posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 01:34 PM
I look at it this way, the equation of E=MC2 is factual, but the interpretation of how the equation is applied is subjective. Often the lack of an
accurate understanding of relative properties leads to false conclusions. The potential for something to move faster than the speed of light does
exist if the fault lies with our interpretation of the equation and how it applies to light speed.
There are many unproven theories about this topic, one of which is that the cohesion of light as it exists between particle and wave is lost once the
speed of 186,282 miles per second is surpassed. It is theorized that at this point and time, once the cohesion is disrupted, particles go “dark”
and exist at speeds beyond our ability to detect them. A recent development in scientific fronts helps to define this new understanding and further
advances the concept.
It was once theorized that black holes were these big empty voids in space that gobbled up and destroyed anything that came too close. Their
gravitation field was so overwhelmingly powerful that not even light could escape its pull and once in, nothing could get out. Black holes were
thought to be rare, basically because the nature of these dark spots made them undetectable by conventional means. But that has all changed.
It has been recently learned that black holes are not rare as once thought but are instead, very common, so common that every spiral galaxy in the
universe has one at its core. Black holes have been discovered to be the very heart of spiral galaxies. Since astronomers have been able to
photograph these various galaxies and then return years later to compare the same areas, they have been able to witness the stars movements near the
center, circling a dark and previously undetected core which brought about this discovery. The closer the star is to these dark centers, the faster
they move, approaching near light speeds at the perimeters edge of the black holes.
One of many theories as a result of this discovery is that a black hole is a vortex of particles that have reached speeds beyond 186,282 miles per
second and have lost the cohesion between wave and particle. This state of existence is the cause for the exceptional gravitational field, but the
particles are not trapped inside the dark core, instead they are spun outward along the equatorial plan of the spiral galaxy. These particles are the
dark matter of our universe and continue to travel at these super light speeds until met with great enough resistance to slow them down to visible
light speeds.
It is therefore believed by some that not only is faster than light speed obtainable, it is a naturally existing state and very common. This theory
has been recently used to explain the gravitational strength of a black hole, its position, relative function in behavior and the identity of “dark
matter”, while still maintaining the validity of Einstein’s equation along a different interpretation of the traditional and relative properties
previously described.
At least that was how I understood it, but I could be wrong.