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Alien artifacts on the moon - six Apollo images

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posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by resistancia
Ók ...on looking more at what the astronaut is holding, it appears to be something that a jigsaw puzzle piece. Does not look like a rock. Maybe it is something the mission took with them as opposed to finding on the moon ???


Hi, and thank you very much for taking a look on the images.

Regarding the third image, the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal has written transcripts of what the astronauts did on the moon. If you go to this website (I provided a link in my first comment in the thread), NASA describes this image as astronaut Gene Cernan examining a sample found on the moons surface. So it certainly can't be an object the astronauts had with them from earth.

I my first post I have also given the different ID numbers to the images, so you can go to NASA's website and look up the different images and the written transcripts that NASA has made public.

Best regards. Ziggystar60.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 04:04 PM
Interesting pics there, I don't know what to really make of them. I guess it's up to each observer to find in them more or less substance for something extraordinary. Keep on bringing them

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Well, they kinda look like rocks to me, Im talking about the ones in the op. Personaly I think the op is jumping at nothing - no disrespect inteded.


posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 07:21 AM
Hi ziggy, nice pics! The first one looked pretty interesting so I hauled it through a few filters and this is what emerged...

Your pic..

And now the filtered versions...

You can see that it doesn't resemble a cog. As ArMaP had brought out, I tend to agree with him that it may be just a play of light and shadow!

The second pic you posted was interesting as also the last but one where the stone seems to have been cut!

Keep looking. There's more where where they came from!!


[edit on 3-4-2008 by mikesingh]

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Thank you so much for taking a look at these Apollo images! I value your opinion, and appreciate you taking time to post your own version of the first image in my thread. It is also relief that you didn't just label me a "lunatic".

And yes, I know that there are a lot more where they came from.

I have downloaded many Apollo images which shows very strange things indeed.

Best regards, Ziggystar60.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by funky monk
Well, they kinda look like rocks to me, Im talking about the ones in the op. Personaly I think the op is jumping at nothing - no disrespect inteded.


Thanks for your comment. I respect that you see only rocks, and I also wanted to thank you for giving me your opinion without being a total bastard about it.

Best regards, Ziggystar60.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by ziggystar60can't you even see anything strange in the first image at the top of my post?

Best regards, Ziggystar60.

It's not enough to perceive something strange. We all do that all the time, especially in unfamiliar environments.

There has to be no reasonable alternative to the anomalous interpretation. This takes careful scientific work, not just "lookit here!"

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by disownedsky

Originally posted by ziggystar60can't you even see anything strange in the first image at the top of my post?

Best regards, Ziggystar60.

It's not enough to perceive something strange. We all do that all the time, especially in unfamiliar environments.

There has to be no reasonable alternative to the anomalous interpretation. This takes careful scientific work, not just "lookit here!"

Hi, and thanks for your comment. But as far as I know, these Apollo images have not been posted here at ATS before, so I thought it would be good to share them with you people. And I actually did it for just the reason you mention - perhaps to get some scientific interpretation of them. And to get that kind of interpretation, you first have to make people aware of the images and get them to take a look at them, don't you?

I am really interested in what these features could be, and I welcome any explanation for them that makes sense. In my other thread, a poster who said she/he was a geologist posted a comment, and I contacted this person to get him/her to enlighten me in a more scientific way why the features can't be anything else than just rocks. I haven't heard from the poster again. Ah well, at least I tried.

Best regards, Ziggystar60.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 06:00 PM
What you are seeing is why we went to the moon in the first place. The U.S.A. hasent left the moon since the Apollo missions. Of course all twelve
Astronauts Have returned. What you need to ask yourselves is Why Havent we been back to the moon? Meanning N.A.S.A., of course others have been there and back. If you wish to know more please feel free to contact me. There is so much more to tell you.

my email address is:[email protected]
my cell number is
513) 833-5574

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 06:23 PM

I think that this one slipped past the filters at NASA. Thats an image I have never seen before, not even in books or journals with other anomalies in.

Great thread, nice to see your plugging away and adding to it. Flagged because I really thing if nothing else that this one image is worth peoples attention..

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Just want to thank you so much for the comment. I actually have this particular image as my screensaver!
I think it is reveiling. In my opinion.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by ziggystar60

Agree 100%.

That looks artificial to me. But who in Gods name could of made it and left it on the moon ?

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Excacly my point - WHO left these strange things on the moon? The more I study the images from the moon, the more certain I am that there must have been intelligent life there at some point. NASA has known about this for a long time now, and I think it is time they told the truth. The world is ready for it now.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:59 PM
My speculation: old-timey teleportation device.

Just throwing it out there: 1800's? Manipulation of gravity, somehow, and energy, maybe? I dunno. But given that everything is made out of rock, I can't assume anything traveling through space is going to lug around stone machinery. I can, however, see some dandy scientist in the early 1800's thinking stone is the way to go for something meant to teleport him to the moon.

Once there, it falls apart, and he dies instantly cause it's the moon for god's sakes!!

This is obviously entirely speculation, and by my wild speculation I in no way mean to discredit or distract from your finds. Just suggesting it may be terrestrial in origin after all.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 07:00 AM
What I find interesting about threads such as this is, why would NASA or any other agencies for that matter, spend literally millions of dollars...and travel millions of miles (i.e. Mars, Moon ect...) just to photograph plain old rocks.

I would imagine a mission briefing would go something like this:

"Ladies and gentlemen of mission XXXX....with resources as limited as they are, it is imperative that all photos and film footage be used ONLY on pre-determined, mission specific targets. PLEASE, do not walk aimlessly over the Lunar/Martian surface and snap pictures of ordinary rock formations, as this would constitute a gross misuse of valuable and quite limited resources..."

