posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:04 AM
So I'm sittin' here doin' some thinkin' and stuff. So I says to myself, Self? Like what's up with the end of the world comin' and stuff?
The end of the world, the end of the world................
Like I was listenin' to my fancy radio the other day. Yep, that is one fancy radio. Man! Like the clock on the front is so cool. There's like these
knobs on that really cool clock, and like when I spin those knobs, I can make those minute and hour hands go whizzin' around with amazin' speed! I
bet that second hand is so surprised!
That second hand thinks it's so cool. spinnin' around, goin' fast, laughin' at the minute and hour hands and stuff. I hate that second hand.
So like I turn on my fancy radio. I see those tubes in the back gettin all glowy and orange and stuff.
Mmmmmm............... glowy........
I tune into this station, and like these guys are talkin' about the end of the world. Like there is this thing called planet X. Hmmmmmm.........
planet X. That planet is too scared to give itself like a real name and stuff....... Planet X, flyin' around, hidin' behind other planets,
stalkin' the earth and stuff. That is one chicken planet and stuff.I hate Planet X.
And like they were talkin' about Nibiru. Nibiru? Sounds like one of those big monsters that tear up cities, swat down jet planes, picks up and throws
buses full of people onto the ground and stuff. I hate those monsters. Now I watched all those all those monster movies, and I have like all of those
really cool monster action figures that I play with, and I can always find a way to beat those stupid monsters. I'm not afraid of no stinkin' Niburu
and stuff.
End of the world........... end of the world...................
So like if some sneaky asteroid comes and crashes into us and stuff, and like I knew it was comin' and stuff that would be so cool! Like I would go
out and buy like a billion Peanut M&M's, a couple kegs of beer, a 55 gallon drum of vaseline, and rent out every video the local adult store has on
it's shelves. Oh yeah baby.
Man! I hope that sneaky asteroid is on it's way and stuff!