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Ecuador ufficially admits UFOs are real (???)

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posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:07 PM
Commander Wilson Salgado says "....therefore i'm certain , by means of our informations and other countries like USA , which are high qualified , that these are unidentified objects , precisely extraterrestrial . That's why i'm confident that we share the universe with other beings."
Here's the link to the interview:
UFO Ecuador

[edit on 26-3-2008 by NGC2736]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:19 PM
The title is misleading. The government of Ecuador has made no such announcement. The statements of some military pilots is not the same as an official government announcement.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:26 PM
The president of Ecuador gave permission to the army to make this announcement.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:48 PM
All ya have is a youtube vid? I did a bunch of google searches in hopes of finding something to support this story and found bubkus, nada, nyet. Do ya have anything else to go with this?

I'm just saying...

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:50 PM
Would love to hear a translation of the video. If it's true it will add yet more pressure for disclosure from western countries.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 06:13 AM
I have to state beforehand that yesterday I was going to open a thread about this news, but i did not due to lack of further informations.
Here's what i know about this (so far) alleged disclosure from Ecuador.

So far, three videos have been uploaded on YouTube, by this member:




Who uploaded the videos is refering to a document, this one:

In this document, there's a problem: this one.

In according to the document, the domain should be:

www . desclasificaciòn . com

What are the valid characters for a domain name and how long can it be ?
When choosing the name for your domain, always remember that:
- you *can't* use stressed vowels (such as à, é, ò, etc.);
- you *can't* use symbols (such as ' + . , | ! " £ $ % & / ( )
= ? ^ * ç ° § ; : _ > ] [ @ );
- the name's length must range between 3 and 63 characters (excluding the extension);
- the name can neither start nor end with the character "-", although the character
"-" is allowed inside the name. So, to name your domain you can use any letter,
numbers between 0 and 9, and the symbol "-". .

So i've searched for the "allowed versions" of the same domain, and i've found that THIS one has been registered:
www . desclasificacion . com

it has been registered by
but MOST LIKELY because in these days they've noticed a
strong request of informations about the domain in question (if you ask me)


  • It is being claimed that the Ecuador Government decided to release
    Documents via YouTube rather than publishing them on an official governative website

  • It is being claimed that CEIFO (Comisión Ecuatoriana para la Investigación del Fenómeno OVNI) released a document in which
    is mentioned a website which does NOT exist AND CANNOT exist;

  • Fuerzas Aereas del Ecuador, seems to be unaware of this disclosure project in which is claimed to play a lead role, at least in according to their official website;

THESE are the points i've collected so far, more many blogs repeating the same story and beating to death the same ten rows.
I wrote to Fuerzas Aereas del Ecuador asking them for more infos about this story
but i don't think they will answer (it would be ODD to say the least


This has nothing to do with the possible reliability of the videos, in my humble opinion.

I don't believe that there's an ongoing disclosure project by Ecuador government, but in the meantime i look forward to see ALL the videos and of course to read a transcript/translation of what we've already here (IF some mate will do that: i understand spanish but not perfectly: perhaps i would miss some important details).

Ah, and thanks to Jabbah for sharing this one.
Internos ...

[edit on 29/3/2008 by internos]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 06:26 AM
In an effort to be honest with the heading, readers will note that I have inserted (???) at the end of the title for this page.

I will be glad to remove the question marks if and when something that shows a DIRECT connection to an official position by this government is brought out.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by internos

Internos, your thoroughness never ceases to amaze me! Very impressive mate. I look forward to whatever new information you can add to this!

A star from me!


NGC2736, could you please address the bad spelling of ufficially (or is it a UFO pun)? It's driving me bonkers! LOL!

[edit on 26/3/08 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
NGC2736, could you please address the bad spelling of ufficially (or is it a UFO pun)? It's driving me bonkers! LOL!

[edit on 26/3/08 by InfaRedMan]

Are you kidding? That kind of thing is priceless.

Er, I mean, it's a serious and revealing combination of UMMO and 'official'.

Yeah, that's it.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Badge01
Are you kidding? That kind of thing is priceless.

Er, I mean, it's a serious and revealing combination of UMMO and 'official'.

Yeah, that's it.

Oh Badge01... you've tickled my funny-bone! Hilarious link too!!!

That's a star from me!

"ahem" - *regains his composure & puts on his 'serious' hat again *

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Shere Khaan

I could try but would prefer someone else with better comprehension of the languages.
Hope someone will translate all the spoken in this video , because if it's true could be a step further for a possible disclosure.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 12:33 PM
Well, obviously UFOs (in the strict sense of that term) are "real"...even the U.S. government has never denied that "unidentified" objects have been seen in the sky. The question is, did the Ecuadorian Government (or whoever is officially behind this "announcement") explain what UFOs are??

Originally posted by Jabbah
The president of Ecuador gave permission to the army to make this announcement.

I'd like to know what you mean by permission. Could you please translate (to the best of your ability) the exact phrases used by these military officers when they say the government gave them permission? Did the president give the military the authority to provide "Official Disclosure" for the entire Ecuadorian Government...or did the president just give them permission to talk to the media about the existence of some unidentified objects in the sky and the military's experience with these yet-unidentified objects.

[edit on 3/26/2008 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Jabbah
The president of Ecuador gave permission to the army to make this announcement.

