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Clinton lies about being shot at in Bosnia, 1996

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posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Conspiracy Theorist

War lords know the monkeys are distracted by other media gags and would not follow her that close and fall down to her feet with bloody worship believing the lie(s).

Unfortunately for the war lords, CBS let the gag outa the bag and now we know she lied besides being a bi-polar (cackling than weeping) candidate.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:54 AM
Seems we are prone to vote for the most entertaining candidate.
Poor McCain.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 12:01 PM
This is not the first time she has lied and been caught!!!

liar liar pants on fire hanging by a telephone wire!!!
Thats all I have to say about that!

OK I tried to put the video up but I guess I don't know how.

It is under "Hillary the movie" 9 parts to it but all good info.

[edit on 25-3-2008 by freedomataprice]

[edit: fixed video code]

[edit on 26-3-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 12:02 PM
I think what washed up hillary should of told us was, she is totaly hot in her glamour shots while strutting her stuff before the military boys on camera. That way she could have safely inplanted the word shots in her dream of action and thrown a spin on that.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by freedomataprice

Oops!, The video failed and the link goes to other than the intended video. Try a again please.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 12:15 PM
Makes you wonder if that's how to get rich. Look at the Rockerfellers, Morgans, and others who are billionaires. Do you think they got that rich by being honest.
I feel that politicians think that what we the people don't know won't hurt us, but one day it's gonna get us all killed if we're not careful with who we put in office to represent us.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Solarskye
Makes you wonder if that's how to get rich. Look at the Rockerfellers, Morgans, and others who are billionaires. Do you think they got that rich by being honest.
I feel that politicians think that what we the people don't know won't hurt us, but one day it's gonna get us all killed if we're not careful with who we put in office to represent us.

That "one day" you speak of just may be a lot closer than you think.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by WorldShadow

Thanks I am going to try again per your instructions!!

I know I don't have it right but you can get to it from here.

Thanks again

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 01:10 PM
I like Ron Paul but his Libertarian roots trouble me. Overall though, when compared to Obama, Clinton, and McCain, he's a Godsend to the US.

Unfortunately we Americans are to myopic to see that, and are therefore doomed to re-live the Bush years through McCain. Who knows there may not even be another election.. We may be under martial by that time with the elctions suspended indefinitely.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by WorldShadow
I think what washed up hillary should of told us was, she is totaly hot in her glamour shots while strutting her stuff before the military boys on camera. That way she could have safely inplanted the word shots in her dream of action and thrown a spin on that.

Truly, Hillary is in the wrong business, she would have already been voted the hottest heater in the hot tub if she stayed in the entertainment for suckers business.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by LLoyd45Unfortunately we Americans are ...are therefore doomed to re-live the Bush years through McCain.

Again, my guess?

A Clinton/Obama ticket will be handily defeated by McCain, giving him a clear mandate, only moderately plagued by voting machine irregularities.

And Johnny won't come marchin' home any time soon.

Edit to stay on topic...Hillary lied through her teeth, and a great grab by the OP to put the video up here in front of God and everybody.

[edit on 25-3-2008 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

She can't help it, she's a politician.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:06 PM
I hate to have to tell you this, but they all lie. Every democrat and republican lies. Every independent, liberal, communist, fascist, EVERY politician is 100 percent full of shat. Yes I said shat, now I will get a timeout. lol

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:45 PM
If Hillary wins I'll be ashamed to call myself American- nothing against women...just something against evil snake women like Hillary in total control of the country. Oh yeah and just what we need- Bill and Hillary in total control over everyone in this country. She wants to look good and get everyone's vote at any cost necessary. I really despise that woman...

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:10 PM
Hillary, like most politicians, lies whenever she thinks it will server her purpose and she doesn't think she'll get caught.

I think that all those people who get caught for lying under oath in front of congress should now be able to claim that they miss-spoke.

Afterall, if a Senator can mis speak about being shot at by a sniper how on earth should a simple baseball player be able to remember if he got shot in the butt with steroids?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:33 PM
We could always pick Nader..... and whatever pet he decides to run with.


As for Hillary lying.... this is something she has been doing for years. Whitewater, cattle futures etc. She is a con artist. As for the other two (McCain and Obama), they are also worthless lying pieces of garbage, but they aren't as open about how much they lie as Hillary is. In fact, it is quite depressing to see that someone who lies so often and misleads America (all in the open) so often doing so well in the polls. I guess America prefers people who lie, cheat, and steal to people who do not.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 07:28 PM
I've just seen a report about this On BBC ten o clock news. She really has been caught out with her little lies. It was embarrassing to see her wriggling at the questions being asked of her. Her response was pathetic. Sadly It doesn't surprise me one bit. In this day and age I don't believe anything I hear coming out of western governments.

This women cannot be allowed to win the election. America needs a strong truthful leader who speaks for the people. America needs a strong leader who can repair the damage of the Bush administration.

Hilary Clinton has proved she will lie to reach her goals. Clinton Isn't worthy of the presidency. I don't believe her administration will be any better than the current.

[edit on 25uTuesday08/27/20 by paul76]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 07:52 PM

This why they have advisors and spin doctors on the payroll. Not to mention the fact that all her remarks are supposed to be written and fact checked for her, just so things like this dont happen.


You wouldn't think she would need advisors to remind her of what she actually did 10 or 12 years ago. She’s not that old. The problem is that both Clintons will say and do anything to get what they want. But it’s not just the Clintons. It is what we have come to expect and even promote in our politicians. We have allowed ourselves to be manipulated for way too long in this country and are now seeing the results. Even if our votes did actually count for something, there isn't anyone worth voting for. And this is not the first election where we have had no real choice. We shouldn't have to walk into the poles thinking we are going to vote for the 'lesser of two evils'.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 08:00 PM
Not being a citizen of the USA it is impossible for me to comment on what i want to ask, i can say if it happened here in the UK she would be gone by now.

Does what she has done mean this is the end for her? will she fight on and ignore it? or will everyone else ignore it and allow her to continue on her goal for the white house, or do you think she will do an honourable thing and pull out of the race?.

IMO if she continues she has proven she cares nothing for the American people, Even if she makes an apology to the people who where there to watch her speak and hear her tell that story (the lie) i very much doubt they would forgive her.

So i ask WHAT NOW??

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by azzllin

I think this Is when the spin doctors come out and initiate "operation limitation".
Judging by her little act whilst being questioned she intends to simply plod on and hope It goes away.

Judging from what I saw on the news It should be the death of her. Like you say, if this happened In Britain she'd be a lame duck.

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