posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:15 AM
Hello fellow ATS Members!
I wanted to start a 9/11 thread that deals with how people felt on 9/11.
Not another evidence thread, but a thread that deals with your human intuition. I can distinctly remember how I felt turning the news on in the
morning. After the second plane hit I had an immediate gut feeling that this was not just a simple act of terrorism. My immediate thought (after gut
feeling)was about the television show the Lone Gunmen. If my memory serves me correctly, all the main characters were killed off in the pilot episode.
This just doesn't make any sense!
sorry to get side tracked...
I have always had a natural ability in reading people. Something about the news anchors that day really disturbed me. I felt it wasn't just them
being shocked and afraid about the towers being hit. I felt fear! Fear for their lives. Maybe even fear for their families. Where they threatened?
Now i'm well aware I could be wrong about my reading fear in those news anchors faces but I know I'm not wrong about my gut feeling that day, which
was that the whole fiasco stinks to high heaven of a conspiracy involving the highest levels of our government. This was later confirmed to me by the
guilty demeanor displayed by cheney and bush among others.
I guess what I want to know is... Did any of our esteemed members that watched the whole thing "go down" have the same gut feelings or intuition
about the attacks? what did you "feel" that horrible day besides shock and awe?