posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 11:09 AM
Good Evening,
My Name is Dr. Barumba Ezekiel Rael. I hope that I find you well at this time. I am in a position that requires patriotic action but may also
personally benefit those who act now.
My planet, Nigeriaufoscam, is in financial crisis. We are unable to fund the UFO flyover that was to occur soon. Both Nigel and Bob have been unable
to secure the capital required to engage in this profitable venture.
We have the capital to buy the UFO fuel necessary for the flyover. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to move the cash into the US economy due
to sanctions imposed against us by the Evil 9-11 Cartel.
You are the chosen one. If you will meet with us, we will discuss techniques to access your bank account, from which we will extract the necessary
ramp fee, and into which we will place our fuel supply: Bear Sterns Adjustable Rate Mortgages. We use these to create a vacuum, from which we extract
Zero-Points-interest-for-the-first-three-years-energy. You will be free to sell these at your own profit using our patented Pyramid Engine.
Please be aware that we cannot have a M A S S I V E Flyover without your help.
Dr. Barumba Ezekiel Rael
Director of Fuel Procurement
Planet Nigeriaufoscam
Federation of Bumpy Headed Humanoids