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New and weird Remote Viewing?

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posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 08:30 PM
I am newish here and to date have only posted a few replies to various threads. However, with many sites such as these, I notice a distinct feeling of being remote viewed by varous people when I first join.

When i posted a reply to a thread here the other day, something strange happened within 30 mins of posting. I was being viewed and assessed remotely BUT this was by what I think is a new thing altogether. I still don't know quite what to make of it. It was almost by a machine I think?
Perhaps there is a new invention that I haven't read about.

I was sitting in front of my computer when a multicoloured light in the shape of a thin stick about 8inches long and an eighth of an inch wide appeared half way between me and the screen. It appeared for a nano second, flashed up and down, and disappeared.

I felt that i was "checked" by something or someone but it was not human I felt. If I had been looking at the keyboard when it happened i might have missed it, it was that quick.

Has anyone else had this experience, or know what this is?

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 08:39 PM
Just a curious question. How long were you at the computer at the time it happened? Eyes strain can often result in momentary hallucinations when sitting in front of a computer screen for a long time.

Other than that, I wouldn't have a clue what it was.

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 09:40 PM
Thanks for your input.
I have been sitting at a computer for about 15 years and never had that before. I am more aware of some things than most people, so something like that grabbed my attention immediately.
It is very curious.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 02:09 AM
Sorry, I'll turn off my brights next time.
No really, you should get used to getting RV'd while posting online. The psychics predict more people will be doing this in the future anyways. As soon as you read someone's post, I believe that you open a door, and sort of invite the writer to watch you read the post. I get it often, people reading my posts, and I see them, involuntarily even, including their comments, even in their heads. Sometimes I read, and yeah, there is someone tuning into whatever I'm seeing, probably because they wrote it.

I've never seen a glowing light before. Not with my bare eyes. Don't want to either. That is going too far, and anything like that on purpose, I consider an annoying invasion of privacy. That sounds scary.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 05:41 AM
Thanks for replying. I had never seen it before either.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 06:53 AM
I got remote viewed while I was only lurking.

No strange lights or anything, someone posted a description of me up.

[edit on 30-3-2008 by drummerboyG]

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 09:14 AM
Crap, does that mean I will have to put my clothes on from now on when I surf and post on ATS?

Joke aside, what difference is it going to make if anyone is RV-ing. If we accept that everything in the Universe is connected (as One) then these are just first baby steps of us entering into the world of notion that we are not separate from the Universe, and from each other.

[edit on 30-3-2008 by amigo]

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by amigo
Crap, does that mean I will have to put my clothes on from now on when I surf and post on ATS?

Joke aside, what difference is it going to make if anyone is RV-ing. If we accept that everything in the Universe is connected (as One) then these are just first baby steps of us entering into the world of notion that we are not separate from the Universe, and from each other.

[edit on 30-3-2008 by amigo]

Interesting you say that, i believe it aswell.

Telepathy should be a common form of communication, it some cases it is. Telepathy can only work if you have nothing to hide, no skeletons in the closet. The moment you try to hide somehting in your mind, you actually close the door to all that heavenly power waiting for us.

Sometime when you feel like you are being remote viewed it could just be your futureself thinking about the past. WHen you learn this to be true, you will learn that your inner voice is really you from the future and can actually have your trail blazing life path warn you in advance and guide you to better choices.

For this to work you have to get into the habit of assesing your whole day deciding what you should and shouldnt have done. In the past (but really present) as you come to crossroads in the day you should feel or almost hear instructions or opinions appearing to come from a higher source. This is you.

I am a little sleepy, I hope i made some sense.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 10:24 AM
Interesting. Why would a remote viewer be visible? Dunno about that... any idea? Or it may be something else...
Never happened to me, but strange lights blinking briefly in the sky, yes. We could be literally swarmed by UFOs blinking out of hyperspace / parallel universe / extra dimensions / wormholes / time gates / whatever without our noticing most of the time. The occasional photograph of such daylight UFOs, blinking in and out of view is often attributed to birds / insects, but who knows? It does make more sense than aliens sightseeing and accidentally forgetting to switch off their lights. In my opinion, there are many UFOs that appear briefly, scan their surroundings, and go back to whatever dimension they came from. When we notice them, they must have stayed in our "plane of existence" at least 1/100th of a second (much longer than a nanosecond), or we wouldn't be able to see them at all.

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