reply to post by redmage
But don't we defeat the purpose of sequestering if we do that? What if the first 11 posters happen to be the eye rolling "It's all crap because I
know better" type, they hack off the OP, and he checks out to never return?
While I trust the members as a whole not to gum up things too bad, you have no idea how many posts are deleted per hour that are pure drivel and/or
nasty. Since the members could see what was posted by the staff, there shouldn't be any censorship. Besides, basically it would be a matter of mostly
routine questions.
In your own words, tell us everything you want to put out to the world.
Where does this information come from?
Can you explain how you got this information?
Exactly what proof do you have that you are who you say you are?
What documents can you provide to back this story up with?
Do you have witnesses? Will they also speak with us?
We could even hammer out the best general questions to ask in such situations ahead of time, agreed to by general consensus. Special questions might
arise from some statements made by Mr.X, but these could be lifted from the other thread as the need arose.
And it's a fact that no course of action is going to be perfect. But would you not feel somehow cheated if the first page of posters failed to ask
the most logical questions because someone went ballistic over the writing style of Mr.X and failed to ask him if he had any witnesses? Especially if
Mr.X said he had to leave to go get documents, which was the only logical question out of the first page. Now you have to wait till he gets back to
ask that question.
I'm just grasping for a calm logical way to acquire information without undue drama.
As a side note here. This is new ground, and I welcome all the ideas and questioning of concepts that are coming out. I'm proud to be involved in
trying to find answers to what is a bothersome problem for our community.
And please don't feel like I've got better ideas just because I'm a mod. I'm first and foremost a member, striving with my fellow members to try
and find a workable solution. It may take us days, but I think with the brainpower represented here on ATS, we can do this.