there may be grave implications for Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Attention Deficit Disorder, reduced IQ in children

Is it just me or have you noticed how many more children nowadays are being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder?

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Creo Coactum]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 02:48 PM
I spent 20+ years drinking water with flouride in it. I'm not dead. I do have a few illnesses that could have possibly come from drinking flouride water, but of course there are also genetics involved in both cases of the illnesses (both of them have genetic causes). How do you know flouride causes things? I know it kept me from getting cavities. To this day I still only have one. I was even given flouride treatments yearly at the dentist on top of drinking the flouride water. I don't know if the water I'm drinking now has flouride but we use a britta filter to filter out things. I doubt britta works on flouride, but for me, thats a moot point since i don't know if it's in there in the first place.

To your original post:
What kind of actions should people do? I thinik choosing to live in a state where the government listens to the voters, laws are easily put on the ballot just by collecting signatures and the slogan for the city is 'the city that works'; I feel that just by living in a state where things are run correctly is an action in itself.

What other kinds of action are you thinking we should be doing? Not trying to attack you, but seriously ask you that question.

I don't feel like I'm controlled by anything or anyone other then myself and perhaps my husband
. Do you honestly think that everyone is being controlled?


edited to make better sense

[edit on 4/4/2008 by Telafree]

[edit on 4/4/2008 by Telafree]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 02:51 PM
So the questions remains, do we act or do we not? Or perhaps I should put it like this…

To Act or Not Act? That is the question.

Can we do things to find our own answers via the collaboration of ATS?
Take part in real studies that may add more credibility to what we are being told via channel A or Channel B.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 05:08 PM

I spent 20+ years drinking water with fluoride in it. I'm not dead. I do have a few illnesses that could have possibly come from drinking fluoride water, but of course there are also genetics involved in both cases of the illnesses (both of them have genetic causes). How do you know fluoride causes things? I know it kept me from getting cavities. To this day I still only have one. I was even given fluoride treatments yearly at the dentist on top of drinking the fluoride water.

It won't kill you, just make you slower more like a zombie.... You're no good to anyone once dead.

Did drinking the fluoride everyday increase your chances of being diagnosed with those illnesses?

Is Fluoride good for your teeth? Yes.
It’s in your toothpaste? Yes.
Does Fluoride harden tooth enamel? Yes.
Tooth enamel is the hardest and most highly mineralized substance of the body? Yes.
If Fluoride hardens your teeth what will it do the nerves in your stomach and brain once digested?

What’s inside of you that would be affected by ingesting fluoride?

“The Vagus nerve and its branches run from the base of the brain, to the oesophagus, stomach and the liver were it constricts parietal cells and stomach movements.”

These are only some of the questions that come to mind when I’m told to drink water with Fluoride in it.

Yes it’s good for your teeth but that’s exactly it. What in the world will it do to my stomach, organs, nerves, brain, etc? It only hardens enamel, right? What else will it do when ingested regularly?

If you had the facts given to you from the start would you have taken measure to reduce those chances?

Like I said it's how you look at it. But the most important statement I would make is… WTF? You want to turn me into a zombie?

As for control, I will comment later on that. But will say this now, There are types of controls and some are noticeable and some are not.

Population Control... Thought Control... Freedom of speech... the list goes on.. bottom line is that we have no control of our lives, we have to live in a system that you didn't get to choose when were brought into this world.

And in the midst of all this ask you self, have you had the chance to visit so many different places on this planet... How many times were you able to those amazing dream vacations? to enjoy life without having to worry about money.

Rather, how much of your life have you really been able to enjoy and at what age were you able to?

Again this is different for everyone.. Will write more another time.

Edited for my stupidity cause I'm drinking fluoridated water. Go figure! At least I can still make fun of myself.

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Creo Coactum]

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Creo Coactum]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 05:21 PM
We are over populated. It takes opinion and lots of money.

We have so many elite that they do in fact try to stop certain things in the world. And we let them. Simple.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 05:27 PM
Preventive bad desicions is what we as humans, at least here in the USA should focus on.

We are at a point where it is too late, or is it? I say no- we still have time to come together, say we want a change, pick and chose carefully, and get rid of what we dont want...WITHOUT ANY REGARD TO PARTY. I beleive that both major parties of government in the USA are now the same, and no matter where we go, its just going to be same story, different cast members!

BUT- if we get in THEIR FACES and complain and let them know we know now and the jig is up, there cant help it but to be some changes, however minor they might be.


