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Allies Say 'Foo Fighters' Were Secret Nazi Weapon

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posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 11:38 AM
Mornin' Forumerions,

The following article from 1945 I found fascinating; I'm not necessarily adhering to this explanation of "Foo Fighters"; however, it would seem that the allies did find evidence of a "small jet powered" craft of some sort built by the Nazis; this is the first I've heard of this, irregardless of any connection to Foo Fighters.


The defence against bombers was by use of planes which Americans called "Foo Fighters." These were tiny jet-propelled craft "buttoned" to the base of steel poles and shot vertically intyo the air at the tremnedous speed of rockets. Pilots inside guided planes at 550 miles an hour, intercepting bomber formations with sprays of rocket shells fired from the noses of the craft.

The rest of the story . . .


posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 12:11 PM
I'm yet to read the report but i always remember hearing axis reports of foo fighters as well, and how they thought they were secret allied aircraft, but i don't know the validity of this.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 12:45 PM
Don't know what you make of this,

but I just started playing a game called Nibiru for the PC.

Part of the plot is you uncover a project called Ni.Bi.Ru, which is UFOs that were built by the Germans in WW2.
Ni.Bi.Ru - Game

I will take a screen shot if you're interested of what the 'documents' look like.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 12:47 PM
Wouldn't you think that if the Nazi's had such high tech weapons; they could have won the air war at least, if not the entire war?

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 02:37 PM
what makes you think they didnt win the war hmm? It couldve all been a ploy and america couldve just been assimilated by them. And all theyd really have to do is say hay we beat them.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 02:42 PM
We would have found more evidence of them by now if they were made by the Nazis. The fact that we never found the "source" of the foo fighters seems to indicate that they were probably alien. And actually, aren't foo fighters extremely similar to the UFOs that flew over Washington DC in 1952? Probably the same crafts.

[edit on 24-3-2008 by GrayFox]

[edit on 24-3-2008 by GrayFox]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 02:48 PM
This report seems to be confusing foo fighters with the Me-163 Komet, which was a small, piloted rocket plane. I don't know of any reports where a plane was shot down by a foo fighter, which are usually reported as following the planes at the same speed, rather than zooming past shooting, like the Komet. Somebody be mixed up.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:57 PM
As far as i know and have read , heard, and seen pictures of, didn't the foo fighters follow all sides? including the japanease? i think all sides where cafuzzled by them,

But as always it could have been covered up but im sure i read somewhere that the NAZIS thought they where allied craft, and the allies thought they where German, who knows would be nice to know though?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:27 AM
Mornin' Nohup

Originally posted by Nohup
This report seems to be confusing foo fighters with the Me-163 Komet, which was a small, piloted rocket plane. I don't know of any reports where a plane was shot down by a foo fighter, which are usually reported as following the planes at the same speed, rather than zooming past shooting, like the Komet. Somebody be mixed up.

Your analogy makes a lot of sense to me; at the close of the war it was utter chaos; we were trying to beat the Russians to "all the goodies" and of course this was before we were privy to all of the Nazi achievments per se; methinks there were some erroneous assumptions made . . .


posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by GrayFoxThe fact that we never found the "source" of the foo fighters seems to indicate that they were probably alien.

No. Not even close. The fact we didn't find the source of them means it's more likely that they were misidentifications of something else, or simply pilot error. That's all. Not having a satisfactory answer doesn't give anyone carte blanche to claim it was "aliens" and leave it at that. For it to be probably aliens, evidence of actual aliens would be required. As it is, we have none, so leaping to that conclusion belies your desire for foo fighters to be of alien origin.

So, as it is, it's highly improbable that it was aliens behind the foo fighters.

[edit on 25/3/08 by dave420]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by whaaa
Wouldn't you think that if the Nazi's had such high tech weapons; they could have won the air war at least, if not the entire war?
It has been confirmed that the Nazi's designed, flown, and even used some pretty advanced technology. But they never got the chance to make them work exactly as designed.

The History Channel produced a documentary a couple of years ago that showed some extreme machines that the Germans had on the drawing board, plus a few that actually went operational.

