posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Zoonosis
Interesting choice of handle, since
zoonosis implies that viruses can be transmitted between
disparate species.
Is this belief of yours so firm that you'd risk going into an alien biosphere without fear of cross-infection? I think a biohazard officer will be an
invaluable and indispensable member of any xeno team.
I think it might be an order of magnitude safer to contact a silicon-based ET, but any carbon-based forms will have a strong likelihood of being able
to transmit viruses and micro-organisms.
On the 'aliens taking steps to mitigate' part, I'd refer you to
'chaos theory' and Jurassic park. There's always a chance of failure of
any procedure(s). In addition you're making a LOT of assumptions there, among them that they'd be aware of the danger, that they'd be able to cope
with the oxidative effects of Earth's high oxygen content atmosphere, and that they'd be aware of all the types of infections including prions and
other not well understood diseases.
That's why one of my central theses on ET visitation is that it is extremely unlikely to be a real, physical contact and would be of a virtual,
holographic nature to protect both parties.
You just never know, without experience and I think it would be utter folly to disregard this possibility.
2 cents.
[edit on 29-3-2008 by Badge01]