Hi all. I'm having a heck of a day, nothing works, and now twitter is not tweeting and hasn't been for awhile. Anyone else having problems or should
I just give up on all technology tonight and go get a beer?
Ok this is a little confusing to say the least but i'll give it a go. username is same as here. Do I need to tell twitter that I'm from here or do I
follow ATS....I'm not sure whats going on. lol, should probably just read the thread eh?
I joined up a couple of months ago using my ATS username & still haven't received the points bonus. Mods - could you please let me know what I
haven't done. Thanks.
BTW - I've picked up on some good threads by tapping into the Twitter ATS page from time to time.
I'm still not sure many of us really understand its true potential, however, and it seems to me there is still room for a bullet-pointed low-down on
all its aspects and how best to take advantage of them. Sorry if it sounds like asking to be spoon-fed, but many posts on this thread seem to be in
this vein.
I'm new to ATS, a bit green, and a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, so as much as I tried to understand the twitter thing, I joined then it
all went blank.
I just couldn't get it, so I guess thats my 5000 points down the Swany...
my ATS username was taken . so i had to make it darklord21. signed up like a few minutes back. i think i get the gist of how twitter works. but
still feel lost there...
Are the points still being awarded for joining Twitter and following ATS?
My nick there is "kippras" and I am following ATS as of yesterday. I u2u'd SO, but I didn't know if I should just reply here or wait as he's
probably pretty durn busy