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Federal Reserve DISASTER

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posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 11:20 PM
Federal Reserve disaster.

There's no [mainstream] news coverage on it yet so this qualifies as a serious heads up.

Note the second numeric column. $40 Billion, has been since 1913, by law. Then notice it suddenly dropped to minus $61 billion, something which has never happened before.

How bad is it?

Think Weimar Republic. The Fed can no longer stop inflation because the banks can't secure new money with debt. People aren't buying debt anymore. Ergo, hyperinflation is the natural consequence. (NOT deflation like you believe.)

Mark this day on your calendar.

Because this Federal Reserve chart, showing that the Net Free or Borrowed Reserves (NFORBRES) of Depository Institutions just fell off a cliff. Let's pray that there aren't any bank runs soon, because the till is empty.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 12:53 AM
And that negative figure more than tripled between the 12th and the 26th?!!!

Oh my

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 01:24 AM
Don't for one second believe that these european bankers are giving up or declaring themselves insolvent. They'll be raising interest rates to lure in more foriegn investors and squeezing every last drop of tax revenue, that they can, out of American citizens very shortly.

They aim to bankrupt America and leave us homeless in our own country. And we're gonna stand by and watch them do it, because the more pissed off homeless people we have living in the streets the easier it will be to put a gun in thier hands and point them in the right direction.

Death to traitors.

[edit on 28-3-2008 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by worried08

Our nation is in serious debt, and going to hand out 600-1200 dollar checks to every taxpaying citizen in may, what good is that going to do anyone? I just don't get it. I mean, I wouldn't mind a 600 dollar check, but with national debt like this I feel like we are all going to run out and spend the checks then a couple of weeks later we will get the news that money isn't any good anymore, time for a new system, the checks are like one last hoorah before the fall! WTH!

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by space cadet
the checks are like one last hoorah before the fall!

I think the announcement of outgoing checks are a signal to any, who are in the know, that things are about to get real bad and that they should change thier financial position immediatly or be terminated. Kind of like a shot across the bow of another ship. STOP IMMEDIATLY OR BE SUNK.

[edit on 28-3-2008 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:30 AM
This category includes credit extensions such as the arrangements involving
JPMorgan Chase & Co. and The Bear Stearns Companies Inc. that were approved by the Board of Governors on
March 14, 2008, and March 16, 2008.

i dont think this is the federal reserve, but Bear Stearns figures, but then again what do i know i am a poor white boy from the south. i did not mark my calendar just yet!

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 03:08 AM
The economic situation is scarey bad. Homeless in our home country. I've been out of work for three months. I put in for openings every day. No felonies, no wants, no warrants, no priors. I can't find jack. I have a 200k house with a backyard pool and I'm 4 months out of losing everything I worked for the last 24 yrs. Went thru my savings, my 401k, and am lucky I took out that 47k equity loan I never touched for 20 some yrs. I'm gonna be in a box soon, like so many others. Just glad it's only me and my two doggies, no kids to fret about.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by jpm1602

We are seeing all our industry in the North Ga area deplete, most of the mills moved to Mexico a long time ago (thanks NAFTA) what was left were some chicken plants, Suzuki, and some bakeries and now they are all laying off, my sis lost her job after 28 years with the same company, now every company she goes to work for closes within weeks of starting her new jobs! I don't know what folks are going to do. Worried here.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 06:00 AM
if were all gonna be homeless...who's gonna be living in the houses and apartments. is anyone gonna be making money out of these empty houses and apartments? reckon how much it would cost to move a five million dollar mansion to china??, doesn't sound feasable, maybe they plan on sending their masses over here? doubt that also.
so, we are back to a bunch of homeless people (law enforcement officials possibly included) and a bunch of empty houses, and bankrupted local, state, and federal government. in such a case, who is gonna stop the masses of people who are just gonna decide to just move into that empty five million dollar mansion and call it their own, except for the other homeless person who has the bigger gun?
just wondering here, but, if things did fall that badly, hey, there's so many houses, storefronts, malls, ect. that would be lost back to the banks, there's no way that they could keep the masses from claiming them for their own. and it would be rediculous for the banks that own them not to make some kind of affordable payment arrangement with the people to occupy them. since it is more advantageous for them to be occupied than not, even if they are getting only $10 a month in rent!

there are so many empty houses, storefronts and such in my city now, abandoned for the newer and the better. who would even know if I was to just moved into one...and well, they are in disrepair with overgrown lawns. who would care as long as I improved the place and made it look more acceptable. before I would go homeless, I would try that one...if nothing else, I might end up with a free bed in a jail somewhere.

