Personally, I just don't like the man. Something about him gives me the willies. His past wishy-washiness gives me no confidence at all in his
abilities to make sound legislation.
I keep hearing from Kerry "We need someone with experience to be the president". Unfortunately, we don't want someone with too much presidential
experience--that's why we limit to 2 terms max. Any longer and dictatorship is risked. If palling around with 'Hanoi Jane' and taking campaign
contributions from China is the kind of 'experience' he's bringing to the table, I'm quite certain he's got nothing to offer.
I'm neither a Dem or a Rep--I'm for whoever has the best representation of my interests, regardless of party affiliation. My basic interests are
staying alive, so I've gotta say in that aspect I've approved of the actions taken by the current admin. All their policies don't necessarily work
for me, but my opinion is worth decidedly much less if some freak terrorist had their way and made giblets outta me. Sadly, I don't see much besides
Bush-bashing being offered by the dems. I see them as being weak on national defense (with some notable exceptions) and offering little else of
Something I think a lot of people have forgotten is that when he was elected, Bush was running on isolationist platform. He wanted to reduce the US'
meddling in world affairs, and try to concentrate on the problems at home. Almost upon arrival in office, he was hit with 9-11 and forced to make
some hard, and unpopular decisions. I feel that he rose to the task and showed the backbone that was utterly lacking in the previous administration.
The terrorists wanted us to cower and do nothing, which was exactly what they had been seeing as a result of their actions through the 90's.
Standing up for ourselves, demanding a clear stance from other countries, and kicking some jihadi posterior made him unpopular in many countries,
which in turn made many turn against him at home. These other countries aren't our friends, and they wouldn't be if Kerry takes office either.
Their demeanor towards us politically would likely improve, but their intent and attitudes toward us would remain the same. They just wouldn't have
Bush for their third-world piniata. Heck, they might even like Kerry better because he'd make an easier mark.
I can already hear the panties getting bunched--hold on just a minute. I'm not saying I approve of everything that's been done by this
administration. To quote Clinton, "Mistakes were made...". However, I don't feel that having Kerry in office would be a solution to any of our
As for the economy, the current admin inherited it. No matter who would've came into office, it would've tanked. Period. Granted, the tax-cuts
were ill-afforded, but I feel that this along with other financial actions did keep us from bottoming out as badly as we easily could've. Note that
the 4th quarter of last year showed the largest growth in about 20 years. What is this miraculous Kerry plan that will fix everything?
Riiiight...there ISN'T one.
Actually, as long as Greenspan's around, we'll be OK. Why does this man know so much about money? Because he was around when it was
Our health care system indeed needs an overhaul. I'd have to say I lean more toward a democratic/socialist system on this one. Still, health care
costs money, and everything must be paid for. The money's got to come from some where. If you're not contributing enough to pay your share, then
why do you expect it to be given to you? The government can't pay for everyone to have everything--if they tried, we'd all end up with nothing.
The same goes for our welfare and social security systems. I have to give credit to the Clinton admin for trying to scale back on the welfare, while
at the same time while scoring serious penalties on the Bush admin for trying to allocate these already overtaxed resources to people who not only
haven't contributed ANYTHING to these programs, but aren't even american citizens to boot!
Social security isn't going to be there when I'm old, unless something major is done. All the money I've paid in will have already been squandered
by people who didn't. The Bush solution seems to be individual investment portfolios--401k's and the like. As most of you who have these can
testify, the vast majority of people have lost their collective a$$es on these in recent years. Still, one has to plan for their own future in
whatever way seems to look best, whether it be investment or squirreling your dough away in a matress. What is the Kerry solution for this? Again,
I've heard of none.
The Bush admin doesn't have all the answers. But from the Kerry camp, I don't see ANY.
[Edited on 1-3-2004 by Q]