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Confirmed: 9/11 Planes Were Tracked even With Transponders Turned Off

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posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:36 AM

On 9/11 there were only 14 fighter jets on alert in the contiguous 48 states. No computer network or alarm automatically alerted the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) of missing planes. "They [civilian Air Traffic Control, or ATC] had to pick up the phone and literally dial us," says Maj. Douglas Martin, public affairs officer for NORAD

(this is from a different source i can't find the original text. not that it matters)

there were ONLY 14 fighter jets on alert. this presents two problems.

1. why were there "only" 14 on this particular day?
2. 14 fighter jets is enough to take over a small country.

had to call us on the phone? he makes that sound as if it's a problem. is something wrong with using a phone?

do you really want to know why there weren't any fighter jets defending our country at that time? i can tell you exactly why. but first it's story time.

pearl harbor 1941. 390 US planes were there. 188 were destroyed and 155 were damaged. that means only about 50 planes were left untouched. did american pilots decide not to fly? even when they knew for certain the were outnumbered and death was imminent?

what does this tell you? in order to stop the american army you have to kill them. that's right. if you don't kill them they will come back at you with everythign they have.

so i ask you again. why didn't pilots take off on 9/11? was it because they all teh sudden decided to be cowards?

no... it was because they weren't told.

and let's not forget the most important part. the part no one thinks about. the part that if you start to imagine you will suddenly realize what a total load of ... this all is.


the terrorists have sucessfully attacked one of the richest cities in the world and THE MOST POWERFUL military complex IN THE WORLD!!

let's send them fruit cake as thanks for having the good graces not to continue this attack. they could have us on our knees in a matter of days. luckily they don't hijack middleastern planes and drop them on our military.

wow good luck for us huh???

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Mozzy]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 06:09 AM
It wasn't "This particular day" that there were only 14-21 on alert EVERY day since the early 1990s. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the decision was made under Clinton to slash the military to save money. The alert force was deemed oversized, so they cut it down from several dozen, to 14-21.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:54 PM
and then of course don't forget NORMAN MINETTA all but proved 911 was an inside job and CHENEY one of the PERPETRATORS!

To me, this FACT is a major smoking gun.

and i have yet to see any anti truther offer any logical counter-argument how its not.

Originally posted by Mozzy

On 9/11 there were only 14 fighter jets on alert in the contiguous 48 states. No computer network or alarm automatically alerted the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) of missing planes. "They [civilian Air Traffic Control, or ATC] had to pick up the phone and literally dial us," says Maj. Douglas Martin, public affairs officer for NORAD

(this is from a different source i can't find the original text. not that it matters)

there were ONLY 14 fighter jets on alert. this presents two problems.

1. why were there "only" 14 on this particular day?
2. 14 fighter jets is enough to take over a small country.

had to call us on the phone? he makes that sound as if it's a problem. is something wrong with using a phone?

do you really want to know why there weren't any fighter jets defending our country at that time? i can tell you exactly why. but first it's story time.

pearl harbor 1941. 390 US planes were there. 188 were destroyed and 155 were damaged. that means only about 50 planes were left untouched. did american pilots decide not to fly? even when they knew for certain the were outnumbered and death was imminent?

what does this tell you? in order to stop the american army you have to kill them. that's right. if you don't kill them they will come back at you with everythign they have.

so i ask you again. why didn't pilots take off on 9/11? was it because they all teh sudden decided to be cowards?

no... it was because they weren't told.

and let's not forget the most important part. the part no one thinks about. the part that if you start to imagine you will suddenly realize what a total load of ... this all is.


the terrorists have sucessfully attacked one of the richest cities in the world and THE MOST POWERFUL military complex IN THE WORLD!!

let's send them fruit cake as thanks for having the good graces not to continue this attack. they could have us on our knees in a matter of days. luckily they don't hijack middleastern planes and drop them on our military.

wow good luck for us huh???

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Mozzy]

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