posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 04:26 AM
Hey Slash
Interesting what you've picked up there...I couldn't find anything in that part of the sky on Google just now...
What I'll try and do in the next few days is book some time on one of the Slooh scopes (
Slooh) where I have an
account...I have the RA and Dec from that screen shot you posted, so I should get pretty close to where you viewed this thing...
So I'll take a look through a decent scope with hopefully
good viewing conditions...
Pls be patient with me tho, may take up to a week given sky conditions, who else has the scope booked at a given time, my own commitments, etc,
You know how life is
EDIT - Guess what Slash ??
Rather than looking at Google Sky just thru the website, I just downloaded the program out of curiosity...And lo and
behold, that blue thing is in exactly that part of the sky you saw it !!
Now THAT is interesting...Can't wait to get on Slooh
[edit on 31-3-2008 by Rilence]