[edit on 28-3-2008 by dawnstar]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 06:19 AM
If it's not too late, the US Government should start implementing Dr Ron Paul's policies right now, take control of the 'Fedceral Reserve' immediately, scrap income tax, bring home the troops, and restore control of all borders. If not, there is no hope, none at all.
In great sadness,

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by space cadet
Well I personally want my last hoorah before we all go the way of the dinosaurs.

You can bet the upper class in our country are going to squeeze every last penny they can out of the system before it collapses. They're profiteering right now off other peoples misery. Why shouldn't the the lower and middle classes take their share as well?

Use your check to buy necessities like food, water, and medicines that you'll need when the bottom finally does falls out from under your feet.

We're livng on borrowed time now, literally. One day soon you'll wake up to a nightmare you never thought could happen in the Good Ol' US of A.

[edit on 3/28/08 by LLoyd45]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by jpm1602

I can't find jack.

Here me are!

I'm gonna be in a box soon

Indabox already.

I just got a job yesterday after being out of work for almost a year.

I just got laid off today because the contract terminates in a week.

[edit on 3/28/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:07 PM
I knew it was bad in the US but not this bad. Every thread I read 99% of the people posting are in the same situation! I wish there was something I could do to help you guys.

Have you ever thought about moving to Canada? We seem to be doing pretty good right now. I know I am. Is that an option for anyone here?

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by dawnstar

Your scenario is plauseable and logical, but there is one big word you are leaving out there. Pandemonium. Do you realize how many people are going to starve, riot, murder, torch, etc. etc., before we finally resettle as a semi pastoral self-sufficient society?

Not to mention the World War that would surely take place if America collapsed.

I think what we would see is the reestablishment of city-states where the wealthy lived in highly secured cities, while the masses lived at the gates feeding on their garbage.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by CPYKOmega

I would live to move to Canada! Not really too far from me either, a day's drive maybe.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by jpm1602
The economic situation is scarey bad. Homeless in our home country. I've been out of work for three months. I put in for openings every day. No felonies, no wants, no warrants, no priors. I can't find jack. I have a 200k house with a backyard pool and I'm 4 months out of losing everything I worked for the last 24 yrs. Went thru my savings, my 401k, and am lucky I took out that 47k equity loan I never touched for 20 some yrs. I'm gonna be in a box soon, like so many others. Just glad it's only me and my two doggies, no kids to fret about.

thats sucks that you havent paid off a $200,000 home in 24 years. you must have had some outrageous interest rate. just watched the in debt we trust video, and i am glad i have very low debt and i rent. i am going to pay off the rest of my credit and not mess with that system for awhile.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 03:52 PM
Well, chalk me up as another person in the same situation. I haven't been able to find a job since december, and I have been homeless now for about three weeks and there is no more space at the local homeless shelters. I'm college educated, and a recent veteran. Food-service establishments are taking lower educated and high school students over me, and I'm told that I'm overqualified and shouldn't apply for these types of jobs (BY PEOPLE WHO WERE INTERVIEWING ME FOR THEM!!!!!!) and there are no openings in my degree field other than going back to work for the fascists (which I would crawl naked across hot coals and broken glass to avoid).

I don't know what to do anymore other than realize I have nothing left to lose. Franklin was right when he spoke of the patriot's cause being an popular one at first, but when the masses have nothing left to lose....

I can't even get people to stock up on food right now though. I'm the only one who has been thinking preparation among the 1200 or so folks within my general social circle. Literally the only one! I'm afraid that ifit comes down to it, I might have to run away from my FRIENDS to be able to survive!

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by 1stAZRangers

I'm with you, and transient as well. I lost my apartment on Halloween.

Our peers will not hire us to work below them, because we are not malleable to their will and constitute a threat to their own livlihood.

Best of luck to you.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 04:13 PM
well, it is very sad to hear all these sad stories and all....but none of it is really on topic.

to the OP: would you please explain what is the meaning of this second column? specifically, your statement about 40bn being law since 1913?

i am quite interested in this, and thanks for the "heads up".

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 04:25 PM
Collapse of the manufacturing base, rising consumer/homeowner debt and jobs out sourced to the third world has been going on in the uk here for longer than i care to remember, but whats happening in the us is more than alarming.Its strange that this is exactly what some people have been predicting on this site for some time now? The deliberate collapse of the u.s financial system leading to the dissoloution of the dollar giving rise to the amero and the formation of the north american union. The recent votes on the second ammenment seem to suggest that they don't want the populace armed while this is all going down and many people on this site suggest there is evidence of the u.s building huge amounts of "detainment camps". Like i say, things are bad in europe but i'd be very worried if i lived in the states!

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