posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 05:33 PM
Hello members I am new to this I have been a troller here for some time but never had the nerve to become a member, I have decided to tell my story
because it weighs on my mind and I feel that sharing my experience with like minded people will help.
About ten years ago I was vistiting my mother and father in the S.F. Bay Area. I went in the back yard where my dad and nephew were playing, my nephew
looked at me and said " uncle look at that helicopter " he was about 4 or 5 at the time, I looked up and saw a silver disc in the sky. I asked my
father what is that? My father in all his wisdom said I don't know I am going in the house! I stayed in the back yard for what was 2-3 min watching
this object which was about 300 yards up as I said it was silver, shaded black on the bottom it was seamless with no windows. What stood out the most
to me was that the air around it was distorted? I guess that would be the best way to explain it, it looked like the heat waves that come of a cars
hood on a hot day. I remember feeling like my mind was split in two as I watched this. Half my brain kept saying blimp but it was it was not that
high up, growing up in the Bay Area I have seen my fair share of blimps driving by the Oakland Colisium and Candlestick Park.
The other half was screming to me ufo.
I ran in the house and told my brother, he is a big ufo buff and we spent a lot of time debating this, not to say I did not belive but like I told my
brother with a universe that is unlimtted in size why would they bother with us I said and I quote " I have to see one to belive it " Watch what you
ask for, we went outside threw the front door and it was gone. In hind site we should have went to the backyard, my thinking is we did not see it
going to the front of the house because it was shaded on the bottom. Some kind of cloaking device maybe? My brother was mad ofcouse but belived me
because of what I said to him, I don't remember telling him this but when I ran in the house he said I told him come look at this blimp that looks
like a ufo.
Denial is something else your brain sometimes does not want to accept what is staring you in the face. For about a month after words I would get
depressed and scared thinking on it, I have since come to terms with this and just want to know what is going on in our world. Which I think we will
never truly know due to government agendas.
Thank you for allowing me to post this, it makes me feel better knowing I had a place to share this without all the you are crazy looks. But I am
sure there a people who will read this and doubt and that's fine but to get this off my chest just make me feel a little better.