posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 11:03 AM
i think the removal of financial incentives would be the biggest and best motivator, however it still does not stop the problem of excess breeding by
a few.
i also know of a prime example of what people its aimed at:
one of my in laws and her hubby are not real bright, but hey i dont hold that against them.
however their son was also not real bright but was told to do extra studies, but the parents always let him off with "oh he shouldnt have to do
any time he had enough of school, he'd sit on the school oval and his parents would get a call to come take him home where his parents allow him to
play playstation instead. (oh why should we punish him, he dont like school so we wont make him stay there!)
when he was 13 we were having a normal chat and one thing i asked is what he'd like to do when he left school.
his reply? "oh mum says when im 15 i can quit school and get on the disability pension coz im not too bright, so then i dont ever have to work".
hes now about 18, and yep. you guessed it.. hes been on the disability pension since.
then, because they are low income they also get additional support (able to borrow 100% the homes value) to help them buy their own home while i know
of other hard working family's who require a large deposit to buy a home of the same value because they work for minimum wage and arent eligible for
a no deposit home loan.
example 2, yet another disability pension junkie:
a mate REFUSES to work unless its cash in hand, under the table.
any time he's sent to a job interview he deliberately makes himself appear unemployable, or screws up the job so they dont want him back.
"if i work i get a few hundred a week more, but my Ex will make me pay child support and ill have to pay for fuel, lunches etc so ill end up worse
coz if i stay on the disability pension i dont earn enough for her to take child support, so i get more in my pocket".
he is on the disability pension for an injury that he likes to exagerate when hes sent for testing on it, but he is more than capable of erecting
verandahs, sheds and other stuff around home.
3) i know an ENTIRE FAMILY (parents + 2 kids) who have at various times gone to work, exagerate a minor injury then brag about them getting a big
workers comp. payout, then they can use the apparent injury to go back on, yep... the dole. when forced to go back to work.. oohh me knee! this time
ive done me knee at work!.
"oh did i tell you, when i get my next pay out im buying a big tv + sound system with the money. "
this is not about poor people, or under privelidged people.
its about people who sit on their arse and are proud to shaft the system up its arse for every cent they can..
most young mums who have multiple kids to multiple dads not only get govt support but also child maintenance payments!
leaches, the lot of them.. a worthless parasite that feeds off others till its fattened up and can squirm off to leech on someone else.
something has to be done.
oh and having kids should not be a god given right, it should be considered a privelidge to bring life into this world.
even if it is a used and abused privelidge