posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 12:23 PM
I was speaking with my father last night and it turns out he was watching a documentary on the Freemasons when he made a comment.... "I don't see
why all these people are complaining about the Masons, it reminds me of my old Elk Lodge, in a way." That piqued my curiosity so I questioned him
further and had him explain in more detail why it seemed similiar to him.
After hearing the comparisons I was left wondering, why are the majority of the secret society threads on ATS geared mainly at the Masons? Why don't
I see more people jumping all over the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks? (B.P.O.E., which the old man is fond of saying means "Best People on
Why is it I usually hear "Masons are evil, they swear oaths, the Bible says you can't do that", "Masons are evil, they meet in secret! Why
isn't anyone allowed into their meetings? They must be worshipping Satan or trying to take over the world!", "Why are the degrees so secret? What
are Masons hiding?!" "Why are so many presidents, businessmen, actors all Masons!", and "Why do they have "secret" signs and symbols?"
From my conversation with my father the Elks had some of the following in common:
- Candidates must be 21 and profess a belief in God. Like the Masons (though I forgot to ask if they meant specifically the Christian concept of God
or just "a supreme being")
- Candidates must petition the lodge and be vouched for by 2 members. Like the Masons.
- Candidate's petition is read in lodge and voted upon. Like the Masons.
- The voting method is a ballot box with white and black balls. Like the Masons.
- Elks lodge meetings are members only, no public allowed. Like the Masons
- Initiations are members only and "secret", no public. Like the Masons.
- Elks take an oath on the "Sacred Book of Law" (Bible on altar). Like the Masons VSL.
- Elks have their own signs and symbols (11th Hour, Elk's horns, Hailing Sign). Masons have their own signs and symbols too.
- Several presidents, politicians, and businessmen have been Elks.
Also, though my old man wouldn't tell me about the initiation, I was able to find it online and was surprised to find many similarities between the
Elk's initiation and the Mason's EA degree (To be fair, there were MANY differences too). In fact, in some places if you replaced the word "Elk"
with "Mason" you'd think they were almost the same. Out of respect for both groups, I won't personally post their rituals but you can google the
Elk's if you want to compare.
So why no public outcry against the Elk's? They share all the same main things Masons get jumped on for ("Secrecy", Oaths, high profile members,
etc..). Also, why not the Knights of Columbus? They also are members only, meet in private, "secret" initiation etc etc....
I guess the point of my long rant is, am I missing something? Is there something I am overlooking that seprates the groups? Is it just because
Freemasonry is older, and I assume, the more popular of the fraternities, therefore an easier target? Or have I just not been around ATS long enough
and this horse has been thoroughly beaten to death?
What's your point of view on why Masons are the more popular target?
Also, anyone know if whoever founded the Elks was perhaps a Mason? Alot of similarities so it makes me think it is a possibility. My search only
found that it was founded by a theatrical troupe... thanks!
Oh, also, I am not a Mason or an Elk and have nothing against either group.