Going to make us miserable when we fly? DONT FLY.
Just try your damnest not to.
They'll get the message.

The same with anything else- Ride a bike for a week- take public transportation. This would send a very loud message that we are not going to keep feeding the oil barons.

Skip the supermarket one week.

We can send very loud messages when we want to and beleive me, if everyone did this, they'd either have to bomb us or give the citizens a break.

[edit on 4-4-2008 by dgtempe]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Creo Coactum

If you had the facts given to you from the start would you have taken measure to reduce those chances?

yes, I probably would have. But I was a child and under my mom's care. She made my 'health' decisions for me until I turned 18. That meant 18 years at least of flouride water without a choice.

Like I said it's how you look at it. But the most important statement I would make is… WTF? You want to turn me into a zombie?

I don't quite understand how it turns you into a zombie. Could you explain that some more?

And in the midst of all this ask you self, have you had the chance to visit so many different places on this planet... How many times were you able to those amazing dream vacations? to enjoy life without having to worry about money.

Actually, I spent about 10 years of my life roaming the world. I went to 10 different european countries and have been to every single state in the lower US. The only state I haven't been to is Alaska and I plan on going there before I die. Its on my 'bucket list' so to speak.

Rather, how much of your life have you really been able to enjoy and at what age were you able to?

I've lived a very happy, full and content life for about 2/3 of my years. I've been lucky enough to be very happy and continue to be even with the crap that's going on in Washington, the world and around me locally. I still find ways to be happy and live life to its fullest no matter what. I'd rather do that then waste it living negatively. I don't regret any of the choices I've made and I'm a pretty content and happy person most of the time. I'm lucky and I thank God every single day for the life that I've led up to this point and the life that I'll lead in the future. As for the age thing. My happiness started when I was 18 and continues to this very day(*I'm 34 now)


[edit on 4/4/2008 by Telafree]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 05:34 PM
sink water is disgusting. eeeeeeew! who even drinks that? Its for your dishes! *watches family guy

[edit on 4-4-2008 by ItsFrickenAndrew]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Creo Coactum

Why do people not ACT? Or what stops them from ACTING to stop such things or change?

Satellite TV, IPod, Internet, Fast Food, Cruise Missiles, Cholera, Hunger
1/3 Them belly full
2/3 Too weak and scared

[edit on 4-4-2008 by ColdWater]

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:44 PM

I don't quite understand how it turns you into a zombie. Could you explain that some more?

The only reason I say that it turns you into a zombie is because it may harden the nerves in your body. (No medical proof), as I not an MD. I going to try to do some research into this get some medical proof that this may be happening.

But from what I understand is that there are nerves in your body that relay signals to the brain.... if a chemical such as Fluoride is used to harden the tooth enamel then it might also harden your nerves and organs. This would not allow your nerves to send proper signals to your brain thus slowing you down. The vagus nerve is also know as the wandering nerve , relays signals from your heart, liver and stomach... etc. This means that if your nerves are hardened on the inside it may lead to lower heart rate, low response to body functions, liver function, heart functions, muscle functions, and a lowered response from medication that is being taken, many depression treatments are used to stimulate the vagus nerve to improve the persons condition.... bottom line is that this can lead to a person not being them selves and being more slow... hence why I think that it would make you a zombie... IMO.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Preventive bad desicions is what we as humans, at least here in the USA should focus on.

[edit on 4-4-2008 by dgtempe]

Perhaps we should try to teach children at a young age about decision making and improve those skills. I think that this should be part of the curriculum.

Decision making skills and Critical thinking are probably the most important skills that are needed for daily life... I wonder why this is not taught in schools.

If we must act them we must act to resolve the root cause of the problem otherwise it never goes away.

People with better decision making and Critical Thinking skills would make a major improvement in all aspects.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by Telafree
I still find ways to be happy and live life to its fullest

I think this action alone is something that I strive for everyday, although some days are harder than others. It's a matter of perspective and attitude. But when that attitude changes so does everything else. And I partly see that adding chemicals to our drinking water might change our attitude. For better or worse... I can't say. By the way I think it also in bottled water now.

I just think that instead of just taking an answer from the government that goes something like this “It’s good for you teeth" is not sufficient because I don't eat toothpaste and I want to know everything there is to know about what it may or may not do when drinking it.

I think a full scientific result needs to be presented to the public and we should make decision based on that. Why should the government just do it without your approval... this to me this does not sound right.

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