I have to wonder...why so many pictures are taken of ordinary rocks or natural formations...doesn't add up. There probably is a good reason for each and every photo...whether it be just anomalous geographical features...or actual artifacts..guess only NASA knows for sure...keep looking.

[edit on 6/16/2008 by 1nL1ghtened]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by 1nL1ghtened

Thanks! I thought this thread was dead and forgotten. This was one of my first threads, and I guess I didn't present my finds and ideas very well, but hopefully I will learn with time. Anyway, it's nice to see that you showed interest in the images. , As you know, I believe that the astronauts found proof of intelligent life on the moon. I don't think they went there several times just to study rocks and dust.

And when you read the transcripts from the Apollo missions, it is remarkable how excited the astronauts seemed to get from time to time over plain old "rocks".

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 02:56 PM
I would like to protest in the name of all rocks.

Rocks are interesting, and even a dead-looking landscape like the ones we can see on the Moon are interesting, but I agree that not all people find them interesting.

It's the same with all other things, I don't understand how someone can spend so much time looking at a baseball game, but I know that there are many people that consider it a time well spent (when their team wins).

So, if I could afford some millions of dollars (or euros) to study just Moon rocks I would consider it a well spent money (but it would have to be a more in-depth study than those already made by all the Moon missions).

That is one of the reasons I do not consider that saying "I see only rocks" is not the same as saying that there is nothing interesting in a photo, it only means that what I find interesting is different from what most people find interesting.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 09:52 PM
Marks from the bull dozer's.
Anyone come up with that one.
Perhaps they were on human ground moved into a studio.
I don't want to mess with your mind but they might have
messed with ours first.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:14 PM
1st things first.
I dont know when these pics are from. BUT I know that in 1972 was the last time apollo had a mission to travel to moon. That was more then 30 years ago, it was announced by John F Kennedy in 1961, it was accomplished 1969. (he was assassinated 2 years after his announcement, strange no?) anyhow, as I said that their last mission was some 30 years ago, since then our HD cameras, space equipment, gear, etc have improved DRASTICLY. Which bring us to another point, why dont we go again?
One theory, call me crazy, but mars as wel as moon has (or people claim that) they have many pyramids, strangely... our planet does too.. (strange, no?) all we know about our pyramids is that they are "burials/tombs" for pharaohs.. right... moving on, is it possible that the people (as u call them aliens.. could it be that WE are the aliens) have landed here millions of years ago.. due to various reasons.. one is that their planet (10th planet which now is only way 2 many freaking rocks floating in a circle) was destroyed, something kind like we say's gon happen 2012.. well either way, that or atomic (or far advanced technology) wars, natural disaster, u name it.. And they might'ev moved to Mars, since mars dried up, froze the poles, its unhabitable, so.. next planet, closer to sun, warmer, animals, plants, fersh water, atmoshpere, etc.. Perfect for life form. And to keep a close eye on us, make a base nearby, if not on our planet (maybe here too) but perhaps a place.. that we wouldnt assume.. The MOON, strangely as IT IS, if you check, Egyptians, Chinese, Romans, Greek, Africans, Mayas (even them) Africans, Hindu, Sumerians, Japanese, Ugarti, Im talking about all the ancient massive empires who rose from dirt and sand and made the most amazing monuments, INCLUDING PYRAMIDS (strange, no?) all have MOON GODS, now think in the way they would, they are basic sheep, dont know math, language, not anything and then u have these high powers "who claim to be gods" telling us and teaching us how to use tools, how to hunt, build houses, and thats how religion started, people asked the sky (praying) to get rain, better crops, more food, protection, etc. But we violent and dumb as we humans are, and immature we use the bow instead of hunting but for shooting at our brothers, we use knifes instead of cutting or making artifacts but for slitting out brothers throats. Which is kinda why they dont want anything to do with us, thats why they wont make contact with us, or give us laser and light speed technology, or something like starwars would happen (empire, aka us) would be killing all the other races. Religions are built by these high positioned creatures to make us afraid, to make us not want to do bad things, why? Goverment is assassinating their own people(like JFK) or any other person who wanted to bring truth to the table, I dont care if u disagree, we all have minds to THINK FOR OURSELFS, which is what the government, and religion ( i have nothing against religion) are trying to make us follow rules blindly and dont question.
Oh yes, back to picture topic.. Did you know that the pics taken by NASA are taken from cameras owned by a PRIVATE (non goverment) company that looks over the pics and releases ONLY THE ONES that they feel is "safe" to not expose the truth, yah, they blure pics that look like something to make us wonder and go in circles and to simply forget that theres ET's out there. Why is it that all the pics are of rocks? Ok its fine, but why cant we understand what were lookin at? why is it that they are so damn blury and lies? Did u kno that moon only faces earth from one side 24/7, last time i checked, planets SPIN (along with moons) and rotate around sun, No? well its said that moon is empty, and that the alien base is THERE.
Well the reason for the guy who posted these pics for not telling us whats in the pics is beacuse he doesnt want u give u ideas (beacuse people see what they want to see)
Thanks for posting pics.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
What you need to ask yourselves is Why Havent we been back to the moon?

That's an easy one. There's no money in it. Or the cost of going there is way too high for the amount of science that can be accomplished there. The race to the Moon was a political stunt to demonstrate technological superiority. The U.S. won. Game over. I remember when people got bored, and Nixon was more than happy to cut back on that Kennedy project.

Maybe we'll head back there one of these days to build a nice big radiotelescope on the far, radio-quiet side to look for aliens or communicate with our own deep space probe, or maybe to mine for Helium 3 if we can ever get that darned nuclear fusion to work economically enough to be useful. But the Moon is a cold, dead rock, and until exploration or exploitation of the Moon gets cheaper, we're not going back anytime soon.

[edit on 5-9-2008 by Nohup]

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