However, most of their ideas had technical problems that they never got the chance to fix; or worked techonogically, but their effectiveness as an actual weapon never came to fruition. Take the V2 for instance: For how terrifying it was for the people who fell victim to it, it was not considered a viable weapon.

I'm pretty sure the weapon system mentioned by the OP was part of thet History Channel show, but it was one of those weapons that they just couldn't get to work properly, and many German Pilots and "rocket planes" were lost. However, even though they never got it working properly, the general design was still fantastic.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:57 AM
Just another diversion by the status quo. As the year 2012 approaches, the effort to deny the truth will increase, but, in vain. "In time, ALL things shall be revealed."

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Certainly... Oh, but "foo fighters" were a high technology of the Nazis nonetheless.
Like I said, it is just another diversion by the status quo.

"It was a weather balloon."

"No, wait, it was a meteorite."

"No, wait, it was an experimental aircraft."

"No, maybe it was the planet venus zooming around up there."

Anything to divert people from the truth.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 12:48 PM
Sorry Frank the Germans were as in the dark as we were re the foo fighters. I've seen loads of these ufo orbs and they are a type of living organism in my opinion. As has been said above they're like the ones seen over the USA and Nuremburg too. Call them willow of the wisps, jack o' the lanterns, dragons, critters or ufo orbs, these things exist in varying colours and are circling us from above our heads at this vary moment. Not secret weapon, more yet to be (publicly) acknowledged life form in our atmosphere. Alien? Maybe. UFO? Oh yeah!

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 01:11 PM
if the Nazi's had all this hi tech gear we'd be speaking German right now..obviously thats not the case. Its all fantasy...

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by dave420
No. Not even close. The fact we didn't find the source of them means it's more likely that they were misidentifications of something else, or simply pilot error. That's all. Not having a satisfactory answer doesn't give anyone carte blanche to claim it was "aliens" and leave it at that. For it to be probably aliens, evidence of actual aliens would be required. As it is, we have none, so leaping to that conclusion belies your desire for foo fighters to be of alien origin.

So, as it is, it's highly improbable that it was aliens behind the foo fighters.

[edit on 25/3/08 by dave420]

I'm sorry if I was unclear. I was not leaping to any conclusions. It indicates that they could possibly be alien. I did not say it proves it. There's a difference. But how do we know how probable it is if we still don't know what they were? If you ask me, it's a possible explanation.... just not the most likely compared to other possibilities. They do look similar to the UFOs that flew over the White House though... don't know if they really are the same thing, but I figured it was worth mentioning.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 05:30 PM
The BBC are currently running a radio-play drama based on this scenario called 'Slipstream' (go to bbc radio 'listen again' and scroll down for the first installment)

jolly ripping good radio drama!

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 05:56 PM
I agree with Frank... and candid, The Foofighters may be a German group
who sought fame in the US, but this is a call and times like these,
we should be wary.

If they did learn to fly Nazi craft, it would be a bit of a monkey-wrench
if their plans were found out in the states.
For all the cows that have been abducted, for the Area 51 reports that
break out and for the valiant acts of my hero after WWII, the Foofighters
were the ground-breakers and one-by-one, the strange acts piled up
until we have 'Blue Book' and the such.

But cheer up boys (your make-up is running), The Foofighters are just the tip of the iceberg.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:23 PM
OK, this is a very old memory but IIRC, Gregor Menzel, a Harvard astronomer and 1950s UFO debunker, suggested that foo fighters were caused by the sun reflecting from pockets of ice crystals being swirled in vortices trailing behind aircraft. As the War went on, aircraft accumulated battle damage and the repaired damage created more irregularities in the airflow around the planes so that the number of vortices increased and so did the reports of foo fighters.

I've probably got at least some of that wrong - it's been almost fifty years since I read the book - but it does show that well after the War there was no settled explanation for foo fighters.

[edit on 26-3-2008 by PersonFromPorlock]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 03:05 PM
Foo Fighters were indeed a VERY REAL phenomena and not just light being reflected off ice within the vortices of aircraft. They would consistently trail aircraft on both the allied and axis side of the war, among other things.

Attempt to explain them away all you can, they were real and no one has a clue what they were.

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