I'd like to know what you mean by permission. Could you please translate (to the best of your ability) the exact phrases used by these military officers when they say the government gave them permission?
[edit on 3/26/2008 by Soylent Green Is People]

Ok i try :
"...This testimony was officially endorsed and released thanks to the declassification document placed in the Cosena's building , on the part of the President of Ecuador , who gave the order to these three commanders of the armed forces in the date of 25 of July 2007"
Sorry for my bad english , and spanish of course , this is the best i can do.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:53 PM
Oh oh, this has red flags all over it. Jaime Rodríguez is an Ecuadorian ufologist in the line of Jaime Maussan. In a TV show he once had (Evidencia Ovni), he made such claims as that he was being threatened for showing the "Alien interview" video. He also presented "Incident in Lake County" (McPherson's tape) as being real, leaving out the ending credits, etc.
Since the website doesn't exist I googled the phone number and ended up on this site:

Which claims that the CEIFO was created by the Ministry of Defense on 2005 and Rodríguez is its coordinator. So far I haven't found anything that would link CEIFO to the gobernment (I mean, real proof) and I wouldn't get my hopes up knowing Rodríguez, yet that doesn't mean that the testimonials on the video aren't real.

I was going to make a translation but the language is way technical and the testimonies weren't a great thing, so maybe later if I have the time I'll do it. Basically, the first two members of the Air Force are saying that they saw a light which was coming towards them and some minutes later it dissapeared. Later, the commander says that according to his sources (on his country and also in the USA) they are seeing extraterrestrial spaceships. At the end of the video it's said that CEIFO's goal is to show the testimonies of over 50 members of the Air Force which have seen UFOs.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:58 PM
I have a small piece to add. I have a good friend that lives in Quito Ecuador, and I happened to ask him about UFO's the other day. His response was that UFO's are a popular subject in Quito, and that many believe there is a conspiracy taking place there concerning a siting. I do not know what the siting is, but my friend told me to Google it, so I am not sure if it is a popular one or not. He also added that he is quite sure that he saw a UFO recently. This is all I got from his email. Cheers!

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Radiobuzz

I was going to make a translation but the language is way technical and the testimonies weren't a great thing, so maybe later if I have the time I'll do it. Basically, the first two members of the Air Force are saying that they saw a light which was coming towards them and some minutes later it dissapeared.

After watching the video, you pretty much summarized what is in it. I just may add that the first pilot commented that the first light flew into a second light and flew in formation with it, prior to dissapearing into a mountain range.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 09:36 PM
Maybe next we can get such world leaders like Nauru or Liechtenstein to get on board with the truth train.Jk It will take a major world power to admit it for the admission to mean anything.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 10:23 PM
An "Acuerdo Ministerial", basically means nothing, this mechanism is usually used to create new offices, but in most cases these are only used to create vacancies for new beurocracy. I know how government works in South America, and specially in Ecuador. The man behind this disclosure initiative is basically someone who does not know what judgement or skepticism is.

Maussan has done his work well, now someone else wants to cash in on ignorance.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Camilo1
An "Acuerdo Ministerial", basically means nothing, this mechanism is usually used to create new offices, but in most cases these are only used to create vacancies for new beurocracy. I know how government works in South America, and specially in Ecuador. The man behind this disclosure initiative is basically someone who does not know what judgement or skepticism is.

Maussan has done his work well, now someone else wants to cash in on ignorance.

So this disclosure initiative was orchestrated by Jaime Rodríguez , he told to the military c'amon guys tell the truth , our space is filled by aliens?
That sound a little bit driven and simplicistic to me , as always there is a Maussan that grab moneys or fool us.
C'amon , i've never heard a military stating these things , so explicitly.

[edit on 26-3-2008 by Jabbah]

[edit on 26-3-2008 by Jabbah]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Jabbah

Originally posted by Camilo1
An "Acuerdo Ministerial", basically means nothing, this mechanism is usually used to create new offices, but in most cases these are only used to create vacancies for new beurocracy. I know how government works in South America, and specially in Ecuador. The man behind this disclosure initiative is basically someone who does not know what judgement or skepticism is.

Maussan has done his work well, now someone else wants to cash in on ignorance.

So this disclosure initiative was orchestrated by Maussan , he told to the military c'amon guys tell the truth , our space is filled by aliens?
That sound a little bit driven and simplicistic to me , as always there is a Maussan that grab moneys or fool us?
C'amon , i've never heard a military stating these things , so explicitly.

Not at all, maybe I did not make myself clear.

What Maussan has done is to publicize the most debunked and fake videos, because of general ignorance of most latin americans on the subject , he has been able to cash in, (sell videos, conferences, TV appereances), this wouldn`t have been possible with a more educated audience.

Rodriguez in Ecuador is not a new character on the UFO scene, he began many years ago airing Billy Meier videos, and telling ecuadorian audiences that they were all 100% real. Rodriguez in my opinion is trying to imitate Maussan, after all, if Maussan did it in Mexico, I guess Rodriguez thinks he can do it just as well in Ecuador.

Please understand that UFO`s are not seen in Latin America in the same way that in the U.S., this initiative is just another example of a little circus to amuse people. Of course that the testimonies from the pilots are real, but understand that pilots have talked about UFO`s in Latin America for decades, everyone knows that military pilots have genuinely seen things, and they have talked openly about it, in TV, newspapers and magazines.

There is no "disclosure" per se, all I can see here is a guy who is making a big fuzz about nothing.

But of course, I could be wrong.

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