posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 09:56 PM
Oh, what can we say to this ?
'Reading' an upside down book while a false-flag was underway ?
Claiming to have 'just been' informed about the false-flag, when it was revealed he'd been watching it from the comfort of his vehicle earlier ..
allegedly ?
' I believe man and fish can live in harmony ' ? Faaaaaa -b-yew-luss !
' Fool me once ... err .. fool me .. uhmm ... me .. once .. err ... ' Faaaa-b-yew-luss !
Presenting a speech to hundreds of massed girl-guides .. and referring to them as 'future great men of the US ' .. allegedly .. because he was
reading a speech originally penned for presentation to hundreds of massed boys (and it was beyond his ability to substitute the female for the male
form, even though he could surely see that those gathered before him were clearly not boys ) ? Faaaaa-b-yew-luss !
Walking into a door repeatedly and failing numerously to open it, before the world's news cameras ? Faaaa-b-yew-luss !
Referring to Mexico and Canada as 'overseas' nations ? Ahh .. faaaaab-yew-luss !
'Choking on a pretzel ' ? We wish.
'Falling off a bike ' ? Too faaaaaa-b-yew-luss for words !
He and his mother both .. referring to Dubya as 'The First Lady' ? Giggle, swish ... faaaa-b-yew-lusss !
I had to cease reading the updated Bushisms some time ago .. cracked a few ribs and doctor warned against further indulgence.
But most indicative of Dubya's mental health is the fact he avoided going to war himself ... then commenced sending everyone's else's sons and
husbands to die ... then remarked that war in Afghanistan aroused the 'romance' in him. Oh yeah. Expletive --- faaaaa-b-yew-lusss alright !
And you can add Cheyney to the list Dubya's on, as well.