posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 11:30 AM
Why did the girls have to move there? Maybe they could have moved to a violence free town in iraq (and yes there are areas in iraq with no violence)
how about the towns where they tape reality tv shows or where they have internet cafes. Not all of iraq is a warzone. We only think it is because the
controlled media only shows the viloence. Maybe the girls moved because their sick of being beaten by their iraqi husbands,and spit on, and treated
like a second class citizen. I dont buy this for a minute, Its just another ploy by the leftwing to make it look like we destroyed their way of life
and to make us look evil. Let me ask you....How come every time in the major news networks they talk about iraq we viewers only see death,
destruction, chaos, bombings, and so on? Because thats what they want us to see, they control what we see and hear to help their agenda.The news wont
show us the parts of iraq that havent seen violence in countless years. Ill look for the facts and repost later.